• DES加密,Tk写的简单的GUI

      1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
      2 from Tkinter import *
      3 from tkMessageBox import *
      5 ip = [  
      6         58,50,42,34,26,18,10,2,60,52,44,36,28,20,12,4,  
      7         62,54,46,38,30,22,14,6,64,56,48,40,32,24,16,8,  
      8         57,49,41,33,25,17, 9,1,59,51,43,35,27,19,11,3,  
      9         61,53,45,37,29,21,13,5,63,55,47,39,31,23,15,7,  
     10      ]  
     11 ip_1 = [  
     12         40,8,48,16,56,24,64,32,39,7,47,15,55,23,63,31,  
     13         38,6,46,14,54,22,62,30,37,5,45,13,53,21,61,29,  
     14         36,4,44,12,52,20,60,28,35,3,43,11,51,19,59,27,  
     15         34,2,42,10,50,18,58,26,33,1,41, 9,49,17,57,25,  
     16        ]
     17 e = [  
     18         32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  
     19         4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,  
     20         8 , 9,10,11,12,13,  
     21         12,13,14,15,16,17,  
     22         16,17,18,19,20,21,  
     23         20,21,22,23,24,25,  
     24         24,25,26,27,28,29,  
     25         28,29,30,31,32, 1,  
     26     ]
     27 p = [  
     28         16, 7,20,21,29,12,28,17,  
     29         1 ,15,23,26, 5,18,31,10,  
     30         2 ,8 ,24,14,32,27, 3, 9,  
     31         19,13,30, 6,22,11, 4,25,  
     32     ]  
     33 sbox = [  
     34         [  
     35         [0xe,0x4,0xd,0x1,0x2,0xf,0xb,0x8,0x3,0xa,0x6,0xc,0x5,0x9,0x0,0x7], 
     36         [0x0,0xf,0x7,0x4,0xe,0x2,0xd,0x1,0xa,0x6,0xc,0xb,0x9,0x5,0x3,0x8],  
     37         [0x4,0x1,0xe,0x8,0xd,0x6,0x2,0xb,0xf,0xc,0x9,0x7,0x3,0xa,0x5,0x0],  
     38         [0xf,0xc,0x8,0x2,0x4,0x9,0x1,0x7,0x5,0xb,0x3,0xe,0xa,0x0,0x6,0xd]  
     39         ],  
     40         [  
     41         [0xf,0x1,0x8,0xe,0x6,0xb,0x3,0x4,0x9,0x7,0x2,0xd,0xc,0x0,0x5,0xa],  
     42         [0x3,0xd,0x4,0x7,0xf,0x2,0x8,0xe,0xc,0x0,0x1,0xa,0x6,0x9,0xb,0x5],  
     43         [0x0,0xe,0x7,0xb,0xa,0x4,0xd,0x1,0x5,0x8,0xc,0x6,0x9,0x3,0x2,0xf],  
     44         [0xd,0x8,0xa,0x1,0x3,0xf,0x4,0x2,0xb,0x6,0x7,0xc,0x0,0x5,0xe,0x9]  
     45         ],  
     46         [  
     47         [0xa,0x0,0x9,0xe,0x6,0x3,0xf,0x5,0x1,0xd,0xc,0x7,0xb,0x4,0x2,0x8],  
     48         [0xd,0x7,0x0,0x9,0x3,0x4,0x6,0xa,0x2,0x8,0x5,0xe,0xc,0xb,0xf,0x1],  
     49         [0xd,0x6,0x4,0x9,0x8,0xf,0x3,0x0,0xb,0x1,0x2,0xc,0x5,0xa,0xe,0x7],  
     50         [0x1,0xa,0xd,0x0,0x6,0x9,0x8,0x7,0x4,0xf,0xe,0x3,0xb,0x5,0x2,0xc]  
     51         ],  
     52         [  
     53         [0x7,0xd,0xe,0x3,0x0,0x6,0x9,0xa,0x1,0x2,0x8,0x5,0xb,0xc,0x4,0xf],  
     54         [0xd,0x8,0xb,0x5,0x6,0xf,0x0,0x3,0x4,0x7,0x2,0xc,0x1,0xa,0xe,0x9],  
     55         [0xa,0x6,0x9,0x0,0xc,0xb,0x7,0xd,0xf,0x1,0x3,0xe,0x5,0x2,0x8,0x4],  
     56         [0x3,0xf,0x0,0x6,0xa,0x1,0xd,0x8,0x9,0x4,0x5,0xb,0xc,0x7,0x2,0xe]  
     57         ],  
     58         [  
     59         [0x2,0xc,0x4,0x1,0x7,0xa,0xb,0x6,0x8,0x5,0x3,0xf,0xd,0x0,0xe,0x9],  
     60         [0xe,0xb,0x2,0xc,0x4,0x7,0xd,0x1,0x5,0x0,0xf,0xa,0x3,0x9,0x8,0x6],  
     61         [0x4,0x2,0x1,0xb,0xa,0xd,0x7,0x8,0xf,0x9,0xc,0x5,0x6,0x3,0x0,0xe],  
