• [ERROR] 安装完Detectron后出现 cython_nms.so: undefined symbol: PyFPE_jbuf

    上个月Install Detectron后,


    # To check if Caffe2 GPU build was successful
    # This must print a number > 0 in order to use Detectron
    python2 -c 'from caffe2.python import workspace; print(workspace.NumCudaDevices())'

    输出1 ,没问题


    python2 $DETECTRON/tests/test_spatial_narrow_as_op.py

    依旧通过。执行nference tutorial时也一切正常。

    但是今天在执行inference tutorial时,却报错了:

    python2 tools/infer_simple.py 
        --cfg configs/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-101-FPN_2x.yaml 
        --output-dir /tmp/detectron-visualizations 
        --image-ext jpg 
        --wts https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/detectron/35861858/12_2017_baselines/e2e_mask_rcnn_R-101-FPN_2x.yaml.02_32_51.SgT4y1cO/output/train/coco_2014_train:coco_2014_valminusminival/generalized_rcnn/model_final.pkl 


    ImportError: /home/cc/Detectron-master/lib/utils/cython_nms.so: undefined symbol: PyFPE_jbuf



    >>> pip uninstall numpy

      把numpy给卸载了,然后就出现 “ no module named numpy” ,我想重新给它装回去,pip install numpy却提示我系统已经安装了numpy ,可是我却无法import !!??

      后来还是通过 pip installl --ignore-installed numpy 重新给装回去了。


    >>> conda remove numpy

      我也没注意,出提示时直接输入了yes ,结果...把装好的tensorflow和其他一些相关的包都给卸载了!!??? WTF

    好吧,没了就没 了,一会给它重新装回去就是了。但是执行inference tutorial依旧报相同的错误!!于是就进入了下面的一个坑。




    >>> conda install -c caffe2 caffe2-cuda9.0-cudnn7-gcc4.8

     这个更改完犊子,安装某个包时,出现一个和Permision Denied有关的Error,然后安装结束了。我进入python可以import caffe2 但是,执行inference tutorial时,出现其他的错误。

    然后我就想删了,conda remove  caffe2 caffe2-cuda9.0-cudnn7-gcc4.8 居然删不了,每次运行完指令,还是可以import caffe2,而且错误依旧存在。

    无奈,最后我使出了杀手锏:删除Anaconda2 一切重新来过。。。



    bash ./Anaconda2-4.4.0-Linux-x86_64.sh

    这里没什么好说的,正常装完后检查 python -V 显示是Anaconda2的。

    Step 2: 从源码编译caffe2

     有一点要注意的时,这次在编译caffe2的时候,提示cmake版本最低要求 3.2,而本机自带的是2.8,所以需要升级:

    >>> cd ~
    >>> wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.2/cmake-3.2.2.tar.gz
    >>> tar xvf cmake-3.2.2.tar.gz
    >>> cd cmake-3.2.2
    >>> ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr         #这一步很关键,如果没有指定prefix,后面使用时会报错Could not find CMAKE_ROOT
    >>> make
    >>> sudo make install
    >>> cmake --version
    cmake version 3.2.2

    然后执行 再下载和编译caffe2

    Step2: 安装Caffe2,要小心了。

    >>> conda install -c caffe2 caffe2-cuda9.0-cudnn7-gcc4.8


    Fetching package metadata ...........
    Solving package specifications: .
    Package plan for installation in environment /home/cc/anaconda2:
    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
        caffe2-cuda9.0-cudnn7-gcc4.8: 0.8.dev-py27h67f0068_0 caffe2
        future:                       0.16.0-py27_1                
        gflags:                       2.2.0-1                      
        glog:                         0.3.5-0                      
        leveldb:                      1.20-0                       
        libprotobuf:                  3.4.0-0                      
        lmdb:                         0.9.21-0                     
        opencv:                       3.1.0-np112py27_1            
        protobuf:                     3.4.0-py27_0                 
        snappy:                       1.1.6-0                      
    The following packages will be UPDATED:
        anaconda:                     4.4.0-np112py27_0             --> custom-py27_0        
        conda:                        4.3.21-py27_0                 --> 4.3.30-py27h6ae6dc7_0
    The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:
        jpeg:                         9b-0                          --> 8d-2                 
        libtiff:                      4.0.6-3                       --> 4.0.6-2              
        pillow:                       4.1.1-py27_0                  --> 3.4.2-py27_0         
        qt:                           5.6.2-4                       --> 5.6.2-2              
    Proceed ([y]/n)? 

