• 【mysql】排序方操作50题练习及其答案

    create database homework;
    use homework;

    create table class_grade(gid int primary key auto_increment, gname char(16));
    create table class(cid int primary key auto_increment, caption char(16), grade_id int, foreign key(grade_id) references class_grade(gid) on delete cascade on update cascade);
    create table student(sid int primary key auto_increment, sname char(16), gender char(6) not null default '男', class_id int,foreign key(class_id) references class(cid) on delete cascade on update cascade);
    create table teacher(tid int primary key auto_increment, tname char(16));
    create table course(cid int primary key auto_increment, cname char(16), teacher_id int, foreign key(teacher_id) references teacher(tid) on delete cascade on update cascade);
    create table score(sid int primary key auto_increment, student_id int,course_id int,score int unsigned, foreign key(student_id) references student(sid) on delete cascade on update cascade,foreign key(course_id) references course(cid) on delete cascade on update cascade);
    create table teach2cls(tcid int primary key auto_increment, tid int, cid int, foreign key(tid) references teacher(tid), foreign key(cid) references class(cid) on delete cascade on update cascade);

    insert into class_grade(gname) values('一年级'),('二年级'),('三年级');
    insert into class(caption, grade_id) values('一年一班',1),('二年一班',2),('三年一班',3);
    insert into student(sname, gender, class_id) values('乔丹','女',1),('艾弗森', '女', 1), ('科比', '男', 2);
    insert into teacher(tname) values('张三'),('李四'),('王五');
    insert into course(cname, teacher_id) values('生物',1), ('体育',1), ('物理',2);
    insert into score(student_id, course_id, score) values(1,1,60),(1,2,59),(2,2,99);
    insert into teach2cls(tid, cid) values(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(3,2);

    2. 查询学生总人数
    select count(sid) from student;

    3.查询'生物' 和 '物理' 课程成绩都及格的学生
    select sid,sname from student where sid in(select student_id from score as t1 right join (select cid from course where cname in('生物', '物理')) as t2 on t1.course_id= t2.cid where score >= 60 group by student_id);

    select * from class_grade as t1 right join(select grade_id,count(cid) as count from class group by(grade_id))as t2 on t1.gid=t2.grade_id order by count desc limit 3;

    select sid,sname,avg from student as t1 right join (
    select student_id,avg(score) as avg from score group by student_id
    ) as t2 on t1.sid=t2.student_id
    where avg in(
    (select max(avg) from (select avg(score) as avg from score group by student_id) as tmax),
    (select min(avg) from (select avg(score) as avg from score group by student_id) as tmin)

    select gname,count(sid) from (select * from student right join class on student.class_id=class.cid) as t1
    left join
    (select * from class left join class_grade on class.grade_id=class_grade.gid) as t2
    on t1.cid=t2.cid group by gid;

    7.每位学生的学号, 姓名, 选课数, 平均成绩
    select sid,sname,count(course_id),avg(score) from (select student.sid,sname,course_id,score from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id) as t1 group by sid;

    8.查询学生编号为2的学生姓名,该学生最高成绩的课程名, 成绩最低的课程名及分数
    set @ssid =1;
    select sname,cname,score from
    (select student.sid,sname,course_id,score from score left join student on score.student_id=student.sid
    where student_id=@ssid and score in(
    (select max(score) from score where student_id=@ssid),
    (select min(score) from score where student_id=@ssid))
    )as t1 left join course as t2 on t1.course_id=t2.cid
    order by score;

    set @first_name='李%';
    select GROUP_CONCAT(tname),count(tname),count(cid) from teacher as t1 left join teach2cls as t2 on t1.tid=t2.tid where tname like @first_name ;

    select gid,gname from class_grade left join class on class_grade.gid=class.grade_id group by gid having count(cid)<5;