     62         [0xb,0x8,0xc,0x7,0x1,0xe,0x2,0xd,0x6,0xf,0x0,0x9,0xa,0x4,0x5,0x3]  
     63         ],  
     64         [  
     65         [0xc,0x1,0xa,0xf,0x9,0x2,0x6,0x8,0x0,0xd,0x3,0x4,0xe,0x7,0x5,0xb],  
     66         [0xa,0xf,0x4,0x2,0x7,0xc,0x9,0x5,0x6,0x1,0xd,0xe,0x0,0xb,0x3,0x8],  
     67         [0x9,0xe,0xf,0x5,0x2,0x8,0xc,0x3,0x7,0x0,0x4,0xa,0x1,0xd,0xb,0x6],  
     68         [0x4,0x3,0x2,0xc,0x9,0x5,0xf,0xa,0xb,0xe,0x1,0x7,0x6,0x0,0x8,0xd]  
     69         ],  
     70         [  
     71         [0x4,0xb,0x2,0xe,0xf,0x0,0x8,0xd,0x3,0xc,0x9,0x7,0x5,0xa,0x6,0x1],  
     72         [0xd,0x0,0xb,0x7,0x4,0x9,0x1,0xa,0xe,0x3,0x5,0xc,0x2,0xf,0x8,0x6],  
     73         [0x1,0x4,0xb,0xd,0xc,0x3,0x7,0xe,0xa,0xf,0x6,0x8,0x0,0x5,0x9,0x2],  
     74         [0x6,0xb,0xd,0x8,0x1,0x4,0xa,0x7,0x9,0x5,0x0,0xf,0xe,0x2,0x3,0xc]  
     75         ],  
     76         [  
     77         [0xd,0x2,0x8,0x4,0x6,0xf,0xb,0x1,0xa,0x9,0x3,0xe,0x5,0x0,0xc,0x7],  
     78         [0x1,0xf,0xd,0x8,0xa,0x3,0x7,0x4,0xc,0x5,0x6,0xb,0x0,0xe,0x9,0x2],  
     79         [0x7,0xb,0x4,0x1,0x9,0xc,0xe,0x2,0x0,0x6,0xa,0xd,0xf,0x3,0x5,0x8],  
     80         [0x2,0x1,0xe,0x7,0x4,0xa,0x8,0xd,0xf,0xc,0x9,0x0,0x3,0x5,0x6,0xb]  
     81         ] 
     82     ]
     83 hex_bin = {  
     84         0x0:'0000',0x1:'0001',0x2:'0010',0x3:'0011',  
     85         0x4:'0100',0x5:'0101',0x6:'0110',0x7:'0111',  
     86         0x8:'1000',0x9:'1001',0xa:'1010',0xb:'1011',  
     87         0xc:'1100',0xd:'1101',0xe:'1110',0xf:'1111' 
     88           }
     89 bin_hex = {
     90     '0000':'0','0001':'1','0010':'2','0011':'3',
     91     '0100':'4','0101':'5','0110':'6','0111':'7',
     92     '1000':'8','1001':'9','1010':'A','1011':'B',
     93     '1100':'C','1101':'D','1110':'E','1111':'F'
     94           }
     95 hex_s =   {
     96     '0':'0000','1':'0001','2':'0010','3':'0011',  
     97         '4':'0100','5':'0101','6':'0110','7':'0111',  
     98         '8':'1000','9':'1001','A':'1010','B':'1011',  
     99         'C':'1100','D':'1101','E':'1110','F':'1111'
    100       }
    101 #生成子密钥
    102 def Rkey(cipherkey):
    103     pc_1 = [  
    104         57,49,41,33,25,17, 9,  
    105         1 ,58,50,42,34,26,18,  
    106         10, 2,59,51,43,35,27,  
    107         19,11, 3,60,52,44,36,  
    108         63,55,47,39,31,23,15,  
    109         7 ,62,54,46,38,30,22,  
    110         14, 6,61,53,45,37,29,  
    111         21,13, 5,28,20,12, 4 
    112        ]  
    113     pc_2 = [
    114         14,17,11,24, 1, 5, 3,28,  
    115         15, 6,21,10,23,19,12, 4,  
    116         26, 8,16, 7,27,20,13, 2,  
    117         41,52,31,37,47,55,30,40,  
    118         51,45,33,48,44,49,39,56,  
    119         34,53,46,42,50,36,29,32 
    120        ]  
    121     pc = [
    122         1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1
    123      ] 
    125     k0 = []
    126     s = cipherkey
    127     for i in range(8):
    128         k0.append(s[i])
    129         for i in range(len(k0)):
    130             k0[i] = bin(int(hex(ord(k0[i])),16))[2:]
