VCL 的 Canvas.Pen 对应FMX: Canvas.Stroke;
VCL到 Canvas.Brush 对应FMX: Canvas.Fill.
TCircle 圆形控件
Inkscape 0.91
PointF(150, 150)
TPointF.Create(300, 340);
LLayout.TopLeft := TPointF.Zero;
Position := Rect.TopLeft;
Position := Point(Rect.Right, Rect.Top);
Canvas.Stroke.Thickness := 10;
Canvas.Stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid;
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRectF); begin Canvas.Stroke.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Green; Self.Canvas.DrawLine(TPointF.Create(50, 1), TPointF.Create(50, 500), 5); end;
Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Aqua; Canvas.FillEllipse(RectF(45, 50, 55, 65), 1); Canvas.FillEllipse(RectF(45, 100, 55, 115), 1);
procedure TForm1.DrawPolygonClick(Sender: TObject); var p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6: TPointF; MyPolygon: TPolygon; //System.Math.Vectors unit needed. begin // sets the points that define the polygon p1 := TPointF.Create(80, 200); p2 := TPointF.Create(225, 30); p3 := TPointF.Create(370, 200); p4 := TPointF.Create(300, 340); p5 := TPointF.Create(150, 340); p6 := TPointF.Create(80, 200); // creates the polygon SetLength(MyPolygon, 6); MyPolygon[0] := p1; MyPolygon[1] := p2; MyPolygon[2] := p3; MyPolygon[3] := p4; MyPolygon[4] := p5; MyPolygon[5] := p6; Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene; // draws the polygon on the canvas Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.DrawPolygon(MyPolygon, 50); Image1.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene; end;
TPointF = record class function Create(const AX, AY: Single): TPointF; overload; static; inline; class function Create(const APoint: TPoint): TPointF; overload; static; inline; class operator Add(const APoint1, APoint2: TPointF): TPointF; class operator Subtract(const APoint1, APoint2: TPointF): TPointF; class operator Equal(const APoint1, APoint2: TPointF): Boolean; class operator NotEqual(const APoint1, APoint2: TPointF): Boolean; class operator Implicit(const APoint: TPoint): TPointF; class operator Negative(const APoint: TPointF): TPointF; class operator Multiply(const APoint1, APoint2: TPointF): TPointF; class operator Multiply(const APoint: TPointF; const AFactor: Single): TPointF; class operator Multiply(const AFactor: Single; const APoint: TPointF): TPointF; class operator Divide(const APoint: TPointF; const AFactor: Single): TPointF; class function PointInCircle(const Point, Center: TPointF; const Radius: Integer): Boolean; static; inline; class function Zero: TPointF; inline; static; function Distance(const APoint: TPointF): Single; function CrossProduct(const APoint: TPointF): Single; function DotProduct(const APoint: TPointF): Single; inline; procedure Offset(const APoint: TPointF); overload; inline; procedure Offset(const ADeltaX, ADeltaY: Single); overload; inline; procedure Offset(const APoint: TPoint); overload; inline; procedure SetLocation(const X, Y: Single); overload; deprecated 'Use ":=" assignment instead'; procedure SetLocation(const P: TPointF); overload; deprecated 'Use ":=" assignment instead'; procedure SetLocation(const P: TPoint); overload; deprecated 'Use ":=" assignment instead'; function Subtract(const Point: TPointF): TPointF; overload; deprecated 'Use TPointF.Offset instead'; function Subtract(const Point: TPoint): TPointF; overload; deprecated 'Use TPointF.Offset instead'; function Add(const Point: TPointF): TPointF; overload; deprecated 'Use TPointF.Offset instead'; function Add(const Point: TPoint): TPointF; overload; deprecated 'Use TPointF.Offset instead'; function Scale(const AFactor: Single): TPointF; deprecated; function EqualsTo(const Point: TPointF; const Epsilon: Single = 0): Boolean; function IsZero: Boolean; function Ceiling: TPoint; function Truncate: TPoint; function Round: TPoint; function SnapToPixel(const AScale: Single; const APlaceBetweenPixels: Boolean = True): TPointF; function Normalize: TPointF; function Length: Single; function Rotate(const AAngle: Single): TPointF; function Reflect(const APoint: TPointF): TPointF; inline; function MidPoint(const APoint: TPointF): TPointF; inline; function AngleCosine(const APoint: TPointF): Single; function Angle(const APoint: TPointF): Single; case Integer of 0: (V: TPointFType;); 1: (X: Single; Y: Single;); end;