    没的说,我这里只能选y吧 ,等了几个小时后,都下载好了。

    Proceed ([y]/n)? y
    gflags-2.2.0-1 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:01  99.19 kB/s
    glog-0.3.5-0.t 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:35  18.59 kB/s
    jpeg-8d-2.tar. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:47  17.43 kB/s
    lmdb-0.9.21-0. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:34  17.11 kB/s
    snappy-1.1.6-0 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:02  19.58 kB/s
    leveldb-1.20-0 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:22  15.62 kB/s
    libprotobuf-3. 100% |################################| Time: 0:04:55  15.33 kB/s
    libtiff-4.0.6- 100% |################################| Time: 0:01:38  15.48 kB/s
    anaconda-custo 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00  20.59 kB/s
    future-0.16.0- 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:40  16.27 kB/s
    opencv-3.1.0-n 100% |################################| Time: 0:38:52  16.46 kB/s
    pillow-3.4.2-p 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:59  14.74 kB/s
    protobuf-3.4.0 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:24  19.81 kB/s
    caffe2-cuda9.0 100% |################################| Time: 0:22:54  20.96 kB/s
    qt-5.6.2-2.tar 100% |################################| Time: 0:26:06  29.61 kB/s
    qt-5.6.2-2.tar 100% |################################| Time: 0:40:15  19.21 kB/s
    conda-4.3.30-p 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:26  19.93 kB/s


    >>> python2 -c 'from caffe2.python import core' 2>/dev/null && echo "Success" || echo "Failure"
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    >>> python2 -c 'from caffe2.python import workspace; print(workspace.NumCudaDevices())'
    WARNING:root:This caffe2 python run does not have GPU support. Will run in CPU only mode.
    WARNING:root:Debug message: libnccl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)


    This does NOT include libraries that are necessary to run the tutorials, such as jupyter. See the tutorials page for the list of required packages needed to run the tutorials.
    NOTE: This will install Caffe2 and all of its required dependencies into the current conda environment. 
    We strongly suggest that you create a new conda environment and install Caffe2 into that.
    A conda environment is like a separate python installation and so won’t have problems with your other conda environments. You can learn more about conda environments here.

    我决定进一步尝试 tutorials page里的 list of required packages needed to run the tutorials.

    First download the tutorials source.

    >>> git clone --recursive https://github.com/caffe2/tutorials caffe2_tutorials

    Cloning into 'caffe2_tutorials'...
    remote: Counting objects: 280, done.
    remote: Total 280 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 280
    Receiving objects: 100% (280/280), 38.42 MiB | 71.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (113/113), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.

    To run the tutorials you will need some third-party libraries, including ipython-notebooks and matplotlib. You can install everything you’ll need with the following command.

    (Anaconda users: If you’re using Anaconda, use conda install instead of pip install.) Anaconda user?好家伙,那不就是我吗 ?


    pip install -U pip setuptools
    pip install 


    >>> conda install setuptools
    Fetching package metadata ...........
    Solving package specifications: .
    Package plan for installation in environment /home/cc/anaconda2:
    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
        certifi:    2018.1.18-py27_0     
        libgcc-ng:  7.2.0-hdf63c60_3     
    The following packages will be UPDATED:
        conda:      4.3.30-py27h6ae6dc7_0 --> 4.5.0-py27_0        
        conda-env:  2.6.0-0               --> 2.6.0-h36134e3_1    
        pycosat:    0.6.2-py27_0          --> 0.6.3-py27ha4109ae_0
        setuptools: 27.2.0-py27_0         --> 39.0.1-py27_0       
    Proceed ([y]/n)? 
    conda-env-2.6. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00   8.48 kB/s
    libgcc-ng-7.2. 100% |################################| Time: 0:07:00  15.20 kB/s
    certifi-2018.1 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:06  21.14 kB/s
    pycosat-0.6.3- 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:05  19.45 kB/s
    setuptools-39. 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:40  14.60 kB/s
    conda-4.5.0-py 100% |################################| Time: 0:01:12  14.74 kB/s
    >>> conda install graphviz hypothesis ipython jupyter matplotlib notebook pydot python-nvd3 pyyaml requests scikit-image scipy

    Solving environment: failed

    PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

    - python-nvd3

    Current channels:

    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/linux-64
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/main/noarch
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/free/linux-64
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/free/noarch
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/r/linux-64
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/r/noarch
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/pro/linux-64
    - https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/pro/noarch


