• Miller_rabin算法+Pollard_rho算法 POJ 1811 Prime Test

    POJ 1811 Prime Test

    Time Limit: 6000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
    Total Submissions: 32534   Accepted: 8557
    Case Time Limit: 4000MS


    Given a big integer number, you are required to find out whether it's a prime number.


    The first line contains the number of test cases T (1 <= T <= 20 ), then the following T lines each contains an integer number N (2 <= N < 254).


    For each test case, if N is a prime number, output a line containing the word "Prime", otherwise, output a line containing the smallest prime factor of N.

    Sample Input


    Sample Output

      1 /*遇上一个题目不同,这个题目是输出最小的质因子*/
      2 #include<iostream>
      3 using namespace std;
      4 #include<cstdio>
      5 #define S 10
      6 #include<cstdlib>
      7 #include<ctime>
      8 #define ll long long
      9 ll cas, maxz;
     10 ll read()
     11 {
     12     ll ans=0;char c;
     13     c=getchar();
     14     while(c<'0'||c>'9') c=getchar();
     15     while(c>='0'&&c<='9') 
     16     {
     17         ans=ans*10+c-'0';
     18         c=getchar();
     19     }
     20     return ans;
     21 }
     22 ll quick_mul_mod(ll a,ll b,ll c)//a*b%c
     23 {
     24     ll ret=0;
     25     a%=c;b%=c;
     26     while(b)
     27     {
     28         if(b&1)
     29         {
     30             ret+=a;
     31             ret%=c;
     32             b--;
     33         }
     34         a<<=1;
     35         a%=c;
     36         b>>=1;
     37     }
     38     return ret;
     39 }
     40 ll gcd(ll a,ll b)
     41 {
     42     if(a==0) return 1;
     43     if(a<0) return gcd(-a,b);
     44     if(b==0)
     45     return a;
     46     return gcd(b,a%b);
     47 }
     48 ll Pollard_rho(ll x,ll c)
     49 {
     50     ll x1=rand()%(x-1)+1;
     51     ll x2=x1;
     52     int i=1,k=2;
     53     while(1)
     54     {
     55         i++;
     56         x1=(quick_mul_mod(x1,x1,x)+c)%x;
     57         ll d=gcd(x2-x1,x);
     58         if(d!=1&&d!=x) return d;
     59         if(x2==x1) return x;
     60         if(i==k)
     61         {
     62             x2=x1;
     63             k+=k;
     64         }
     65     }
     67 }
     68 ll quick_mod(ll a,ll b,ll c)//ji suan a^b%c
     69 {
     70     ll ans=1;
     71     a%=c;
     72     while(b)
     73     {
     74         if(b&1)
     75         {
     76             b--;
     77             ans=quick_mul_mod(ans,a,c);
     78         }
     79         b>>=1;
     80         a=quick_mul_mod(a,a,c);
     81     }
     82     return ans;
     83 }
     84 bool Miller_rabin(ll n)
     85 {
     86     if(n==2) return true;
     87     if(n<=1||!(n&1)) return false;
     88     ll u=n-1,t=0;
     89     while(!(u&1))
     90     {
     91         u>>=1;
     92         t++;
     93     }
     94     for(int i=0;i<S;++i)
     95     {
     96         ll x=rand()%(n-1)+1;
     97         x=quick_mod(x,u,n);
     98         for(int i=1;i<=t;++i)
     99         {
    100             ll y=quick_mul_mod(x,x,n);
    101             if(y==1&&x!=1&&x!=n-1)
    102               return false;
    103             x=y;
    104         }
    105         if(x!=1) return false;
    106     }
    107     return true;
    108 }
    109 void findpri(ll n)
    110 {
    111     if(n<=1) return;
    112     if(Miller_rabin(n))
    113     {
    114         if(n!=0)
    115         maxz=min(maxz,n);
    116         return;
    117     }
    118     ll p=n;
    119     while(p==n)
    120       p=Pollard_rho(p,rand()%(n-1)+1);
    121     findpri(p);
    122     findpri(n/p);
    123 }
    124 int main()
    125 {
    126     srand(time(0));
    127     cas=read();
    128     while(cas--)
    129     {
    130         maxz=(1<<31)-1;/*不知道为什么这个赋初值的最大值,只有赋值为小于等于(1<<31)-1才对,我的maxz明明是long long型的啊*/
    131         ll n=read();
    132         findpri(n);
    133         if(Miller_rabin(n))
    134           printf("Prime
    135         else printf("%lld
    136     }
    137     return 0;
    138  } 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/c1299401227/p/5515239.html
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