• 英语口语练习系列-C18-Wildest Dreams


    actor 演员
    afternoon 下午
    alive 活着的
    apple 苹果
    adjective 形容词
    air 空气
    animal 动物
    April 四月
    adult 成年人
    airport 机场
    apartment 公寓
    arm 手臂
    army 军队
    bed 床
    box 盒子
    cat 猫
    art 艺术
    bedroom 卧室
    boy 男孩
    catch 抓住
    artist 艺术家
    beef 牛肉
    brain 大脑
    ceiling 天花板
    attack 攻击
    beer 啤酒
    bread 面包
    cellphone 手机
    August 八月
    bend 弯曲
    break 打破
    centimeter 厘米
    author 作者
    beverage 饮料
    breakfast 早餐




    英文歌《Wildest Dreams》

    英文 译文
    He said "Let's get out of this town" 他说让我们一起离开这小镇
    Drive out of the city 驾车离开这城市
    Away from the crowds 摆脱喧嚣的人群
    I thought "Heaven can't help me now" 我想即使是天堂也于事无济
    Nothing lasts forever 没有什么永垂不朽
    But this is gonna take me down 但这都会把我深深蛊惑
    He's so tall and handsome as hell 他是那样的高大英俊
    He's so bad but does it so well 明明那么糟糕,却萦绕在我的脑海中,挥之不去
    I can see the end as it begins 从一开始我便对结局一目了然
    My one condition is... 我有一个条件是……
    Say you'll remember me 要你说会记住我
    Standing in a nice dress 一袭美裙
    Staring at the sunset, babe 远眺日落,宝贝
    Red lips and rosy cheeks 记住我绯红双唇,面若桃花
    Say you'll see me again 要你说你会想起我
    Even if it's just in your wildest dreams...Wildest dreams... 即使只在你最狂野的梦境里
    I said "No one has to know what we do" 我说没人会知道我们的事
    His hands are in my hair 他的指尖轻抚我的发梢
    His clothes are in my room 他的衣服落在我的房间
    And his voice is a familiar sound 他的声音是那么熟悉
    Nothing lasts forever 没有什么天长地久
    But this is getting good now 但现在一切都在渐入佳境
    He's so tall and handsome as hell 他是那么的高大英俊
    He's so bad but does it so well 明明那么糟糕,却又那么完美
    When we've had our very last kiss 当我们最后一次拥吻
    My last request is... 我最后的奢求是……
    Say you'll remember me 要你说会记住我
    Standing in a nice dress 一袭美裙
    Staring at the sunset, babe 远眺日落,宝贝
    Red lips and rosy cheeks 记住我绯红双唇,面若桃花
    Say you'll see me again 要你说你会想起我
    Even if it's just in your wildest dreams...Wildest dreams... 即使只在你最狂野的梦境里
    You'll see me in hindsight 事过境迁再相见
    Tangled up with you all night 整晚与你纠缠
    Burn it down 燃烧殆尽
    Someday when you leave me 终有一天当在你离开我后
    I bet these memories 我确信这些记忆
    Follow you around... 如影随形
    Say you'll remember me 要你说会记住我
    Standing in a nice dress 一袭美裙
    Staring at the sunset, babe 远眺日落,宝贝
    Red lips and rosy cheeks 记住我绯红双唇,面若桃花
    Say you'll see me again 要你说你会想起我
    Even if it's just pretend 即使只是逢场作戏
    Say you'll remember me 要你说会记住我
    Standing in a nice dress 一袭美裙
    Staring at the sunset, babe 远眺日落,宝贝
    Red lips and rosy cheeks 记住我绯红双唇,面若桃花
    Say you'll see me again even if it's just (Just pretend, just pretend) in your wildest dreams 要你说你会想起我
    In your wildest dreams 即使只在你最狂野的梦境里
    Even if it's just in your wildest dreams 在你最狂野的梦境里
    In your wildest dreams 即使只在你最狂野的梦境里


    1. Extend

    v. extended, extending, extends

    1. To cause (something) to be longer, wider, or cover more area: extended the subway line into the next town.

    2. To enlarge the scope or effect of: research that extended our knowledge of the universe.

    3. To cause (something) to last longer: extended our visit by a day.

    4. To be or become long, large, or comprehensive: influence that extended to other continents; table legs that extend by unscrewing.

    2. Extract

    v. extracted, extracting, extracts

    1. To draw or pull out, often with great force or effort: extract a wisdom tooth; used tweezers to extract the splinter.
    2. To obtain despite resistance: extract a promise.
    3. To derive or obtain (information, for example) from a source.

    3. Exclude

    v. excluded, excluding, excludes

    1. To prevent from being included, considered, or accepted; reject: The court excluded the improperly obtained evidence.
    2. To put out; expel.

    4. Entrench

    v. entrenched, entrenching, entrenches

    1. To fix firmly or securely: "Today managed care plans are entrenched in the economy, enrolling 61 percent of the population" (Peter T. Kilborn).

    5. Encapsulate

    v. encapsulated, encapsulating, encapsulates

    1. To express in a brief summary; epitomize: headlines that encapsulate the news.

    6. Enumerate

    v. enumerated, enumerating, enumerates

    1. To count off or name one by one; list: A spokesperson enumerated the strikers' demands.
    2. To determine the number of; count.

    7. Intensify

    v. intensified, intensifying, intensifies

    1. To make intense or more intense: The press has intensified its scrutiny of the candidate's background.

    8. Identify

    v. identified, identifying, identifies

    1. To establish or recognize the identity of; ascertain as a certain person or thing: Can you identify what kind of plane that is? I identified the man at the next table as a famous actor.


    v. classified, classifying, classifies

    1. To arrange or organize according to class or category.

    10. Verify

    v. verified, verifying, verifies

    1. To demonstrate the truth or accuracy of, as by the presentation of evidence: experiments that verified the hypothesis.
    2. Later,findings verified the scientist's theory.
    3. Build & test the controller to verify the correct pulse output.
    4. The experiments verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

    -ed: Perfect Tense (完成时态)
    -ing: Progressive Tense (进行时态)
    -s/es: Simple Present Tense (简单现在时态)
    v.tr = Transitive Verb
    v.intr = Intransitive Verb


    1. 微观英语
    2. 学术英语
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