• 【Weiss】【第03章】栈例程





     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include "stack.h"
     3 using namespace std;
     4 using namespace stack;
     5 template class Stack<int>;
     6 int main(void)
     7 {
     8     Stack<int> number;
    10     //测试入栈
    11     cout << "/*additem()*/" << endl;
    12     number.push(2);
    13     number.push(3);
    14     number.push(5);
    15     number.push(7);
    16     number.push(11);
    17     number.traverse();
    18     cout << "
    " << flush;
    20     //测试获取长度
    21     cout << "/*length()*/" << endl;
    22     cout << number.size() << endl;
    23     cout << "/*end*/
    " << flush;
    25     //测试获得头元素
    26     cout << "/*getfirst()*/" << endl;
    27     cout << number.getfirst() << endl;
    28     cout << "/*end*/
    " << flush;
    30     //测试出栈
    31     cout << "/*remove()*/" << endl;
    32     number.pop();
    33     number.pop();
    34     number.traverse();
    35     cout << "
    " << flush;
    37     //测试清空,并测试从空表中出栈
    38     cout << "/*clear(),remove()*/" << endl;
    39     number.clear();
    40     number.pop();
    41     cout << "/*end*/
    " << flush;
    43     system("pause");
    44 }
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      1 #ifndef STACK
      2 #define STACK
      3 #include <iostream>
      4 using namespace std;
      6 namespace stack
      7 {
      9 //节点模板
     10 template <typename T> struct Node
     11 {
     12     Node<T>() : next(nullptr){}
     13     Node<T>(const T &item, Node<T>* ptr = nullptr) : data(item), next(ptr){}
     14     T data;
     15     Node<T>* next;
     16 };
     17 //头节点及主体操作
     18 template <typename T> class Stack
     19 {
     20 //构造函数
     21 public:
     22     Stack<T>() : length(0), front(nullptr){}
     23 //接口
     24 public:
     25     //返回长度
     26     unsigned int size()const{ return length; }
     27     //返回头指针
     28     Node<T>* begin()const{ return front; }
     29     //判断是否为空
     30     bool empty()const{ return length == 0; }
     31     //获得头元素
     32     T getfirst()const{ return front->data; }
     33     //#查找元素所在地址
     34     Node<T>* find(const T &item)const;
     35     //#入栈
     36     bool push(const T &item);
     37     //#出栈
     38     bool pop();
     39     //#遍历并输栈元素
     40     void traverse()const;
     41     //#清空栈
     42     void clear();
     44 //辅助函数
     45 private:
     46     //#查找元素前驱
     47     Node<T>* find_prev(const T& item)const;
     48 //数据
     49 private:
     50     unsigned int length;
     51     Node<T>* front;
     52 };
     54 //如果元素为头元素或元素不存在则返回nullptr,否则返回前驱
     55 template <typename T> Node<T>* Stack<T>::find_prev(const T& item)const
     56 {
     57     if (length == 0)
     58         return nullptr;
     59     if (front->data == item)
     60         return nullptr;
     61     for (Node<T>* iter = front; iter->next != nullptr; iter = iter->next)
     62     {
     63         if (iter->next->data == item)
     64             return iter;
     65     }
     66     return nullptr;
     67 }
     68 //调用find_prev,如果元素存在则返回地址,不存在则返回nullptr
     69 template <typename T> Node<T>* Stack<T>::find(const T &item)const
     70 {
     71     Node<T>* iter = find_prev(item);
     72     if (length == 0)
     73         return nullptr;
     74     if (front->data == item)
     75         return front;
     76     return iter->next;
     77 }
     78 template <typename T> bool Stack<T>::push(const T &item)
     79 {
     80     Node<T>* pnew = new Node<T>(item);
     81     pnew->next = front;
     82     front = pnew;
     83     ++length;
     84     return true;
     85 }
     86 template <typename T> bool Stack<T>::pop()
     87 {
     88     if (length == 0)                    
     89     {
     90         cout << "No data!" << endl;
     91         return false;
     92     }
     93     Node<T>* save = front;
     94     front = front->next;
     95     delete save;
     96     --length;
     97     return true;
     98 }
     99 template <typename T> void Stack<T>::traverse()const
    100 {
    101     if (length != 0)
    102     {
    103         for (Node<T>* iter = front; iter != nullptr; iter = iter->next)
    104             cout << iter->data << ends;
    105     }
    106 }
    107 template <typename T> void Stack<T>::clear()
    108 {
    109     Node<T>* iter;
    110     while (front != nullptr)
    111     {
    112         iter = front;
    113         front = front->next;
    114         delete iter;
    115     }
    116     front = nullptr;
    117     length = 0;
    118 }
    119 }
    120 #endif
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/catnip/p/4328892.html
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