select a.*, b.* from (select count(1) as numberIll, features_level, sample_inspection_id from (SELECT i.features_level, i.features, i.sample_inspection_id, T.BASEAMINE_ID, T.COLUMN_NAME, V.COLUMN_VALUE, V.DETAIL_ID, (case when i.features = '计数' AND V.COLUMN_VALUE = 'NG' then 0 when (i.features = '计量' AND V.COLUMN_VALUE <> '-') and (to_number(V.COLUMN_VALUE) > i.offset_value_up or to_number(V.COLUMN_VALUE) <= i.offset_value_low) then 0 else 1 end) as illLegal FROM OQC_BASE_STANDRAD_TITLE T, OQC_BASE_STANDRAD_VALUE V, oqc_inspection_sample_item i WHERE T.ID = V.COLUMN_ID and T.STATE = 'A' AND T.BASEAMINE_ID in (select from OQC_INSPECTION_SAMPLE a where a.org_id = 200267 and a.is_v2='1' and state='A' AND A.STATUS='已检验') and t.is_insepection_result = '1' and v.detail_id = where illLegal = 0 group by features_level, sample_inspection_id) a, OQC_INSPECTION_SAMPLE b where a.sample_inspection_id =