    11.输出班级信息并增加一列显示年级的文字级别(1,2为低年级, 3,4为中年级, 5,6为高年级)
    if((select grade_id from class where cid=t1.cid)<3,'低年级',
    if((select grade_id from class where cid=t1.cid)<5,'中年级','高年级')
    ) as grade_level
    from class as t1 left join class_grade as t2 on t1.grade_id=t2.gid;

    select student.sid,sname,count(student.sid) from student
    left join (select * from (select * from teacher
    right join course on teacher.tid=course.teacher_id where tname='张三') as t1
    right join score on t1.cid=score.course_id) as t2 on student.sid=t2.student_id
    group by student.sid having count(student.sid)>=2;

    13.查询教授超过两门课的老师的ID 及 名字
    select tid,tname from teacher left join course on teacher.tid=course.teacher_id group by tid having count(cid)>=2;

    14.查询学过编号1 课程 和编号2课程的同学的学号与姓名
    select student_id,sname from score left join student on score.student_id=student.sid group by student_id having count(course_id)>=2;

    select tid,tname from (select teacher.tid,tname,cid from teacher left join teach2cls on teacher.tid=teach2cls.tid) as t1 left join class as t2 on t1.cid=t2.cid group by tid having max(grade_id)<4;

    select sid,sname from (select * from teacher left join course on teacher.tid=course.teacher_id) as t1
    left join (select student.sid,sname,course_id from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id) as t2 on t1.cid=t2.course_id where tname='张三';

    select teacher.tid,teacher.tname from teacher left join teach2cls on teacher.tid=teach2cls.tid group by tid having count(cid)>=2;

    select sid,sname from student as t1 right join (select student_id,score as score_2,(select score from score where course_id=1 and student_id=a.student_id) as score_1 from score a where course_id=2 having score_1>score) as t2 on t1.sid=t2.student_id;

    select teacher.tid,tname,count(cid) from teacher left join teach2cls on teacher.tid=teach2cls.tid group by tid order by count(cid) desc limit 1;

    select distinct student.sid,sname from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id where score<60;

    select student.sid,sname,count(course_id) from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id group by student.sid having count(course_id)<(select count(cid) from course);

    22.至少有一门课与学号为 1 的同学所学相同的学生学号及姓名
    select distinct student.sid,sname from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id where course_id in (select course_id from score where student_id=1);

    select distinct student.sid,sname from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id where student.sid != 1 and course_id in (select course_id from score where student_id=1);

    24.查询与2号同学所学习课程完全相同的同学学号及姓名 用group_concat()拼接
    select student.sid,sname,group_concat(course_id) as courses from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id where student.sid!=2 group by student.sid having courses = (select group_concat(course_id) from score group by student_id having student_id=2);

    25.删除张三老师的课的score记录; (课程1,课程2的成绩记录全被删了。。。)
    delete from score where course_id in(select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where tname='张三');

    ## 插入内容为: student_id=3, course_id=2,score=(avg(score))
    insert into score(student_id,course_id,score) select sid,2,(select avg(score) from score group by course_id having course_id=2) from student where sid not in(SELECT student_id from score where course_id=2);

    select student_id as 学生ID,
    (select score from score left join course on score.course_id=course.cid where cname='语文' and student_id=t1.student_id) as '语文',
    (select score from score left join course on score.course_id=course.cid where cname='数学' and student_id=t1.student_id) as '数学',
    (select score from score left join course on score.course_id=course.cid where cname='英语' and student_id=t1.student_id) as '英语',
    count(course_id) as 有效课程数,
    avg(score) as 有效平均分
    from score as t1 left join course on t1.course_id=course.cid where cname in('语文','数学','英语') group by student_id order by 有效平均分 asc;