    131         k = ''
    132     for i in range(len(k0)):
    133         if len(k0[i]) != 8:
    134             k0[i] = (8-len(k0[i]))*'0' + k0[i]
    135             k = k+k0[i]
    136         k1=''
    137         for i in range(56):
    138             k1 = k1 +k[pc_1[i]-1]
    139     c0 = k1[0:28]
    140     d0 = k1[28:]
    141     c = []
    142     d = []
    143     for i in range(16):
    144         if i == 0:
    145             c.append(c0[pc[i]:]+c0[i])
    146             d.append(d0[pc[i]:]+d0[i])
    147         else:
    148             c.append(c[i-1][pc[i]:]+c[i-1][0:pc[i]])
    149             d.append(d[i-1][pc[i]:]+d[i-1][0:pc[i]])
    150     K_0 = [] #进行pc_2置换并存到列表K_1中
    151     K_1 = []
    152     for i in range(16):
    153         K_0.append(c[i]+d[i])
    154     for i in range(16):
    155         s = ''
    156         for j in range(48):
    157             s = s + K_0[i][pc_2[j]-1]
    158         K_1.append(s)
    159     return K_1
    160 #F函数
    161 def des_F(R,Ki):
    162     R1 = ''
    163     for i in range(48):
    164         R1 = R1 + R[e[i]-1]
    165     #print R1
    166     R2 = ''
    167     for i in range(48):
    168         if R1[i] == Ki[i]:
    169             s = '0'
    170         else:
    171             s = '1'
    172         R2 = R2 + s
    173     R3 = []
    174     S = [0,6,12,18,24,30,36,42]
    175     for i in S:
    176         R3.append(R2[i:(i+6)])
    177     S1 = ''
    178     for i in range(8):
    179         row = int((R3[i][0]+R3[i][5]),2)  #hang
    180         col = int((R3[i][1:5]),2)         #lie
    181         l = sbox[i][row][col]
    183         S1 = S1 + hex_bin[l]
    184     S2 = ''
    185     for i in range(32):
    186         S2 = S2 +S1[p[i]-1]
    187     return S2
    189 #加密 
    191 def des_Encode(cleartext,cipherkey):
    192     K = Rkey(cipherkey)
    193     s = str(cleartext)
    194     s0 = []
    195     for i in range(len(s)):
    196         s0.append(bin(int(hex(ord(s[i])),16))[2:])
    197     if len(s0) != 8:
    198         for i in range((8 - len(s0))):
    199             s0.append('00000000')
    200     s1 = ''
    201     for i in range(8):
    202         if len(s0[i]) != 8:
    203             s0[i] = (8-len(s0[i]))*'0' + s0[i]
    204         s1 = s1 + s0[i]
    205         #初始置换
    206     s2 = ''
    207     for i in range(64):
    208         s2 = s2 + s1[ip[i]-1]
    210     L0 = s2[0:32]
    211     R0 = s2[32:]
    212     L = []
    213     R = []
    214     for i in range(16):
    215         if i == 0:
    216             L.append(L0)
    217             R.append(R0)
    218         else:
    219             Li = R[i-1]
    220             ans = des_F(R[i-1],K[i-1])
    221             Ri = ''
    222             for j in range(32):
    223                 if L[i-1][j] == ans[j]:
    224                     ss = '0'
    225                 else:
    226                     ss = '1'
    227                 Ri = Ri + ss
    228             L.append(Li)
    229             R.append(Ri)
    230     ans1 = des_F(R[15],K[15])
    231     L_15 = R[14]
