• linux环境下oracle 11g 静默安装


                         Linux服务器:oracle linux 6.6 64位

                         Oracle服务器:Oracle11gR2 64位








    一般为内存的2倍,例如:1G的内存可以设置swap 分区为3G大小






    输入命令:vi /etc/security/limits.conf,按i键进入编辑模式,将下列内容加入该文件。

    oracle   soft    nproc    2047
    oracle   hard    nproc    16384
    oracle   soft    nofile     1024
    oracle   hard    nofile    65536


    2)修改/etc/pam.d/login 文件,输入命令:vi  /etc/pam.d/login,按i键进入编辑模式,将下列内容加入该文件。

    session   required    /lib/security/pam_limits.so 
    session   required    pam_limits.so


    3)修改linux内核,修改/etc/sysctl.conf文件,输入命令: vi  /etc/sysctl.conf ,按i键进入编辑模式,将下列内容加入该文件

    fs.file-max = 6815744 
    fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576 
    kernel.shmall = 2097152 
    kernel.shmmax = 2147483648 
    kernel.shmmni = 4096 
    kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128 
    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500 
    net.core.rmem_default = 4194304 
    net.core.rmem_max = 4194304 
    net.core.wmem_default = 262144 
    net.core.wmem_max = 1048576


    4)要使 /etc/sysctl.conf 更改立即生效,执行以下命令。 输入:sysctl  -p 显示如下:

    linux:~ # sysctl -p

    net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1

    net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1

    fs.file-max = 6815744

    fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576

    kernel.shmall = 2097152

    kernel.shmmax = 2147483648

    kernel.shmmni = 4096

    kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128

    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500

    net.core.rmem_default = 4194304

    net.core.rmem_max = 4194304

    net.core.wmem_default = 262144

    net.core.wmem_max = 1048576

    5)编辑 /etc/profile ,输入命令:vi  /etc/profile,按i键进入编辑模式,将下列内容加入该文件。

    if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then 
    if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then 
      ulimit -p 16384 
      ulimit -n 65536 
      ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536 





    groupadd  oinstall 
    groupadd  dba


    useradd -g oinstall -g dba -m oracle

    passwd  oracle




    mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle

    mkdir -p /u01/app/oraInventory


    chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01


    rpm -q binutils compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf elfutils-libelf-devel expat gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-common glibc-devel glibc-headers libaio libaio-devel libgcc libstdc++ libstdc++-devel make pdksh sysstat unixODBC unixODBC-devel | grep "not installed"


    yum install binutils compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf elfutils-libelf-devel expat gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-common glibc-devel glibc-headers libaio libaio-devel libgcc libstdc++ libstdc++-devel make pdksh sysstat unixODBC unixODBC-devel


    输入:su – oracle  ,然后直接在输入 : vi .bash_profile

    按i编辑 .bash_profile,进入编辑模式,增加以下内容:

    umask 022

    export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle

    export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/db_1

    export ORACLE_SID=ecis

    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/lib



    cd /home/oracle/database

    ./runInstaller -silent -force -noconfig -responseFile /home/oracle/database/response /db.rsp


    dbca -silent -responseFile /home/oracle/database/response/dbca.rsp


    netca -silent -responsefile /home/oracle/database/response/netca.rsp



    [oracle@localhost admin]$ lsnrctl status

    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 30-NOV-2016 16:18:08

    Copyright (c) 1991, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521)))



    Alias                     LISTENER

    Version                   TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production

    Start Date                30-NOV-2016 16:17:54

    Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 14 sec

    Trace Level               off

    Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication

    SNMP                      OFF

    Listener Parameter File   /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora

    Listener Log File         /u01/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/localhost/listener/alert/log.xml

    Listening Endpoints Summary...



