结对编程技术是指两位程序员坐在同一工作台前开发软件。与两位程序员各自独立工作相比,结对编程能编写出质量更高的代码。 我和一位小组成员利用结对编程一起完成了如下题目
l某公司程序员二柱的小孩上了小学二年级,老师让家长每天出30道(100以内)四则运算题目给小学生做。二柱立马就想到写一个小程序来做这件事。 这个事情可以用很多语言或者工具来实现:
•Excel、C/C++、Java、C#、VB、Unix Shell、Vbscript、Javascript、Perl、 Python、…
结对对象:蔡何 博客地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/compilers/
package com.jackchua.dijkstra; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; /** * @author JackChua * @brief This is a program to automatically generate expressions * */ public class RationalComputing { private static int NUMS = 5; // 表达式个数的默认值 private static int MAX_VALUE = 100; // 表达式的数值范围的默认值 代表 100 以内 /** <Const number */ private static List<Rational> listArr = new ArrayList<Rational>(); /** <List To store Rational objects */ private static final String[] OPREATORS = { "+", "-", "*", "/" }; /** <a constant array to store operators */ private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); /** <a scanner to get data from user */ /** * @brief This is the main function of this program * @param [in] args */ public static void main(String[] args) { getInitMaxValueAndExpNum(); // 用户输入以确定生成几以内的表达式,以及表达式的个数 int i = NUMS; listArr.clear(); Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); while ((--i) >= 0) { int opA = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); int opB = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); String com = OPREATORS[random.nextInt(4)]; boolean isWrong = true; // 判断是否减法有负数值存在 存在则必须重新生成 while (isWrong) { if (com == "/" && (opB == 0 || (opA % opB) != 0)) { // 除数不能为0 // 或者能被整出 opB = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); } else if (com == "-" && opA < opB) { // 减法不能有负数 opA = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); opB = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); } else if (com == "+" && (opA + opB) > MAX_VALUE) { // 运算的值不能大于MAX_VALUE opA = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); opB = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); } else if (com == "*" && (opA * opB) > MAX_VALUE) { // 运算的值不能大于 // MAX_VALUE opA = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); opB = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE + 1); } else { break; } } Rational tempRa = new Rational(opA, opB, com); listArr.add(tempRa); } // ouput(); // 输出 input(); // 用户输入结果 outputResult();// 输出用户是否输入正确 } /** * @brief to determine the MAX_VLAUE of the expressions * @return void */ public static void getInitMaxValueAndExpNum() { // 输入表达式计算的数值范围 while (true) { System.out.println("请输入一个大于0 小于等于10000的整数,以确定表达式的数值范围:"); if (scanner.hasNextInt()) { MAX_VALUE = scanner.nextInt(); if (MAX_VALUE > 0 && MAX_VALUE <= 10000) { break; } else { System.out.println("请输入正确的范围!"); } } else { System.out.println("请正确输入整数值!"); } } // 输入要生成的表达式的个数 while (true) { System.out.println("请输入一个大于0 小于等于100整数,代表自动生成多少个表达式:"); if (scanner.hasNextInt()) { NUMS = scanner.nextInt(); if (NUMS > 0 && NUMS <= 100) { break; } else { System.out.println("请输入正确的范围!"); } } else { System.out.println("请正确输入整数值!"); } } } /** * @brief this function to output the result * @return void */ public static void outputResult() { int i = 1; for (Rational re : listArr) { if (re.isRight()) { System.out.println("第 " + i + "题结果是: 正确的!" + re.getOpA() + re.getCom() + re.getOpB() + " = " + re.getValue()); } else { System.out.println("第 " + i + "题结果是: 错误的!" + re.getOpA() + re.getCom() + re.getOpB() + " = " + re.getValue()); } i++; } } /** * @brief this function to get data from user ,than compute the result * @return void */ public static void input() { int i = 0; System.out.println("请依次输入结果"); for (i = 0; i < listArr.size(); i++) { System.out.println("还剩下" + (listArr.size() - i) + "道题"); int result = 0; while (true) { if (scanner.hasNextInt()) { result = scanner.nextInt(); break; } else { scanner.next(); System.out.println("请输入有效的值"); } } listArr.get(i).computing(result); // 计算本身的结果 } } /** * @brief to show the expressions which are generated automatically * @return void */ public static void ouput() { for (Rational ra : listArr) { System.out.println(ra.getOpA() + ra.getCom() + ra.getOpB()); } } } /** * @brief This is a class of model of expression * @author JackCai * */ class Rational { private int opA; /** <This is the first operator of one expression */ private int opB; /** <This is the second operator of one expression */ private String com; /** <The operator of this expression */ private int value; /** <The right result of this expression */ private boolean isRight = false; /** <to indicate whether right or not */ private int userValue; /** <to indicate the result of user input */ /** * @brief This is the constructor of Rational * @param [in] opA The first operator * @param [in] opB The second operator * @param [in] com The operator of this expression * */ public Rational(int opA, int opB, String com) { this.opA = opA; this.opB = opB; this.com = com; computeValue(); } public boolean isRight() { return isRight; } public int getUserValue() { return userValue; } public int getOpA() { return opA; } public int getOpB() { return opB; } public String getCom() { return com; } public int getValue() { return value; } /** * @brief This function to compute the right result * @return void * */ public void computeValue() { switch (com) { case "+": value = opA + opB; break; case "-": value = opA - opB; break; case "*": value = opA * opB; break; case "/": value = opA / opB; break; } } /*** * @brief to judge whether right or not of user input * @param [in] value * @return void */ public void computing(int value) { this.userValue = value; if (userValue == this.value) { this.isRight = true; } } }