• SLD Connection Parameters for a Central SLD

    SLD Connection Parameters for a Central SLD

    I know there are arguments for and against one or multiple SLD’s but this is not the purpose of this blog… what ever your personal views are I respect that. What I want to show in this blog is what needs to be configured and what needs to be pointing where in the situation where you decide to have only one central SLD. I have seen many posts on the forums relating to this issue and I hope to be able to help with this blog.

    It is often the case that when embarking upon an XI/PI project you start off by installing your development instance and then after some time you install your QA and Production instances, once you finally install your Production instance you want all of the other instances to use the same SLD so essentially you want to configure DEV and QA to point to PROD SLD. Well the parameters below outline the configuration needed to set up a central SLD in your landscape and what needs to point where.

    ***Please note the part about the central systems exchange profile is only applicable if you are using SOLMAN to house your central SLD***

    Process Integration Parameters

    • AI_DIRECTORY_JCOSERVER – Points to the RFC Provider in the PI Visual Admin
    • AI_RUNTIME_JCOSERVER – Points to the RFC Provider in the PI Visual Admin
    • LCRSAPRFC - Points to the RFC Provider in the PI Visual Admin
    • SAPSLDAPI - Points to the RFC Provider in the Central System Visual Admin


    • Contains the Parameters for the Central System

    Exchange Profile

    Under the Connections tab the following should be true
    • cr name and httport – Parameters for the Central System
    • landscape name and httpport – Parameters for the Central System       

    Visual Administrator

    JCo RFC Provider

    • Only the SAPSLDAPI RFC should contain the parameters for the central system including program ID

    SLD Data Supplier

    • Both HTTP and CIM settings should be pointing to the Central SLD

    Central System Parameters


    • LCRSAPRFC - Points to the RFC Provider in the Central System Visual Admin
    • SAPSLDAPI - Points to the RFC Provider in the Central System Visual Admin


    • Contains the Parameters for the Central System

    Exchange Profile

    The connection should be to the PI Exchange Profile and NOT the Central System       

    Visual Administrator

    SLD Data Supplier

    • Both HTTP and CIM settings should be pointing to the Central SLD
    • Assign Roles to the User Group to allow access to the SLD

    Parameters in the SLD

    The Technical Systems for both the PI system and Central System should contain their relevant products e.g. PI should have Netweaver 2004s and SAP Exchange Infrastructure 3.0 Products installed.

    The Business system for PI should be defined as an Integration Server and contain the following Pipleline URL : http://<hostname>:<ICM Port>/sap/xi/engine?type=entry.

    A Business system for the Central System also needs to be defined and have the role of an Application System.

    Use SXMB_ADM à Integration Engine Configuration to ensure that the relevant Parameters are imported from the SLD. You can do this by Edit --> Global Configuration Data --> System Landscape.

    Users and Roles

    Ensure that both Systems contain all of the PI users along with the SLD users and all of the correct roles are assigned (Generally All Users from PI need to be Replicated into the Central System) and the passwords are exactly the same.

    Useful Notes

    Please also see the below notes for useful insights and more of an overview.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/byfhd/p/1308300.html
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