我们用man connection命令查看手册,如下:
- The socket is nonblocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately. It
- is possible to select(2) or poll(2) for completion by selecting the socket for
- writing. After select(2) indicates writability, use getsockopt(2) to read the
- SO_ERROR option at level SOL_SOCKET to determine whether connect() completed successfully (SO_ERROR is zero) or unsuccessfully (SO_ERROR is one of the usual error
- codes listed here, explaining the reason for the failure).
- getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len)
int connect_timeout(int fd, struct sockaddr_in *addr, unsigned int wait_seconds) { int ret; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if (wait_seconds > 0) activate_nonblock(fd); //设为非阻塞 ret = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*)addr, addrlen); if (ret < 0 && errno == EINPROGRESS) { //printf("11111111111111111111 "); fd_set connect_fdset; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&connect_fdset); FD_SET(fd, &connect_fdset); timeout.tv_sec = wait_seconds; timeout.tv_usec = 0; do { // 一但连接建立,则套接字就可写 所以connect_fdset放在了写集合中 ret = select(fd + 1, NULL, &connect_fdset, NULL, &timeout); } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (ret == 0) { ret = -1; errno = ETIMEDOUT; } else if (ret < 0) return -1; else if (ret == 1) { //printf("22222222222222222 "); /* ret返回为1(表示套接字可写),可能有两种情况,一种是连接建立成功,一种是套接字产生错误,*/ /* 此时错误信息不会保存至errno变量中,因此,需要调用getsockopt来获取。 */ int err; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(err); int sockoptret = getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &socklen); if (sockoptret == -1) { return -1; } if (err == 0) { //printf("3333333333333 "); ret = 0; } else { //printf("4444444444444444:%d ", err); errno = err; ret = -1; } } } if (wait_seconds > 0) { deactivate_nonblock(fd); //设回阻塞 } return ret; }