• Shell脚本编程基础之shell脚本安全set命令




    设想定义变量$dir,用rm -rf $dir/* 清空目录

    若干$dir为空,则误执行rm -rf /*

      1 #!/bash/bin
      3 DIR=/data
      5 rm -rf $D1R/*
      7 echo Del $DIR Already!



    • h 缓存功能。hashhall,shell缓存命令执行路径
    • B 支持花括号{}扩展
    • i 交互式shell
    • m 监控模式,可通过job control来控制程序的启、停、续,前后台。
    • H 历史命令记录功能
    • s
    [21:32:18 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo $-


    [21:42:30 root@C8-3-55 ~]#set --help
    set: set [--abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o 选项名] [--] [参数 ...]
        Set or unset values of shell options and positional parameters.
        Change the value of shell attributes and positional parameters, or
        display the names and values of shell variables.
          -a  Mark variables which are modified or created for export.
          -b  Notify of job termination immediately.
          -e  Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
          -f  Disable file name generation (globbing).
          -h  Remember the location of commands as they are looked up.
          -k  All assignment arguments are placed in the environment for a
              command, not just those that precede the command name.
          -m  Job control is enabled.
          -n  Read commands but do not execute them.
          -o option-name
              Set the variable corresponding to option-name:
                  allexport    same as -a
                  braceexpand  same as -B
                  emacs        use an emacs-style line editing interface
                  errexit      same as -e
                  errtrace     same as -E
                  functrace    same as -T
                  hashall      same as -h
                  histexpand   same as -H
                  history      enable command history
                  ignoreeof    the shell will not exit upon reading EOF
                               allow comments to appear in interactive commands
                  keyword      same as -k
                  monitor      same as -m
                  noclobber    same as -C
                  noexec       same as -n
                  noglob       same as -f
                  nolog        currently accepted but ignored
                  notify       same as -b
                  nounset      same as -u
                  onecmd       same as -t
                  physical     same as -P
                  pipefail     the return value of a pipeline is the status of
                               the last command to exit with a non-zero status,
                               or zero if no command exited with a non-zero status
                  posix        change the behavior of bash where the default
                               operation differs from the Posix standard to
                               match the standard
                  privileged   same as -p
                  verbose      same as -v
                  vi           use a vi-style line editing interface
                  xtrace       same as -x
          -p  Turned on whenever the real and effective user ids do not match.
              Disables processing of the $ENV file and importing of shell
              functions.  Turning this option off causes the effective uid and
              gid to be set to the real uid and gid.
          -t  Exit after reading and executing one command.
          -u  Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.
          -v  Print shell input lines as they are read.
          -x  Print commands and their arguments as they are executed.
          -B  the shell will perform brace expansion
          -C  If set, disallow existing regular files to be overwritten
              by redirection of output.
          -E  If set, the ERR trap is inherited by shell functions.
          -H  Enable ! style history substitution.  This flag is on
              by default when the shell is interactive.
          -P  If set, do not resolve symbolic links when executing commands
              such as cd which change the current directory.
          -T  If set, the DEBUG and RETURN traps are inherited by shell functions.
          --  Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.
              If there are no remaining arguments, the positional parameters
              are unset.
          -   Assign any remaining arguments to the positional parameters.
              The -x and -v options are turned off.
        Using + rather than - causes these flags to be turned off.  The
        flags can also be used upon invocation of the shell.  The current
        set of flags may be found in $-.  The remaining n ARGs are positional
        parameters and are assigned, in order, to $1, $2, .. $n.  If no
        ARGs are given, all shell variables are printed.
        Exit Status:
        Returns success unless an invalid option is given.

    set -u

    Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.


    [21:42:38 root@C8-3-55 ~]#name=bpz ##定义一个变量
    [21:46:58 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo $name ##显示该变量
    [21:47:04 root@C8-3-55 ~]#unset name ##清空该变量
    [21:47:14 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo $name ##再次显示未定义的变量
    [21:47:21 root@C8-3-55 ~]#set -u ##启用-u功能
    [21:47:30 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo $name ##再次显示未定义的变量
    -bash: name: 未绑定的变量 ##提示错误

    例:利用set -u功能,避免未定义变量被引用

      1 #!/bash/bin
      2 set -u
      3 DIR=/data
      5 rm -rf $D1R/*
      7 echo Del $DIR Already!

    set -e

    Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.


    确保安全,脚本第一句话set -ue

    set -O 显示功能开启情况

    [22:09:14 root@C8-3-55 ~]#set -o
    allexport       off
    braceexpand     on
    emacs           on
    errexit         off
    errtrace        off
    functrace       off
    hashall         on
    histexpand      on
    history         on
    ignoreeof       off
    interactive-comments    on
    keyword         off
    monitor         on
    noclobber       off
    noexec          off
    noglob          off
    nolog           off
    notify          off
    nounset         on
    onecmd          off
    physical        off
    pipefail        off
    posix           off
    privileged      off
    verbose         off
    vi              off
    xtrace          off
    * * * 胖并快乐着的死肥宅 * * *
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bpzblog/p/14522990.html
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