    The listener supports no services

    The command completed successfully

    [oracle@localhost admin]$



    $sqlplus / as sysdba


    SQL>show parameter service_names


    SQL>alter system register;


    $lsnrctl status


    db_install.rsp 样例


    ## Copyright(c) Oracle Corporation 1998, 2013. All rights reserved.##

    ##                                                                ##

    ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize     ##

    ## your installation.                                             ##

    ##                                                                ##

    ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment        ##

    ## can help to populate the variables with the appropriate        ##

    ## values.                                                        ##

    ##                                                                ##

    ## IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains plain text passwords and    ##

    ## should be secured to have read permission only by oracle user  ##

    ## or db administrator who owns this installation.                ##

    ##                                                                ##



    # Do not change the following system generated value.




    # Specify the installation option.

    # It can be one of the following:



    #   - UPGRADE_DB




    # Specify the hostname of the system as set during the install. It can be used

    # to force the installation to use an alternative hostname rather than using the

    # first hostname found on the system. (e.g., for systems with multiple hostnames

    # and network interfaces)




    # Specify the Unix group to be set for the inventory directory. 




    # Specify the location which holds the inventory files.

    # This is an optional parameter if installing on

    # Windows based Operating System.




    # Specify the languages in which the components will be installed.            


    # en   : English                  ja   : Japanese                  

    # fr   : French                   ko   : Korean                   

    # ar   : Arabic                   es   : Latin American Spanish   

    # bn   : Bengali                  lv   : Latvian                  

    # pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese     lt   : Lithuanian               

    # bg   : Bulgarian                ms   : Malay                    

    # fr_CA: Canadian French          es_MX: Mexican Spanish          

    # ca   : Catalan                  no   : Norwegian                

    # hr   : Croatian                 pl   : Polish                   

    # cs   : Czech                    pt   : Portuguese               

    # da   : Danish                   ro   : Romanian                 

    # nl   : Dutch                    ru   : Russian                   

    # ar_EG: Egyptian                 zh_CN: Simplified Chinese       

    # en_GB: English (Great Britain)  sk   : Slovak                   

    # et   : Estonian                 sl   : Slovenian                

    # fi   : Finnish                  es_ES: Spanish                  

    # de   : German                   sv   : Swedish                  

    # el   : Greek                    th   : Thai                     

    # iw   : Hebrew                   zh_TW: Traditional Chinese      

    # hu   : Hungarian                tr   : Turkish                  

    # is   : Icelandic                uk   : Ukrainian                

    # in   : Indonesian               vi   : Vietnamese               

    # it   : Italian                                                  


    # all_langs   : All languages


    # Specify value as the following to select any of the languages.

    # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,fr,ja


    # Specify value as the following to select all the languages.

    # Example : SELECTED_LANGUAGES=all_langs 




    # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Home.