    28.查询各科成绩最高分与最低分显示形式: 课程ID 最高课程 最低成绩
    course.cid as 课程ID,
    (select max(score) from score group by course_id having course_id=t.course_id) as 最高成绩,
    (select min(score) from score group by course_id having course_id=t.course_id) as 最低成绩
    from score as t right join course on t.course_id=course.cid group by course.cid;

    course.cid as 课程ID,
    avg(score) as 平均成绩,
    concat(ifnull((select count(student_id) from score where score > 60 group by course_id having course_id=t.course_id),0)/
    (select count(student_id) from score group by course_id having course_id=t.course_id)*100
    , '%') as 及格率
    from score as t right join course on t.course_id=course.cid
    group by course.cid
    order by 平均成绩 asc ,及格率 desc;

    select cid,cname,avg(score),tname
    from teacher as t1
    right join (select * from score right join course on score.course_id=course.cid) as t2
    on t1.tid=t2.teacher_id
    group by cid
    order by avg(score) desc;

    a.course_id as 课程ID,
    a.score as 成绩,
    count(a.course_id) as 排名
    from score a left join score b on a.course_id=b.course_id and a.score<=b.score
    group by a.course_id,a.score
    having count(a.course_id)<4
    order by a.course_id,a.score desc;

    select cid,cname,count(student_id) as 选修学生数 from score right join course on score.course_id=course.cid group by cid;

    select student.sid,sname from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id group by student.sid having count(course_id)>=2;

    select gender,count(sid) from student group by gender order by count(sid) desc;

    select * from student where sname like '张%';

    select sname,group_concat(sid) as 学号,count(sid) as 重名人数 from student group by sname having count(sid)>1;

    select cid as 课程号,cname as 课程名,ifnull(avg(score),0) as 平均成绩 from score right join course on score.course_id=course.cid group by cid order by 平均成绩 asc,课程号 desc;

    select sname,score from student as t1 right join (select * from score right join course on score.course_id=course.cid where cname = '数学' and score<60) as t2 on t1.sid=t2.student_id;

    39.查询课程编号为3 且课程成绩在80分以上的学生学号及姓名
    select student.sid,sname from student left join score on student.sid=score.student_id where course_id=3 and score>=80;

    select count(distinct sid) from score;

    select * from (select '最低成绩',sname,score from score left join student on score.student_id=student.sid where course_id in(
    select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where tname='王五') order by score limit 1) as a
    select * from (select '最高成绩',sname,score from score left join student on score.student_id=student.sid where course_id in(
    select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where tname='王五') order by score desc limit 1) as b;

    select cname,count(student_id) from score right join course on score.course_id=course.cid group by cname;

    select distinct a.student_id as 学号,a.course_id as 课程号, a.score as 成绩
    from score a left join score b on a.score = b.score
    where a.course_id != b.course_id;

    44.查询每门课程成绩最好的前两名学生id 和姓名
    select course_id as 课程编号,
    sid as 学号,
    sname as 姓名
    from student right join (select a.course_id,a.student_id,a.score,count(a.course_id) from score a left join score b on a.course_id=b.course_id and a.score<b.score group by a.course_id,a.student_id,a.score having count(a.course_id)<2 order by course_id) as t on student.sid=t.student_id order by course_id;

    select student_id from score group by student_id having count(course_id)>=2;

    select cid,cname from score right join course on score.course_id=course.cid group by cid having count(student_id)<1;

    47.查询没有带过任何班级的老师id 和姓名
    select teacher.tid,tname from teacher left join teach2cls on teacher.tid=teach2cls.tid group by teacher.tid having count(cid)<1;

    48.查询2门以上课程超过80分的同学id 及其平均成绩
    select student_id,avg(score) from score where student_id in (select student_id from score where score > 80 group by student_id having count(course_id)>=2) group by student_id;

    49 检索 3 号课程分数小于60的同学学号,按分数降序排列
    select student_id,score from score where course_id=3 and score<60 order by score desc;

    50 删除编号为2的同学的1课程成绩
    delete from score where student_id=2 and course_id=1;

    51 查询同时修了物理课和生物课的学生id和姓名
    select student.sid,sname from student right join score on student.sid=score.student_id where course_id in(select cid from course where cname in('物理','生物')) group by student.sid having count(course_id)=2;

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    215. Kth Largest Element in an Array
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    287. Find the Duplicate Number
    283. Move Zeroes
    234. Palindrome Linked List
    202. Happy Number
    217. Contains Duplicate
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caya-yuan/p/9307551.html
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