• leetcode 594. Longest Harmonious Subsequence

    We define a harmonious array is an array where the difference between its maximum value and its minimum value is exactly 1.

    Now, given an integer array, you need to find the length of its longest harmonious subsequence among all its possible subsequences.

    Example 1:

    Input: [1,3,2,2,5,2,3,7]
    Output: 5
    Explanation: The longest harmonious subsequence is [3,2,2,2,3].

    Note: The length of the input array will not exceed 20,000.


    class Solution(object):
        def findLHS(self, nums):
            :type nums: List[int]
            :rtype: int
            # brute force
            cnt = collections.Counter(nums)
            items = cnt.items()
            items.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
            ans = 0        
            for i in xrange(1, len(items)):
                k,v = items[i-1]:
                k2,v2 = items[i]
                if k2-k == 1:
                    ans = max(ans, v2+v)
            return ans                        


    class Solution(object):
        def findLHS(self, nums):
            :type nums: List[int]
            :rtype: int
            # brute force
            cnt = collections.Counter(nums)
            ans = 0
            for k in cnt:
                if k+1 in cnt:
                    ans = max(ans, cnt[k+1]+cnt[k])
            return ans


    class Solution(object):
        def findLHS(self, nums):
            :type nums: List[int]
            :rtype: int
            # brute force
            pre_k = pre_cnt = None
            ans = 0
            i = 0
            while i < len(nums):
                k = nums[i]
                cnt = 1
                while i+1<len(nums) and nums[i+1] == k:
                    i += 1
                    cnt += 1
                if pre_k is not None:           
                    if k-pre_k==1: ans = max(pre_cnt+cnt, ans)                 
                pre_k = k
                pre_cnt = cnt            
                i += 1
            return ans     


     int findLHS(vector<int>& nums) {
            int len = 0;
            for(int i = 1, start = 0, new_start = 0; i<nums.size(); i++)
                if (nums[i] - nums[start] > 1)    
                    start = new_start;
                if (nums[i] != nums[i-1]) 
                    new_start = i;
                if(nums[i] - nums[start] == 1)
                    len = max(len, i-start+1);
            return len;


    class Solution(object):
        def findLHS(self, nums):
            :type nums: List[int]
            :rtype: int
            # if sub seq is continueous
            if not nums: return 0
            min_val = max_val = nums[0]
            ans = cnt = 1
            for i in xrange(1, len(nums)):
                max_val = max(nums[i], max_val)
                min_val = min(nums[i], min_val)
                if max_val - min_val <= 1:                
                    cnt += 1
                    ans = max(ans, cnt)
                    min_val = max_val = nums[i]
                    cnt = 1
            return ans                
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bonelee/p/8849200.html
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