• 算法与游戏实战技术之刀光拖尾实现















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    1. public void Itterate(float itterateTime)

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    1. {

    2. position = transform.position;

    3. now = itterateTime;

    4. // Add a new trail section

    5. if (sections.Count == 0 || (sections[0].point - position).sqrMagnitude > minDistance * minDistance) {

    6. TronTrailSection section = new TronTrailSection();

    7. section.point = position;

    8. if (alwaysUp)

    9. section.upDir = Vector3.up;

    10. else

    11. section.upDir = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);

    12. section.time = now;

    13. sections.Insert(0, section);

    14. }

    15. }


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    1. <spanstyle="white-space:pre"></span>void RunAnimations ()

    2. {

    3. //

    4. if (t > 0) {

    5. eulerAngles = transform.eulerAngles;

    6. position = transform.position;

    7. while (tempT < t) {

    8. tempT += animationIncrement;

    9. for (int i = 0; i <fadingStates.Count; i++) {

    10. if (FadeOutAnimation (fadingStates[i], animationIncrement)) {

    11. fadingStates.RemoveAt (i);

    12. i--;

    13. }

    14. }

    15. if (currentState != null)

    16. FadeInCurrentState (animationIncrement);

    17. //

    18. m = tempT / t;

    19. transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(Mathf.LerpAngle(lastEulerAngles.x, eulerAngles.x, m),Mathf.LerpAngle(lastEulerAngles.y, eulerAngles.y, m),Mathf.LerpAngle(lastEulerAngles.z, eulerAngles.z, m));

    20. transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(lastPosition, position, m);

    21. //

    22. // ** Samples the animation at that moment

    23. //

    24. animation.Sample ();

    25. //

    26. // ** Adds the information to the WeaponTrail

    27. //

    28. for (int j = 0; j <trails.Count; j++) {

    29. if (trails[j].time > 0) {

    30. trails[j].Itterate (Time.time - t + tempT);

    31. } else {

    32. trails[j].ClearTrail ();

    33. }

    34. }

    35. }

    36. //

    37. // ** End of loop

    38. //

    39. tempT -= t;

    40. //

    41. // ** Sets the position and rotation to what they were originally

    42. transform.position = position;

    43. transform.eulerAngles = eulerAngles;

    44. lastPosition = position;

    45. lastEulerAngles = eulerAngles;

    46. //

    47. // ** Finally creates the meshes for the WeaponTrails (one per frame)

    48. //

    49. for (int j = 0; j <trails.Count; j++) {

    50. if (trails[j].time > 0) {

    51. trails[j].UpdateTrail (Time.time, t);

    52. }

    53. }

    54. }

    55. }


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    1. publicvoid UpdateTrail(float currentTime, float deltaTime)

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    1. {

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    1. <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>// ** call once a frame **

    2. // Rebuild the mesh

    3. mesh.Clear();

    4. //

    5. // Remove old sections

    6. while (sections.Count > 0 && currentTime > sections[sections.Count - 1].time + time) {

    7. sections.RemoveAt(sections.Count - 1);

    8. }

    9. // We need at least 2 sections to create the line

    10. if (sections.Count < 2)

    11. return;

    12. //

    13. vertices = new Vector3[sections.Count * 2];

    14. colors = new Color[sections.Count * 2];

    15. uv = new Vector2[sections.Count * 2];

    16. //

    17. currentSection = sections[0];

    18. //

    19. // Use matrix instead of transform.TransformPoint for performance reasons

    20. localSpaceTransform = transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

    21. // Generate vertex, uv and colors

    22. for (var i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++) {

    23. //

    24. currentSection = sections[i];

    25. // Calculate u for texture uv and color interpolation

    26. float u = 0.0f;

    27. if (i != 0)

    28. u = Mathf.Clamp01((currentTime - currentSection.time) / time);

    29. //

    30. // Calculate upwards direction

    31. Vector3 upDir = currentSection.upDir;

    32. // Generate vertices

    33. vertices[i * 2 + 0] = localSpaceTransform.MultiplyPoint(currentSection.point);

    34. vertices[i * 2 + 1] = localSpaceTransform.MultiplyPoint(currentSection.point + upDir * height);

    35. uv[i * 2 + 0] = new Vector2(u, 0);

    36. uv[i * 2 + 1] = new Vector2(u, 1);

    37. // fade colors out over time

    38. Color interpolatedColor = Color.Lerp(startColor, endColor, u);

    39. colors[i * 2 + 0] = interpolatedColor;

    40. colors[i * 2 + 1] = interpolatedColor;

    41. }

    42. // Generate triangles indices

    43. int[] triangles = newint[(sections.Count - 1) * 2 * 3];

    44. for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length / 6; i++) {

    45. triangles[i * 6 + 0] = i * 2;

    46. triangles[i * 6 + 1] = i * 2 + 1;

    47. triangles[i * 6 + 2] = i * 2 + 2;

    48. triangles[i * 6 + 3] = i * 2 + 2;

    49. triangles[i * 6 + 4] = i * 2 + 1;

    50. triangles[i * 6 + 5] = i * 2 + 3;

    51. }

    52. // Assign to mesh

    53. mesh.vertices = vertices;

    54. mesh.colors = colors;

    55. mesh.uv = uv;

    56. mesh.triangles = triangles;

    57. //

    58. // Tween to the desired time

    59. //

    60. if (time > desiredTime){

    61. time -= deltaTime*timeTransitionSpeed;

    62. if(time <= desiredTime) time = desiredTime;

    63. } elseif (time < desiredTime){

    64. time += deltaTime*timeTransitionSpeed;

    65. if(time >= desiredTime) time = desiredTime;

    66. }

    67. }






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