    # Specify the complete path of the Oracle Base.




    # Specify the installation edition of the component.                     


    # The value should contain only one of these choices.       

    #   - EE     : Enterprise Edition                               

    #   - SE     : Standard Edition                                  

    #   - SEONE  : Standard Edition One

    #   - PE     : Personal Edition (WINDOWS ONLY)




    # This variable is used to enable or disable custom install and is considered

    # only if InstallEdition is EE.


    #   - true  : Components mentioned as part of 'optionalComponents' property

    #             are considered for install.

    #   - false : Value for 'optionalComponents' is not considered.




    # This property is considered only if 'EEOptionsSelection' is set to true


    # Description: List of Enterprise Edition Options you would like to enable.


    #              The following choices are available. You may specify any

    #              combination of these choices.  The components you choose should

    #              be specified in the form "internal-component-name:version"

    #              Below is a list of components you may specify to enable.


    #              oracle.oraolap: - Oracle OLAP

    #              oracle.rdbms.dm: - Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files

    #              oracle.rdbms.dv: Oracle Database Vault option

    #              oracle.rdbms.lbac: - Oracle Label Security

    #              oracle.rdbms.partitioning: - Oracle Partitioning

    #              oracle.rdbms.rat: - Oracle Real Application Testing




    #                                                                             #

    # PRIVILEGED OPERATING SYSTEM GROUPS                                          #

    # ------------------------------------------                                  #

    # Provide values for the OS groups to which OSDBA and OSOPER privileges       #

    # needs to be granted. If the install is being performed as a member of the   #

    # group "dba", then that will be used unless specified otherwise below.       #

    #                                                                             #

    # The value to be specified for OSDBA and OSOPER group is only for UNIX based #

    # Operating System.                                                           #

    #                                                                             #



    # The DBA_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSDBA privileges.




    # The OPER_GROUP is the OS group which is to be granted OSOPER privileges.

    # The value to be specified for OSOPER group is optional.




    # Specify the cluster node names selected during the installation.                                      

    # Example : oracle.install.db.CLUSTER_NODES=node1,node2




    # This variable is used to enable or disable RAC One Node install.


    #   - true  : Value of RAC One Node service name is used.

    #   - false : Value of RAC One Node service name is not used.


    # If left blank, it will be assumed to be false.




    # Specify the name for RAC One Node Service.




    # Specify the type of database to create.

    # It can be one of the following:

    #   - GENERAL_PURPOSE/TRANSACTION_PROCESSING                      

    #   - DATA_WAREHOUSE                               




    # Specify the Starter Database Global Database Name.




    # Specify the Starter Database SID.




    # Specify the Starter Database character set.


    #  One of the following

    #  AL32UTF8, WE8ISO8859P15, WE8MSWIN1252, EE8ISO8859P2,

    #  EE8MSWIN1250, NE8ISO8859P10, NEE8ISO8859P4, BLT8MSWIN1257,

    #  BLT8ISO8859P13, CL8ISO8859P5, CL8MSWIN1251, AR8ISO8859P6,

    #  AR8MSWIN1256, EL8ISO8859P7, EL8MSWIN1253, IW8ISO8859P8,



    #  ZHT16HKSCS, WE8ISO8859P9, TR8MSWIN1254, VN8MSWIN1258




    # This variable should be set to true if Automatic Memory Management

    # in Database is desired.

    # If Automatic Memory Management is not desired, and memory allocation

    # is to be done manually, then set it to false.




    # Specify the total memory allocation for the database. Value(in MB) should be

    # at least 256 MB, and should not exceed the total physical memory available

    # on the system.

    # Example: oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.memoryLimit=512




    # This variable controls whether to load Example Schemas onto

    # the starter database or not.




    # This variable includes enabling audit settings, configuring password profiles

    # and revoking some grants to public. These settings are provided by default.

    # These settings may also be disabled.    




    #                                                                             #

    # Passwords can be supplied for the following four schemas in the           #

    # starter database:                                                   #

    #   SYS                                                                       #

    #   SYSTEM                                                                    #

    #   SYSMAN (used by Enterprise Manager)                                       #

    #   DBSNMP (used by Enterprise Manager)                                       #

    #                                                                             #

    # Same password can be used for all accounts (not recommended)                 #

    # or different passwords for each account can be provided (recommended)       #

    #                                                                             #



    # This variable holds the password that is to be used for all schemas in the

    # starter database.




    # Specify the SYS password for the starter database.




    # Specify the SYSTEM password for the starter database.




    # Specify the SYSMAN password for the starter database.




    # Specify the DBSNMP password for the starter database.




    # Specify the management option to be selected for the starter database.

    # It can be one of the following:

    #   - GRID_CONTROL

    #   - DB_CONTROL




    # Specify the Management Service to use if Grid Control is selected to manage

    # the database.     




    #                                                                             #

    # SPECIFY BACKUP AND RECOVERY OPTIONS                                             #

    # ------------------------------------                                         #

    # Out-of-box backup and recovery options for the database can be mentioned    #

    # using the entries below.                                            # 

    #                                                                             #



    # This variable is to be set to false if automated backup is not required. Else

    # this can be set to true.




    # Regardless of the type of storage that is chosen for backup and recovery, if

    # automated backups are enabled, a job will be scheduled to run daily to backup

    # the database. This job will run as the operating system user that is

    # specified in this variable.




    # Regardless of the type of storage that is chosen for backup and recovery, if

    # automated backups are enabled, a job will be scheduled to run daily to backup

    # the database. This job will run as the operating system user specified by the

    # above entry. The following entry stores the password for the above operating

    # system user.




    # Specify the type of storage to use for the database.

    # It can be one of the following:


    #   - ASM_STORAGE




    # Specify the database file location which is a directory for datafiles, control

    # files, redo logs.        


    # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE




    # Specify the backup and recovery location.


    # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=FILE_SYSTEM_STORAGE




    # Specify the existing ASM disk groups to be used for storage.


    # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storageType=ASM_STORAGE




    # Specify the password for ASMSNMP user of the ASM instance.                


    # Applicable only when oracle.install.db.config.starterdb.storage=ASM_STORAGE




    # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username.


