• 创建对象的一种方式&一种继承机制(代码实例)

                /* 创建对象的一种方式:混合的构造函数/原型方式,
                function People(sname){
                    this.name = sname;
                People.prototype.sayName = function(){
                /* 一种继承机制:
                 * 用对象冒充继承构造函数的属性,用原型prototype继承对象的方法。
                function Student(sname,sage){
                    this.age = sage;
           var F = new Function(){} ;
           F.prototype = People.prototype ;
           Student.prototype = new F() ;
           Student.prototype.sayAge = function(){
          var people1 = new People("jeff");
          people1.sayName(); //输出:jeff
          var student1 = new Student("john",30);
          student1.sayName(); //输出:john
          student1.sayAge(); //输出:30
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cag2050/p/5463935.html
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