<view class='current' animation="{{animation}}"> {{current.title}} </view> <view class='caozuo'> <text bindtap="type1btn">可回收</text> <text bindtap="type2btn">有害垃圾</text> <text bindtap="type3btn">其他</text> </view> <view class='score'>分数:{{score}}</view>
.current{ 100px;height:100px;border-radius:5px; margin:20px auto;text-align:center;line-height:100px;color:#fff;background:red; } .caozuo{display: flex;justify-content:space-between;margin-top: 15px;font-size:14px;text-align: center;} .caozuo text{text-align: center;flex:1;} .score{ text-align:center;margin-top:20px;font-size:14px;color:red; }
Page({ data: { current:{}, score:0, arr:[ { id:1, title:"手机壳", type:"1" }, { id:2, title: "枯枝", type: "3" }, { id:3, title: "纸盒", type: "1" }, { id:4, title: "涂改溢瓶", type:"2" }, { id:5, title: "药水瓶", type: "2" }, { id: 6, title: "电视机", type: "1" }, { id: 7, title: "菜叶", type: "3" } ] }, onReady: function () { this.animation = wx.createAnimation() }, onLoad: function (options) { // type:1可回收 2 有害垃圾 3 其他垃圾 // 不能重复 var that = this; that.newdata(); }, newdata(current,arr){ //每次操作过后数组更新一次 var that = this; var current = that.data.current; var arr = that.data.arr; var currentIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length) var newarr = arr.filter(function (currentvalue, index, array) { return index != currentIndex }) if (arr.length === 0 ){ wx.showToast({ title: '恭喜闯关成功', }) return } that.setData({ current: arr[currentIndex], arr: newarr }) }, scoreAdd() { //分数添加 var that = this; var score = that.data.score; score += 2; that.setData({ score: score }) }, scoreReduce() { //分数减去 var that = this; var score = that.data.score; score -= 1; that.setData({ score: score }) }, select(type){ //区分点击按钮 var that = this; var current = that.data.current; var arr = that.data.arr; if (arr.length != 0) { if (current.type === type) { that.scale() that.newdata(); that.scoreAdd() } else { that._toast() that.scoreReduce() } } else { wx.showToast({ title: '恭喜闯关成功', }) } }, type1btn() { //可回收 var that = this; that.select("1") }, type2btn() { //有害垃圾 var that = this; that.select("2") }, type3btn() { //其他垃圾 var that = this; that.select("3") }, _toast(){ wx.showToast({ title: '不对应', }) }, scale: function () { this.animation.scale(0.6).step() this.animation.scale(1).step() this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() }) } })