    #  Example   : MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=abc@oracle.com




    # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password.


    # Example    : MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD=password




    # Specify whether to enable the user to set the password for

    # My Oracle Support credentials. The value can be either true or false.

    # If left blank it will be assumed to be false.






    # Specify whether user doesn't want to configure Security Updates.

    # The value for this variable should be true if you don't want to configure

    # Security Updates, false otherwise.


    # The value can be either true or false. If left blank it will be assumed

    # to be false.


    # Example    : DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=false




    # Specify the Proxy server name. Length should be greater than zero.


    # Example    : PROXY_HOST=proxy.domain.com




    # Specify the proxy port number. Should be Numeric and at least 2 chars.


    # Example    : PROXY_PORT=25




    # Specify the proxy user name. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD

    # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.


    # Example    : PROXY_USER=username




    # Specify the proxy password. Leave PROXY_USER and PROXY_PWD 

    # blank if your proxy server requires no authentication.


    # Example    : PROXY_PWD=password




    # Specify the proxy realm.


    # Example    : PROXY_REALM=metalink




    # Specify the Oracle Support Hub URL.


    # Example    : COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL=https://orasupporthub.company.com:8080/




    # Specify the auto-updates option. It can be one of the following:



    #   - SKIP_UPDATES




    # In case MYORACLESUPPORT_DOWNLOAD option is chosen, specify the location where

    # the updates are to be downloaded.

    # In case OFFLINE_UPDATES option is chosen, specify the location where the updates

    # are present.




    # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username which has the patches download privileges 

    # to be used for software updates.

    #  Example   : AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME=abc@oracle.com




    # Specify the My Oracle Support Account Username password which has the patches download privileges 

    # to be used for software updates.





    dbca.rsp 样例


    ##                                                                          ##

    ##                            DBCA response file                            ##

    ##                            ------------------                            ##

    ## Copyright   1998, 2013, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.         ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize Oracle        ##

    ## Database Configuration installation.                                     ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment identifies the   ##

    ## variable type.                                                           ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ## Please specify the values in the following format :                      ##

    ##          Type       :  Example                                           ##

    ##          String     :  "<value>"                                         ##

    ##          Boolean    :  True or False                                     ##

    ##          Number     :  <numeric value>                                   ##

    ##          StringList :  {"<value1>","<value2>"}                           ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ## Examples :                                                               ##

    ##     1. dbca -progress_only -responseFile <response file>                 ##

    ##        Display a progress bar depicting progress of database creation    ##

    ##        process.                                                          ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ##     2. dbca -silent -responseFile <response file>                        ##

    ##        Creates database silently. No user interface is displayed.        ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ##     3. dbca -silent -createDatabase -cloneTemplate                       ##

    ##                 -responseFile <response file>                      ##

    ##        Creates database silently with clone template. The template in    ##

    ##     responsefile is a clone template.                              ##

    ##                                                                          ##

    ##     4. dbca -silent -deleteDatabase -responseFile <response file>        ##

    ##        Deletes database silently.                                        ##



    # GENERAL section is required for all types of database creations.




    # Name          : RESPONSEFILE_VERSION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Version of the database to create

    # Valid values  : "11.1.0"

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes




    # Name          : OPERATION_TYPE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Type of operation

    # Valid values  : "createDatabase" "createTemplateFromDB" "createCloneTemplate" "deleteDatabase" "configureDatabase" "addInstance" (RAC-only) "deleteInstance" (RAC-only)

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    OPERATION_TYPE = "createDatabase"