    232     L_16 = ''
    233     #异或
    234     for i in range(32):
    235         if L_15[i] == ans1[i]:
    236             tt = '0'
    237         else:
    238             tt = '1'
    239         L_16 = L_16 + tt
    240     R_16 = R[15]
    241     C = ''
    242     xx =L_16+R_16
    243     #逆初始置换
    244     for i in range(64):
    245         C = C +(xx)[ip_1[i]-1]
    246     #转换为16进制
    247     binhex = [0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56,60]
    248     binbox = []
    249     for i in binhex:
    250         binbox.append(C[i:(i+4)])
    251     C_hex = ''
    252     for i in range(16):
    253         C_hex = C_hex + str(bin_hex[binbox[i]])
    255     return C_hex
    256 #解密
    257 def des_Decode(ciphertext,cipherkey):
    258     text = ciphertext
    259     K_l = Rkey(cipherkey)
    260     K_list =[]
    261     for i in range(16):
    262         K_list.append(K_l[15-i])
    264     text1 = ''
    265     for i in text:
    266         text1 = text1 + hex_s[i]
    267     text2 = ''
    268     for i in range(64):
    269         text2 = text2 + text1[ip[i]-1]
    270     L0 = text2[0:32]
    271     R0 = text2[32:]
    272     L = []
    273     R = []
    274     for i in range(16):
    275         if i == 0:
    276             L.append(L0)
    277             R.append(R0)
    278         else:
    279             L_next = R[i-1]
    280             R_1 = des_F(R[i-1],K_list[i-1]) 
    281             R_next = ''
    282             for j in range(32):
    283                 if L[i-1][j] == R_1[j]:
    284                     s = '0'
    285                 else:
    286                     s = '1'
    287                 R_next = R_next +s
    288             L.append(L_next)
    289             R.append(R_next)
    290     L16 = ''
    291     ans2 = des_F(R[15],K_list[15])
    292     for i in range(32):
    293         if L[15][i] == ans2[i]:
    294             ss = '0'
    295         else:
    296             ss = '1'
    297         L16 = L16 + ss
    298     R16 = R[15]
    299     L_R = L16 + R16
    300     m_bin = ''
    301     for i in range (64):
    302         m_bin = m_bin + L_R[ip_1[i]-1]
    303     bin_list = [0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56]
    304     asc_list = []
    305     for i in bin_list:
    306         asc_list.append(int(m_bin[i:(i+8)],2))
    307     m_string = ''
    308     for i in asc_list:
    309         m_string = m_string + chr(int(i))
    310     return m_string
    312 class window():
    313     def __init__(self,top):
    314         top.title('Des  v1.0')
    315         top.geometry('560x380+500+200')
    316         #top.iconbitmap('G:/1.ico')
    317         top.resizable(0,0)
    318         label1 = Label(top,text = ('明      文:').decode('utf-8'))
    319         label1.place(x=0,y=4)
    320         self.t = StringVar()
    321         self.entry1 = Entry(top,width = 80,textvariable = self.t)
    322         self.entry1.place(x=70,y=5)
    323         label2 = Label(top,text = ('密      钥:').decode('utf-8'))
    324         label2.place(x=0,y=32)
