• Oracle 分析函数



    一、Top-N Queries,row_number()



         The ROW_NUMBER analytic function is similar to the ROWNUM pseudocolumn in that it assigns a unique number for each row returned, but like all analytic functions its action can be limited to a specific window of data in the result set and based on the order of data in that window. 

       row_number分析函数的功能类似于rownum伪列的功能,他为返回的每一行数据分配一个独立的顺序号,类似于其他所有的分析函数,他是被限制在一个窗口中的,窗口中的数据集是建立在这个串口的排序字段之上(partition by x order by y),其中partition是一个开窗函数,即确定分组条件.


    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        ename,
    3        row_number() over(ORDER BY deptno DESC) AS val_row_number
    4   FROM emp 





    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        ename,
    3        row_number() over(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY ename DESC) AS val_row_number
    4   FROM emp



    1 SELECT lpad(' ', LEVEL * 4) || ename,
    2        LEVEL,
    3        e.empno
    4   FROM emp e
    5  START WITH e.empno = 7369
    6 CONNECT BY e.empno = PRIOR e.mgr
    7  ORDER SIBLINGS BY ename



     1 SELECT *
     2   FROM (SELECT lpad(' ', LEVEL * 4) || ename,
     3                LEVEL,
     4                e.empno,
     5                ename,
     6                row_number() over(ORDER BY LEVEL DESC) rn
     7           FROM emp e
     8          START WITH e.empno = 7369
     9         CONNECT BY e.empno = PRIOR e.mgr) cols
    10  WHERE cols.rn = 2



     1 SELECT *
     2   FROM (SELECT cols.*,
     3                rownum rn
     4           FROM (SELECT lpad(' ', LEVEL * 4) || ename,
     5                        LEVEL,
     6                        e.empno,
     7                        ename
     9                   FROM emp e
    10                  START WITH e.empno = 7369
    11                 CONNECT BY e.empno = PRIOR e.mgr
    12                  ORDER BY LEVEL DESC) cols)
    13  WHERE rn = 2


    二、RANK, DENSE_RANK, FIRST and LAST Analytic Function




    1 SELECT empno,
    2        deptno,
    3        sal,
    4        rank() over(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal) "rank"
    5   FROM emp;




    1 SELECT empno,
    2        deptno,
    3        sal,
    4        DENSE_rank() over(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY sal) "rank"
    5   FROM emp;





         The FIRST/LAST aggregate functions allow you to return the result of an aggregate applied over a set of rows that rank as the first or last with respect to a given order specificationFIRST/LAST lets you order on column A but return an result of an aggregate applied on column B. This is valuable because it avoids the need for a self-join or subquery, thus improving performance. These functions begin with a tiebreaker function, which is a regular aggregate function (MINMAXSUMAVGCOUNTVARIANCESTDDEV) that produces the return value. The tiebreaker(决胜的,最终的) function is performed on the set rows (1 or more rows) that rank as first or last respect to the order specification to return a single value.


         To specify the ordering used within each group, the FIRST/LAST functions add a new clause starting with the word KEEP.


    1 SELECT empno,
    2        deptno,
    3        sal,
    4        MIN(sal) keep(dense_rank FIRST ORDER BY deptno) over(PARTITION BY deptno) "Lowest",
    5        MAX(sal) keep(dense_rank FIRST ORDER BY deptno) over(PARTITION BY deptno) "Highest"
    6   FROM emp
    7  ORDER BY deptno,
    8           sal;












       The ROLLUP operation in the simple_grouping_clause groups the selected rows based on the values of the first n, n-1, n-2, ... 0 expressions in the GROUP BY specification(从右边向左的集合,对于N个ROLLUP列,他会产生n+1种分组条件), and returns a single row of summary for each group(为每个组返回单独的行). You can use the ROLLUP operation to produce subtotal values by using it with the SUM function. When used with SUMROLLUP generates subtotals from the most detailed level to the grand total. Aggregate functions such as COUNT can be used to produce other kinds of superaggregates.

            For example, given three expressions (n=3) in the ROLLUP clause of the simple_grouping_clause, the operation results in n+1 = 3+1 = 4 groupings.




             Rows grouped on the values of the first 'n' expressions are called regular rows, and the others are called superaggregate rows.



            The CUBE operation in the simple_grouping_clause groups the selected rows based on the values of all possible combinations of expressions in the specification, and returns a single row of summary information for each group. You can use the CUBE operation to produce cross-tabulation values.    

             For example, given three expressions (n=3) in the CUBE clause of the simple_grouping_clause, the operation results in 2n = 23 = 8 groupings. Rows grouped on the values of 'n' expressions are  called    regular  rows, and the rest are called superaggregate rows.







             It can be quite easy to visually identify subtotals generated by rollups and cubes, but to do it programatically you really need something more accurate than the presence of null values in the grouping columns. This is where the GROUPING function comes in. It accepts a single column as a parameter and returns "1" if the column contains a null value generated as part of a subtotal by a ROLLUP or CUBE operation or "0" for any other value, including stored null values.