    #-----------------------*** End of GENERAL section ***------------------------


    # CREATEDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createDatabase".




    # Name          : GDBNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Global database name of the database

    # Valid values  : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL

    #                 <db_name>             - when database domain is NULL

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    GDBNAME = "ecis"


    # Name          : RACONENODE

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true for RAC One Node database

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No


    #RACONENODE  = "false"



    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Service is required by application to connect to RAC One

    #              Node Database

    # Valid values  : Service Name

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No [required in case RACONENODE flag is set to true]




    # Name          : POLICYMANAGED

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true if Database is policy managed and

    #              set to false if  Database is admin managed

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No


    #POLICYMANAGED = "false"


    # Name          : CREATESERVERPOOL

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true if new server pool need to be created for database

    #              if this option is specified then the newly created database

    #              will use this newly created serverpool.

    #              Multiple serverpoolname can not be specified for database

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : FORCE

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true if new server pool need to be created by force

    #              if this option is specified then the newly created serverpool

    #              will be assigned server even if no free servers are available.

    #              This may affect already running database.

    #              This flag can be specified for Admin managed as well as policy managed db.

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No


    #FORCE = "false"


    # Name          : SERVERPOOLNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Only one serverpool name need to be specified

    #               if Create Server Pool option is specified.

    #               Comma-separated list of Serverpool names if db need to use

    #               multiple Server pool

    # Valid values  : ServerPool name

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No [required in case of RAC service centric database]




    # Name          : CARDINALITY

    # Datatype      : Number

    # Description   : Specify Cardinality for create server pool operation

    # Valid values  : any positive Integer value

    # Default value : Number of qualified nodes on cluster

    # Mandatory     : No [Required when a new serverpool need to be created]




    # Name          : SID

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : System identifier (SID) of the database

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : <db_name> specified in GDBNAME

    # Mandatory     : No


    SID = "ecis"


    # Name          : NODELIST

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Comma-separated list of cluster nodes

    # Valid values  : Cluster node names

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No (Yes for RAC database-centric database )




    # Name          : TEMPLATENAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Name of the template

    # Valid values  : Template file name

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    TEMPLATENAME = "General_Purpose.dbc"


    # Name          : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true if passwords are encrypted

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : SYSPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for SYS user

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    #SYSPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : SYSTEMPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for SYSTEM user

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    #SYSTEMPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : EMCONFIGURATION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type

    # Valid values  : CENTRAL|LOCAL|ALL|NONE

    # Default value : NONE

    # Mandatory     : No





    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Database Security Settings


    # Default value : NONE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : SYSMANPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for SYSMAN user

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION


    #SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : DBSNMPPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for DBSNMP user

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified


    #DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : CENTRALAGENT

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : HOSTUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Host user name for EM backup job

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : HOSTUSERPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Host user password for EM backup job

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : BACKUPSCHEDULE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm

    # Default value : 2:00

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : DVOWNERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : DataVault Owner

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if DataVault option is chosen




    # Name          : DVOWNERPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for DataVault Owner

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if DataVault option is chosen




    # Name          : DVACCOUNTMANAGERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : DataVault Account Manager

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No





    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for  DataVault Account Manager

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : DATAFILEJARLOCATION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Location of the data file jar

    # Valid values  : Directory containing compressed datafile jar

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : DATAFILEDESTINATION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Location of the data file's

    # Valid values  : Directory for all the database files

    # Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/oradata

    # Mandatory     : No





    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Location of the data file's

    # Valid values  : Recovery Area location

    # Default value : $ORACLE_BASE/flash_recovery_area

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : STORAGETYPE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Specifies the storage on which the database is to be created

    # Valid values  : FS (CFS for RAC), ASM

    # Default value : FS

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : DISKGROUPNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Specifies the disk group name for the storage

    # Default value : DATA

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : ASMSNMP_PASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for ASM Monitoring

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : RECOVERYGROUPNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Specifies the disk group name for the recovery area

    # Default value : RECOVERY

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : CHARACTERSET

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Character set of the database

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g National Language Support Guide

    # Default value : "US7ASCII"

    # Mandatory     : NO




    # Name          : NATIONALCHARACTERSET

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : National Character set of the database

    # Valid values  : "UTF8" or "AL16UTF16". For details, check Oracle11g National Language Support Guide

    # Default value : "AL16UTF16"

    # Mandatory     : No





    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.

