• HNOI2002 营业额统计





    #define rep(i,a,n) for(int i = a;i <= n;i++)
    #define per(i,n,a) for(int i = n;i >= a;i--)
    #define enter putchar('
    #define pr pair<int,int>
    #define mp make_pair
    #define fi first
    #define sc second
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    const int M = 100005;
    const int N = 10000005;
    const int INF = 1000000009;
    int read()
        int ans = 0,op = 1;
        char ch = getchar();
        while(ch < '0' || ch > '9')
        if(ch == '-') op = -1;
        ch = getchar();
        while(ch >='0' && ch <= '9')
        ans *= 10;
        ans += ch - '0';
        ch = getchar();
        return ans * op;
    struct node
        int fa,ch[2],son,cnt,val;
    int n,x,tot,idx,root;
    bool get(int x)
        return t[t[x].fa].ch[1] == x;
    void pushup(int x)
        t[x].son = t[t[x].ch[0]].son + t[t[x].ch[1]].son + t[x].cnt;
    void rotate(int x)
        int y = t[x].fa,z = t[y].fa,k = get(x);
        t[z].ch[t[z].ch[1] == y] = x,t[x].fa = z;
        t[y].ch[k] = t[x].ch[k^1],t[t[y].ch[k]].fa = y;
        t[x].ch[k^1] = y,t[y].fa = x;
    void splay(int x,int goal)
        while(t[x].fa != goal)
        int y = t[x].fa,z = t[y].fa;
        if(z != goal) (t[y].ch[0] == x) ^ (t[z].ch[0] == y) ? rotate(x) : rotate(y);
        if(goal == 0) root = x;
    bool insert(int x)
        int u = root,f = 0;
        bool flag = 0;
        while(u && t[u].val != x) f = u,u = t[u].ch[x > t[u].val];
        if(u) t[u].cnt++,flag = 1;
        u = ++idx;
        if(f) t[f].ch[x > t[f].val] = u;
        t[u].ch[0] = t[u].ch[1] = 0;
        t[u].fa = f,t[u].val = x,t[u].cnt = t[u].son = 1;
        return flag;
    void find(int x)
        int u = root;
        if(!u) return;
        while(t[u].ch[x > t[u].val] && t[u].val != x) u = t[u].ch[x > t[u].val];
    int next(int x,int f)
        int u = root;
        if((x > t[u].val && f) || (x < t[u].val && !f)) return t[u].val;
        u = t[u].ch[f];
        while(t[u].ch[f^1]) u = t[u].ch[f^1];
        return t[u].val;
    int main()
        n = read();
        x = read(),insert(x),tot += x;
        x = read();
        if(insert(x)) continue;
        int a = next(x,0),b = next(x,1);
        tot += min(abs(x-a),abs(x-b));
    //    printf("#%d
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/captain1/p/9738668.html
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