• 两个程序代码



    #!/usr/bin/env python
    #Author: Tony Cabel
    import os
    import tab
    users = [['xuande','123'],['mengde','qwe'],['zhongmou','123qwe']] 
    for i in range(3):
        name = input("Account: ")
        pas  = input("Password: ")
        if [name,pas] in users:
            print('Account success. Welcome %s!'%name)
            ism = 2 - i
            print("Invalid name or password. Please retry and left %s time"%ism)
            if i == 2:
                print("You lost there times. account is locked now")



     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     3 #Author: Tony Cabel
     5 menus = {
     6     '山东':{'德州':['陵县','乐陵','宁津','齐河','武城','禹城'],
     7                 '济南':['天桥','历下','槐荫','历城','宋官庄'],
     8                 '东营':['河口','利津','东城','西城']},
     9     '北京':{'朝阳':['金台路','双井','劲松','宋家庄'],
    10                '昌平':['天通苑','沙河','回龙观','龙泽'],
    11                '西城':['宣武门','复兴门','长椿街'],
    12                '海淀':['西二旗','五道口','上地','知春里']}
    13 }
    15 flag = False
    17 while not flag:
    18     for item in enumerate(list(menus.keys())):
    19         index = item[0]
    20         pro = item[1]
    21         print(index,pro)
    22     print("Press 'e' to exit the program.")
    23     men = input("Which province do you select (press the before number)? ")
    24     if men.isdigit() and int(men) < len(menus):
    25         men1 = int(men)
    26         name = menus.keys()
    27         prov = list(menus.keys())[men1]
    28         while not flag:
    29             for items in enumerate(menus[prov]):
    30                 ind = items[0]
    31                 cit = items[1]
    32                 print(ind,cit)
    33             print("Press the number to enter the next menu and press 'q' to quit the last menu.")
    34             cit_num = input("Which city do you select (press the before number)? ")
    35             if cit_num.isdigit() and int(cit_num) < len(list(menus[prov].keys())):
    36                 cit_num1 = int(cit_num)
    37                 city = menus[prov].keys()
    38                 coun = list(menus[prov].keys())[cit_num1]
    39                 while not flag:
    40                     for i in list(menus[prov][coun]):
    41                         print(i)
    42                     flo = input("Press 'q' to quit the last menu and press 'e' to exit the program.")
    43                     if flo == 'q':
    44                         break
    45                     elif flo == 'e':
    46                         exit("Good Bye".center(50,'-'))
    47                     else:
    48                         print("Please input according to the introduction.")
    49                         continue
    50             elif cit_num == 'q':
    51                 break
    52             else:
    53                 print("Please input according to the introduction.")
    54                 continue
    55     elif men == 'e':
    56         exit("Good Bye".center(50,'-'))
    57     else:
    58         print("Please input according to the introduction.")
    59         continue
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caibao666/p/6089974.html
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