    325         self.entry2 = Entry(top,width = 80)
    326         self.entry2.place(x=70,y=33)
    327         self.button1 = Button(top,text = ('加 密').decode('utf-8'),width = 10,height = 1,command = self.Encode_button)
    328         self.button1.place(x=70,y=63)
    329         self.button2 = Button(top,text = ('解 密').decode('utf-8'),width = 10,height = 1,command = self.Decode_button)
    330         self.button2.place(x=160,y=63)
    331         self.button3 = Button(top,text = ('显示子密钥').decode('utf-8'),width = 10,height = 1,command = self.Show_key)
    332         self.button3.place(x=250,y=63)
    333         self.button4 = Button(top,text = ('清空密钥').decode('utf-8'),width = 10,height = 1,command = self.Clear_text)
    334         self.button4.place(x=340,y=63)
    335         label3 = Label(top,text = ('密      文:').decode('utf-8'))
    336         label3.place(x=0,y=93)
    337         self.e = StringVar()
    338         self.entry3 = Entry(top,width = 80,textvariable=self.e)
    339         self.entry3.place(x=70,y=93)
    340         label4 = Label(top,text = ('子 密 钥:').decode('utf-8'))
    341         label4.place(x=0,y=123)
    342         self.text2=Text(top,selectbackground = 'gray',selectforeground = 'red',width = 60)
    343         self.text2.place(x=70,y=123)
    344     def Encode_button(self):
    345         try:
    346             clear_text = self.entry1.get()
    347             cipher_key = self.entry2.get()
    348             text_list = []
    349             if (len(clear_text)/8)*8 != len(clear_text): 
    350                 for i in range((len(clear_text)/8)):
    351                     text_list.append(clear_text[i*8:(i+1)*8])
    352                 text_list.append(clear_text[(len(clear_text)/8)*8:])
    353             else:
    354                 for i in range((len(clear_text)/8)):
    355                     text_list.append(clear_text[i*8:(i+1)*8])
    356             ans =''
    357             for i in text_list:
    358                 ans = ans + des_Encode(i,cipher_key)
    359             self.e.set(ans)
    361         except:
    362             showwarning('Warning','Error!')
    363     def Show_key(self):
    364         try:
    365             cipher_key = self.entry2.get()
    366             key = Rkey(cipher_key)
    367             for i in range(16):
    368                 self.text2.insert(END,'K'+str(i+1)+': '+key[i]+'
    370         except:
    371             showwarning('Warning','Error!')
    372     def Clear_text(self):
    373         self.text2.delete(1.0,END)
    374     def Decode_button(self):
    375         try:
    376             cipher_text = self.entry3.get()
    377             cipher_key = self.entry2.get()
    378             mingwen = des_Decode(cipher_text,cipher_key)
    379             self.t.set(mingwen)
    380         except:
    381             showwarning('Warning','Error!')
    383 top = Tk()
    384 window = window(top)
    385 top.mainloop()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenjingyi/p/5794615.html
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