    # Valid values  : TRUE FALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : DIRSERVICEUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Specifies the name of the directory service user

    # Mandatory     : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE




    # Name          : DIRSERVICEPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the directory service user.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Mandatory     : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE




    # Name          : WALLETPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password for wallet to created or modified.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Mandatory     : YES, if the value of registerWithDirService is TRUE


    #WALLETPASSWORD= "password"


    # Name          : LISTENERS

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Specifies list of listeners to register the database with.

    #              By default the database is configured for all the listeners specified in the

    #              $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora    

    # Valid values  : The list should be space separated names like "listener1 listener2".

    # Mandatory     : NO


    #LISTENERS = "listener1 listener2"


    # Name          : VARIABLESFILE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Location of the file containing variable value pair

    # Valid values  : A valid file-system file. The variable value pair format in this file

    #              is <variable>=<value>. Each pair should be in a new line.

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : NO




    # Name          : VARIABLES

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : comma separated list of name=value pairs. Overrides variables defined in variablefile and templates

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : NO




    # Name          : INITPARAMS

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : comma separated list of name=value pairs. Overrides initialization parameters defined in templates

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : NO




    # Name          : SAMPLESCHEMA

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Specifies whether or not to add the Sample Schemas to your database

    # Valid values  : TRUE FALSE

    # Default value : FASLE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : MEMORYPERCENTAGE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : percentage of physical memory for Oracle

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : NO




    # Name          : DATABASETYPE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : used for memory distribution when MEMORYPERCENTAGE specified


    # Default value : MULTIPURPOSE

    # Mandatory     : NO





    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : flag to indicate Automatic Memory Management is used

    # Valid values  : TRUE/FALSE

    # Default value : TRUE

    # Mandatory     : NO




    # Name          : TOTALMEMORY

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : total memory in MB to allocate to Oracle

    # Valid values  :

    # Default value :

    # Mandatory     : NO


    #TOTALMEMORY = "1024"

    #-----------------------*** End of CREATEDATABASE section ***------------------------


    # createTemplateFromDB section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createTemplateFromDB".




    # Name          : SOURCEDB

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The source database from which to create the template

    # Valid values  : The format is <host>:<port>:<sid>

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    SOURCEDB = "myhost:1521:orcl"


    # Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : A user with DBA role.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    SYSDBAUSERNAME = "system"


    # Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the DBA user.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : TEMPLATENAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Name for the new template.

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes



    #-----------------------*** End of createTemplateFromDB section ***------------------------


    # createCloneTemplate section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "createCloneTemplate".




    # Name          : SOURCEDB

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The source database is the SID from which to create the template.

    #              This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    SOURCEDB = "orcl"


    # Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : A user with DBA role.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication




    # Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the DBA user.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : TEMPLATENAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Name for the new template.

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes




    # Name          : DATAFILEJARLOCATION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Location of the data file jar

    # Valid values  : Directory where the new compressed datafile jar will be placed

    # Default value : $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates

    # Mandatory     : NO



    #-----------------------*** End of createCloneTemplate section ***------------------------


    # DELETEDATABASE section is used when DELETE_TYPE is defined as "deleteDatabase".




    # Name          : SOURCEDB

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The source database is the SID

    #              This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    SOURCEDB = "orcl"


    # Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : A user with DBA role.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication




    # Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the DBA user.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication


    #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

    #-----------------------*** End of deleteDatabase section ***------------------------






    # Name          : TEMPLATENAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Name of the template

    # Valid values  : Template name as seen in DBCA

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    TEMPLATENAME = "New Database"


    # Name          : GDBNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Global database name of the database

    # Valid values  : <db_name>.<db_domain> - when database domain isn't NULL

    #                 <db_name>             - when database domain is NULL

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    GDBNAME = "orcl11.us.oracle.com"


    # Name          : SCRIPTDESTINATION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Location of the scripts

    # Valid values  : Directory for all the scripts

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No



    #-----------------------*** End of deleteDatabase section ***------------------------


    # CONFIGUREDATABASE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "configureDatabase".




    # Name          : SOURCEDB

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The source database is the SID

    #              This database must be local and on the same ORACLE_HOME.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    #SOURCEDB = "orcl"


    # Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : A user with DBA role.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication




    # Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the DBA user.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES, if no OS authentication





    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Specifies whether to register with Directory Service.

