• ab压力测试

    ab -n -c http://xxx.com/

    -n 次数

    -c 客户端数

    [root@localhost wang]# ab -n 10000 -c 1000
    This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1430300 $>
    Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
    Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/
    Benchmarking (be patient)
    Completed 1000 requests
    Completed 2000 requests
    Completed 3000 requests
    Completed 4000 requests
    Completed 5000 requests
    Completed 6000 requests
    Completed 7000 requests
    Completed 8000 requests
    Completed 9000 requests
    Completed 10000 requests
    Finished 10000 requests
    Server Software:        swoole-http-server
    Server Hostname:
    Server Port:            9501
    Document Path:          /
    Document Length:        28 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      1000
    Time taken for tests:   0.842 seconds
    Complete requests:      10000
    Failed requests:        0
    Write errors:           0
    Total transferred:      1910000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       280000 bytes
    Requests per second:    11880.45 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       84.172 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.084 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          2215.98 [Kbytes/sec] received
    Connection Times (ms)
                  min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
    Connect:        0   20   3.7     20      38
    Processing:     7   33  10.3     31      70
    Waiting:        0   26   8.0     25      52
    Total:         25   53  11.5     51      94
    Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
      50%     51
      66%     54
      75%     56
      80%     58
      90%     65
      95%     85
      98%     90
      99%     93
     100%     94 (longest request)
    [root@localhost wang]# 


  • 相关阅读:
    java Set(集合)
    java Stack(栈)
    java LinkedList(链表)
    linux 下shell中if的“-e,-d,-f”是什么意思
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/brady-wang/p/13360600.html
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