• robot framework接口测试之一-完整的测试用例

     1 *** Settings ***
     2 Library           Collections
     3 Library           json
     4 Library           requests
     5 Library           RequestsLibrary
     6 Library           HttpLibrary.HTTP
     8 *** Variables ***
     9 &{hosts}          dfc=http://dfc.xxxxx.com    crm=http://crm.xxxxx.com
    11 *** Keywords ***
    12 新建客户
    14 登录xxxxx
    15     [Arguments]    ${apiurl}    ${jpushid}    ${loginName}    ${password}
    16     ${top}    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    17     Create Session    api    ${apiurl}    ${top}
    18     ${data}    Create Dictionary    jpushid=${jpushid}    loginName=${loginName}    password=${password}
    19     ${req}    Post Request    api    /rest/account/login    data=${data}
    20     log    ${req.status_code}
    21     ${reqj}    To Json    ${req.content}
    22     log    ${reqj}
    23     ${reqjdata}    Get From Dictionary    ${reqj}    data
    24     ${TT}    Get From Dictionary    ${reqjdata}    token
    25     ${store}    Get From Dictionary    ${reqjdata}    store
    26     ${citycode}    Get From Dictionary    ${reqjdata}    cityCode
    27     set global variable    ${TT}
    28     Set Suite Variable    ${store}
    29     Set Suite Variable    ${citycode}
    30     ${form}    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    31     Set Global Variable    ${form}
    32     ${json}    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/json    TT=${TT}
    33     Set Global Variable    ${json}
    34     #Set Suite Variable    $
    36 MoGet
    37     [Arguments]    ${apiurl}    ${type}==json    ${params}==${EMPTY}
    38     #设置代理,用于调试
    39     ${proxy}    set variable
    40     #根据tag来获取host
    41     : FOR    ${tag}    IN    @{TEST TAGS}
    42         ${host}    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get($tag,"")
    43         Run Keyword If    "${host}"!=""    Exit For Loop
    44     log    ${host}
    45     #根据提交数据格式,设置Content-Type
    46     ${top}    Run Keyword If    "${type}"=="form"    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded    TT=${TT}
    47     ...    ELSE    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/json    TT=${TT}
    48     Create Session    api    ${host}    ${top}
    49     ${resget}    Get Request    api    ${apiurl}    params=${params}
    50     Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resget.status_code}    200
    51     log    ${resget.status_code}
    52     ${resj}    To Json    ${resget.content}
    53     log    ${resj}
    55 MoPost
    56     [Arguments]    ${apiurl}    ${type}==json    ${params}==${EMPTY}
    57     #设置代理,抓包
    58     ${proxy}    Set Variable
    59     #根据tag来获取host
    60     : FOR    ${tag}    IN    @{TEST TAGS}
    61         ${host}    Evaluate    ${hosts}.get($tag,"")
    62         Run Keyword If    "${host}"!=""    Exit For Loop
    63     log    ${host}
    64     #根据提交数据格式,设置Content-Type
    65     ${top}    Run Keyword If    "${type}"=="json"    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/json    TT=${TT}
    66     ...    ELSE IF    "${type}"=="form"    Create Dictionary    Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded    TT=${TT}
    67     Create Session    api    ${host}    ${top}
    68     ${respost}    Post Request    api    ${apiurl}    params=${params}
    69     Should Be Equal As Strings    ${respost.status_code}    200
    70     ${resj}    To Json    ${respost.content}
    71     log    ${resj}
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chengchengla1990/p/7044802.html
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