    # Valid values  : TRUE FALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No





    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Specifies whether to unregister with Directory Service.

    # Valid values  : TRUE FALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : REGENERATEDBPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Specifies whether regenerate database password in OID/Wallet

    # Valid values  : TRUE FALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : DIRSERVICEUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Specifies the name of the directory service user

    # Mandatory     : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified




    # Name          : DIRSERVICEPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the directory service user.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Mandatory     : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified




    # Name          : WALLETPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password for wallet to created or modified.

    #              You can also specify the password at the command prompt instead of here.

    # Mandatory     : YES, if the any of the reg/unreg/regenPasswd options specified


    #WALLETPASSWORD= "password"



    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Database Security Settings


    # Default value : NONE

    # Mandatory     : No





    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Database Security Settings

    # Valid values  : true|false

    # Default value : true

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : EMCONFIGURATION

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Enterprise Manager Configuration Type

    # Valid values  : CENTRAL|LOCAL|ALL|NONE

    # Default value : NONE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : SYSMANPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for SYSMAN user

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if LOCAL specified for EMCONFIGURATION


    #SYSMANPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : DBSNMPPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Password for DBSNMP user

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if EMCONFIGURATION is specified


    #DBSNMPPASSWORD = "password"


    # Name          : CENTRALAGENT

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Grid Control Central Agent Oracle Home

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if CENTRAL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : HOSTUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Host user name for EM backup job

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : HOSTUSERPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Host user password for EM backup job

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION




    # Name          : BACKUPSCHEDULE

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Daily backup schedule in the form of hh:mm

    # Default value : 2:00

    # Mandatory     : Yes, if ALL is specified for EMCONFIGURATION



    #-----------------------*** End of CONFIGUREDATABASE section ***------------------------


    # ADDINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "addInstance".




    # Name          : DB_UNIQUE_NAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : DB Unique Name of the RAC database

    # Valid values  : <db_unique_name>

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl11g.us.oracle.com"


    # Name          : INSTANCENAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : RAC instance name to be added

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : <sid_prefix>+<highest_current_thread+1>

    # Mandatory     : No


    #INSTANCENAME = "orcl1"


    # Name          : NODELIST

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Node on which to add new instance

    #                 (in 10gR2, instance addition is supported on 1 node at a time)

    # Valid values  : Cluster node name

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes




    # Name          : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true if passwords are encrypted

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : A user with DBA role.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES




    # Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the DBA user.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

    #-----------------------*** End of ADDINSTANCE section ***------------------------


    # DELETEINSTANCE section is used when OPERATION_TYPE is defined as "deleteInstance".




    # Name          : DB_UNIQUE_NAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : DB Unique Name of the RAC database

    # Valid values  : <db_unique_name>

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    DB_UNIQUE_NAME = "orcl11g.us.oracle.com"


    # Name          : INSTANCENAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : RAC instance name to be deleted

    # Valid values  : Check Oracle11g Administrator's Guide

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : Yes


    INSTANCENAME = "orcl11g"


    # Name          : NODELIST

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : Node on which instance to be deleted (SID) is located

    # Valid values  : Cluster node name

    # Default value : None

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : OBFUSCATEDPASSWORDS

    # Datatype      : Boolean

    # Description   : Set to true if passwords are encrypted

    # Valid values  : TRUEFALSE

    # Default value : FALSE

    # Mandatory     : No




    # Name          : SYSDBAUSERNAME

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : A user with DBA role.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES




    # Name          : SYSDBAPASSWORD

    # Datatype      : String

    # Description   : The password of the DBA user.

    # Default value : none

    # Mandatory     : YES


    #SYSDBAPASSWORD = "password"