    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        d.job,
    3        SUM(d.sal),
    4        GROUPING(deptno) f1g,
    5        GROUPING(job) f2g
    6   FROM emp d
    7  GROUP BY ROLLUP(deptno, d.job);

    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        d.job,
    3        SUM(d.sal),
    4        GROUPING(deptno) f1g,
    5        GROUPING(job) f2g
    6   FROM emp d
    7  GROUP BY CUBE(deptno, d.job)


    • F1G=0,F2G=0 : Represents a row containing regular subtotal we would expect from a GROUP BY operation.(是正常行,是通过普通的group by得到的
    • F1G=0,F2G=1 : Represents a row containing a subtotal for a distinct value of the FACT_1_ID column, as generated by ROLLUP and CUBE operations.(代表不重复的一个deptno列的值,是通过rollup或者cube生成的)
    • F1G=1,F2G=0 : Represents a row containing a subtotal for a distinct value of the FACT_2_ID column, which we would only see in a CUBE operation.(代表不重复的一个job列的值,仅仅是通过cube生成的,因为只有通过cube才会聚合形成这种结果,而rollup不会单独的对job这一列进行聚合)
    • F1G=1,F2G=1 : Represents a row containing a grand total for the query, as generated by ROLLUP and CUBE operations.(针对全部的结果集聚合的结果,是rollup或者cube生成的)



    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        d.job,
    3        SUM(d.sal),
    4        GROUPING(deptno) f1g,
    5        GROUPING(job) f2g
    6   FROM emp d
    7  GROUP BY ROLLUP(deptno, d.job)
    8  ORDER BY GROUPING(deptno),
    9           GROUPING(job)


     1 SELECT deptno,
     2        d.job,
     3        SUM(d.sal),
     4        GROUPING(deptno) f1g,
     5        GROUPING(job) f2g
     6   FROM emp d
     7  GROUP BY ROLLUP(deptno, d.job)
     8 HAVING GROUPING(deptno) = 1 OR GROUPING(job) = 1
     9  ORDER BY GROUPING(deptno),
    10           GROUPING(job)


    The GROUPING_ID function provides an alternate and more compact way to identify subtotal rows. Passing the dimension columns as arguments, it returns a number indicating the GROUP BY level



     1 SELECT deptno,
     2        d.job,
     3        SUM(d.sal),
     4        GROUPING(deptno) f1g,
     5        GROUPING(job) f2g,
     6        grouping_id(job) x,
     7        grouping_id(deptno) y,
     8        grouping_id(deptno, d.job) z
     9   FROM emp d
    10  GROUP BY CUBE(deptno, d.job)
    11  ORDER BY GROUPING(deptno),
    12           GROUPING(job)


         If we only need a few of these levels of subtotaling we can use the GROUPING SETS expression and specify exactly which ones we need, saving us having to calculate the whole cube.

        如果我们只需要一部分level的结果集,我们可以使用grouping set表达式来指定我们需要的聚合结果集,

       例如,上面的例子CUBE(deptno,job,ename)总计共有八种情况,则这时候,我们可以通过grouping sets指定需要聚合的结果集:


     1 SELECT deptno,
     2        d.job,
     3        SUM(d.sal),
     4        GROUPING(deptno) f1g,
     5        GROUPING(job) f2g,
     6        grouping_id(deptno, job) x
     7   FROM emp d
     8  GROUP BY GROUPING SETS(deptno, job)
     9  ORDER BY GROUPING(deptno),
    10           GROUPING(job)



    ROLLUP (a, b, c)
    (a, b, c)
    (a, b)


    1 CUBE (a, b, c)
    2 (a, b, c)
    3 (a, b)
    4 (a, c)
    5 (a)
    6 (b, c)
    7 (b)
    8 (c)
    9 ()


    1 ROLLUP ((a, b), c)
    2 (a, b, c)
    3 (a, b)
    4 ()
    6 Not considered:
    7 (a)


     1 CUBE ((a, b), c)
     2 (a, b, c)
     3 (a, b)
     4 (c)
     5 ()
     7 Not considered:
     8 (a, c)
     9 (a)
    10 (b, c)
    11 (b)

    5、grouping set的组合条件

    GROUPING SETS(fact_1_id, fact_2_id) 
    : (fact_1_id) (fact_2_id)
    GROUPING SETS(fact_3_id, fact_4_id)
    : (fact_3_id) (fact_4_id)
    GROUPING SETS(fact_1_id, fact_2_id), GROUPING SETS(fact_3_id, fact_4_id)
    : (fact_1_id, fact_3_id) (fact_1_id, fact_4_id) (fact_2_id, fact_3_id) (fact_2_id, fact_4_id)

    --grouping sets的组合是在两个条件直接进行查询交叉条件


    : (a, c) (a, d) (b, c) (b, d)

    三、LAG and LEAD




    1 LAG  (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)
    2 LEAD (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)
    • value_expression - Can be a column or a built-in function, except for other analytic functions.
    • offset - The number of rows preceeding/following the current row, from which the data is to be retrieved. The default value is 1.
    • default - The value returned if the offset is outside the scope of the window. The default value is NULL.当当前的迁移量超出了该窗口,则返回改制。
    1 SELECT e.ename,
    2        empno,
    3        deptno,
    4        sal,
    5        lag(sal, 1, 0) over(ORDER BY sal) lag1,
    6        lag(sal, 1) over(ORDER BY sal) lag2,
    7        lead(sal) over(ORDER BY sal) lead1
    8   FROM emp e




    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        e.ename,
    3        empno,
    4        sal,
    5        AVG(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno) 部门平均工资,
    6        SUM(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno) 部门工资之和,
    7        MAX(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno) 部门最高工资,
    8        COUNT(1) over(PARTITION BY deptno) 部门人数
    9   FROM emp e

    下面的SQL语句是追加了ORDER BY的子句,表示连续的求聚合值:


    1 SELECT deptno,
    2        e.ename,
    3        empno,
    4        sal,
    5        AVG(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY ename) 部门平均工资,
    6        SUM(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY ename) 部门工资之和,
    7        MAX(sal) over(PARTITION BY deptno ORDER BY ename) 部门最高工资
    8   FROM emp e




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caroline/p/2770886.html
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