• amplify踩坑之旅

    1,DataStore does not support 1 to 1 connection with both sides of connection as optional field: Album.attraction

    There was an error pushing the API resource
    Error: DataStore does not support 1 to 1 connection with both sides of connection as optional field: Album.attraction

    解决:attraction: Attraction! @connection(name: "AttractionAlbums", fields:["AttractionID"], sortField: "createdAt") #加个!号

    2, One or more parameter values were invalid: Index KeySchema does not have a range key for index: byCourse


    解决:将二级索引byCourse删除,从表设置主索引@key(fields: ["courseID","sort"])

    3,Attempting to edit the key schema of the AttractionTable table in the Attraction stack.

    Cause: Adding a primary @key directive to an existing @model.
    How to fix: Remove the @key directive or provide a name e.g @key(name: "ByStatus", fields: ["status"]).


    4,amplify Following resources failed     或amplify Missing required key 'apiId' in params 。。。。。


    1,amplify delete

    2,npm cache clean -f

    3,amplify configure

    4,amplify init

    接下来一个个重新add ,push update


    Attempting to edit the global secondary index byAttraction on the AlbumTable table in the Album stack.
    There was an error pushing the API resource
    Attempting to edit the global secondary index byAttraction on the AlbumTable table in the Album stack.
    Cause: The key schema of a global secondary index cannot be changed after being deployed.
    How to fix: If using @key, first add a new @key, run `amplify push`, and then remove the old @key. If using @connection,
    first remove the @connection, run `amplify push`, and then add the new @connection with the new configuration.


    5,设置数据表排序必须通过@key创建二级索引queryField=另外建立一个查询语句  #@key(name: "sort", fields: ["partition","level"], queryField: "soryByLevel")



    8,当项目文件移到新的设备,ampflfy push时会报以下错误

    - Fetching updates to backend environment: dev from the cloud.Could not initialize 'dev': The "path" argument must be of

    type string. Received an instance of Error

    解决:重新  amplify configure project

    9,当push失败后,再push会报找不到文件Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:wwwFCpointpamplify#current-cloud-backendfunctionfcpointp5199be52


    I did the following and it resolved my issues.

    Follow the instructions here and call amplify hosting add.

    Then move the api and auth folders and their content from the backend folder to the #current-cloud-backend folder.

    Then run amplify push.

    但我是用  amplify env checkout devone  再 push 解决的  ##devone   是环境名

    10,经过不懈努力,解决lambda无法更新数据库问题,对比demo发现创建数据库时缺少 以下内容

    @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner }##原有,
    { allow: private, provider: iam, operations: [ read, update ] }##缺少部分])

    11,dynomaDB 导数据流程

    利用data pipeline 服务






    "Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:table/Album/updateAlbum”

    "Resource": [
    "Fn::Sub": [
    { "env": { "Ref": "env" } }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caicaizi/p/14122404.html
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