    #-----------------------*** End of DELETEINSTANCE section ***------------------------

    netca.rsp 样例


    ## Copyright(c) 1998, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. ##

    ##                                                                  ##

    ## Specify values for the variables listed below to customize your  ##

    ## installation.                                                    ##

    ##                                                                  ##

    ## Each variable is associated with a comment. The comment          ##

    ## identifies the variable type.                                    ##

    ##                                                                  ##

    ## Please specify the values in the following format:               ##

    ##                                                                  ##

    ##         Type         Example                                     ##

    ##         String       "Sample Value"                              ##

    ##         Boolean      True or False                               ##

    ##         Number       1000                                        ##

    ##         StringList   {"String value 1","String Value 2"}         ##

    ##                                                                  ##


    ##                                                                  ##

    ## This sample response file causes the Oracle Net Configuration    ##

    ## Assistant (NetCA) to complete an Oracle Net configuration during ##

    ## a custom install of the Oracle11g server which is similar to     ##

    ## what would be created by the NetCA during typical Oracle11g      ##

    ## install. It also documents all of the NetCA response file        ##

    ## variables so you can create your own response file to configure  ##

    ## Oracle Net during an install the way you wish.                   ##

    ##                                                                  ##






    # Name       : SHOW_GUI

    # Datatype   : Boolean

    # Description: This variable controls appearance/suppression of the NetCA GUI,

    # Pre-req    : N/A

    # Default    : TRUE

    # Note:

    # This must be set to false in order to run NetCA in silent mode.

    # This is a substitute of "/silent" flag in the NetCA command line.

    # The command line flag has precedence over the one in this response file.

    # This feature is present since




    # Name       : LOG_FILE

    # Datatype   : String

    # Description: If present, NetCA will log output to this file in addition to the

    #            standard out.

    # Pre-req    : N/A

    # Default    : NONE

    # Note:

    #    This is a substitute of "/log" in the NetCA command line.

    # The command line argument has precedence over the one in this response file.

    # This feature is present since




    #INSTALLED_COMPONENTS;StringList;list of installed components

    # The possible values for installed components are:

    # "net8","server","client","aso", "cman", "javavm"


    #INSTALL_TYPE;String;type of install

    # The possible values for install type are:

    # "typical","minimal" or "custom"


    #LISTENER_NUMBER;Number;Number of Listeners

    # A typical install sets one listener


    #LISTENER_NAMES;StringList;list of listener names

    # The values for listener are:


    # A typical install sets only "LISTENER"


    #LISTENER_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of listener addresses (protocols and parameters separated by semicolons)

    # The possible values for listener protocols are:

    # "TCP;1521","TCPS;2484","NMP;ORAPIPE","IPC;IPCKEY","VI;1521"

    # A typical install sets only "TCP;1521"


    #LISTENER_START;String;name of the listener to start, in double quotes


    #NAMING_METHODS;StringList;list of naming methods

    # The possible values for naming methods are:


    # A typical install sets only: "TNSNAMES","ONAMES","HOSTNAMES"



    #NOVELL_NAMECONTEXT;String;Novell Directory Service name context, in double quotes

    # A typical install does not use this variable.


    #SUN_METAMAP;String; SUN meta map, in double quotes

    # A typical install does not use this variable.

    #SUN_METAMAP = ""MAP""

    #DCE_CELLNAME;String;DCE cell name, in double quotes

    # A typical install does not use this variable.


    #NSN_NUMBER;Number;Number of NetService Names

    # A typical install sets one net service name


    #NSN_NAMES;StringList;list of Net Service names

    # A typical install sets net service name to "EXTPROC_CONNECTION_DATA"


    #NSN_SERVICE;StringList;Oracle11g database's service name

    # A typical install sets Oracle11g database's service name to "PLSExtProc"


    #NSN_PROTOCOLS;StringList;list of coma separated strings of Net Service Name protocol parameters

    # The possible values for net service name protocol parameters are:


    # A typical install sets parameters to "IPC;EXTPROC"


  • 相关阅读:
    POJ2442 优先队列
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenjunjie/p/6116427.html
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