    >>> conda install graphviz hypothesis ipython jupyter matplotlib notebook pydot pyyaml requests scikit-image scipy
    Solving environment: done
    ## Package Plan ##
      environment location: /home/cc/anaconda2
      added / updated specs: 
        - graphviz
        - hypothesis
        - ipython
        - jupyter
        - matplotlib
        - notebook
        - pydot
        - pyyaml
        - requests
        - scikit-image
        - scipy
    The following packages will be downloaded:
        package                    |            build
        numpy-1.12.1               |   py27h9378851_1         3.7 MB
        terminado-0.8.1            |           py27_1          20 KB
        ca-certificates-2018.03.07 |                0         124 KB
        pyyaml-3.12                |   py27h2d70dd7_1         159 KB
        pydot-1.2.4                |           py27_0          37 KB
        attrs-17.4.0               |           py27_0          40 KB
        graphviz-2.38.0            |                2        12.0 MB
        hypothesis-3.53.0          |           py27_0         251 KB
        requests-2.18.4            |   py27hc5b0589_1          90 KB
        scikit-image-0.13.1        |   py27h14c3975_1        23.2 MB
        urllib3-1.22               |   py27ha55213b_0         153 KB
        backports.shutil_get_terminal_size-1.0.0|   py27h5bc021e_2           8 KB
        notebook-5.4.1             |           py27_0         6.6 MB
        libgfortran-ng-7.2.0       |       hdf63c60_3         1.2 MB
        jupyter-1.0.0              |           py27_4           5 KB
        intel-openmp-2018.0.0      |                8         620 KB
        ipython-5.6.0              |           py27_0        1020 KB
        jupyter_core-4.4.0         |   py27h345911c_0          60 KB
        send2trash-1.5.0           |           py27_0          16 KB
        openssl-1.0.2o             |       h20670df_0         3.4 MB
        scikit-learn-0.19.1        |   py27h445a80a_0         5.3 MB
        pysocks-1.6.8              |           py27_0          22 KB
        libstdcxx-ng-7.2.0         |       hdf63c60_3         2.5 MB
        scipy-1.0.1                |   py27hfc37229_0        17.7 MB
        numexpr-2.6.4              |   py27hd318778_0         180 KB
        jupyter_client-5.2.3       |           py27_0         122 KB
        mkl-2018.0.2               |                1       205.2 MB
        coverage-4.5.1             |   py27h14c3975_0         208 KB
        imageio-2.3.0              |           py27_0         3.3 MB
                                               Total:       287.4 MB
    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
        attrs:                              17.4.0-py27_0       
        backports.shutil_get_terminal_size: 1.0.0-py27h5bc021e_2
        ca-certificates:                    2018.03.07-0        
        coverage:                           4.5.1-py27h14c3975_0
        graphviz:                           2.38.0-2            
        hypothesis:                         3.53.0-py27_0       
        imageio:                            2.3.0-py27_0        
        intel-openmp:                       2018.0.0-8          
        libgfortran-ng:                     7.2.0-hdf63c60_3    
        libstdcxx-ng:                       7.2.0-hdf63c60_3    
        pydot:                              1.2.4-py27_0        
        pysocks:                            1.6.8-py27_0        
        send2trash:                         1.5.0-py27_0        
        urllib3:                            1.22-py27ha55213b_0 
    The following packages will be UPDATED:
        ipython:                            5.3.0-py27_0         --> 5.6.0-py27_0         
        jupyter:                            1.0.0-py27_3         --> 1.0.0-py27_4         
        jupyter_client:                     5.0.1-py27_0         --> 5.2.3-py27_0         
        jupyter_core:                       4.3.0-py27_0         --> 4.4.0-py27h345911c_0 
        mkl:                                2017.0.1-0           --> 2018.0.2-1           
        notebook:                           5.0.0-py27_0         --> 5.4.1-py27_0         
        numexpr:                            2.6.2-np112py27_0    --> 2.6.4-py27hd318778_0 
        numpy:                              1.12.1-py27_0        --> 1.12.1-py27h9378851_1
        openssl:                            1.0.2l-0             --> 1.0.2o-h20670df_0    
        pyyaml:                             3.12-py27_0          --> 3.12-py27h2d70dd7_1  
        requests:                           2.14.2-py27_0        --> 2.18.4-py27hc5b0589_1
        scikit-image:                       0.13.0-np112py27_0   --> 0.13.1-py27h14c3975_1
        scikit-learn:                       0.18.1-np112py27_1   --> 0.19.1-py27h445a80a_0
        scipy:                              0.19.0-np112py27_0   --> 1.0.1-py27hfc37229_0 
        terminado:                          0.6-py27_0           --> 0.8.1-py27_1         
    Proceed ([y]/n)? 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caffeaoto/p/8796558.html
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