• bleve搜索引擎源码分析之索引——mapping真复杂啊


        data := struct {
            Name string
            Des  string
            Name: "hello world this is bone",
            Des:  "this is a good time",
        // index some data
        index.Index("id", data)


    index.Index("id", data)


    // Index adds the specified index operation to the
    // batch.  NOTE: the bleve Index is not updated
    // until the batch is executed.
    func (b *Batch) Index(id string, data interface{}) error {
        if id == "" {
            return ErrorEmptyID
        doc := document.NewDocument(id)
        err := b.index.Mapping().MapDocument(doc, data)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return nil


     b.index.Mapping().MapDocument(doc, data)


    func (im *IndexMappingImpl) MapDocument(doc *document.Document, data interface{}) error {
        docType := im.determineType(data)
        docMapping := im.mappingForType(docType)
        walkContext := im.newWalkContext(doc, docMapping)
        if docMapping.Enabled {
            docMapping.walkDocument(data, []string{}, []uint64{}, walkContext)
            // see if the _all field was disabled
            allMapping := docMapping.documentMappingForPath("_all")
            if allMapping == nil || (allMapping.Enabled != false) {
                field := document.NewCompositeFieldWithIndexingOptions("_all", true, []string{}, walkContext.excludedFromAll, document.IndexField|document.IncludeTermVectors)
        return nil
    func (dm *DocumentMapping) walkDocument(data interface{}, path []string, indexes []uint64, context *walkContext) {
        // allow default "json" tag to be overriden
        structTagKey := dm.StructTagKey
        if structTagKey == "" {
            structTagKey = "json"
        val := reflect.ValueOf(data)
        typ := val.Type()
        switch typ.Kind() {
        case reflect.Map:
            // FIXME can add support for other map keys in the future
            if typ.Key().Kind() == reflect.String {
                for _, key := range val.MapKeys() {
                    fieldName := key.String()
                    fieldVal := val.MapIndex(key).Interface()
                    dm.processProperty(fieldVal, append(path, fieldName), indexes, context)
        case reflect.Struct:
            for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
                field := typ.Field(i)
                fieldName := field.Name
                // anonymous fields of type struct can elide the type name
                if field.Anonymous && field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
                    fieldName = ""
                // if the field has a name under the specified tag, prefer that
                tag := field.Tag.Get(structTagKey)
                tagFieldName := parseTagName(tag)
                if tagFieldName == "-" {
                // allow tag to set field name to empty, only if anonymous
                if field.Tag != "" && (tagFieldName != "" || field.Anonymous) {
                    fieldName = tagFieldName
                if val.Field(i).CanInterface() {
                    fieldVal := val.Field(i).Interface()
                    newpath := path
                    if fieldName != "" {
                        newpath = append(path, fieldName)
                    dm.processProperty(fieldVal, newpath, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
            for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
                if val.Index(i).CanInterface() {
                    fieldVal := val.Index(i).Interface()
                    dm.processProperty(fieldVal, path, append(indexes, uint64(i)), context)
        case reflect.Ptr:
            ptrElem := val.Elem()
            if ptrElem.IsValid() && ptrElem.CanInterface() {
                dm.processProperty(ptrElem.Interface(), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.String:
            dm.processProperty(val.String(), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
            dm.processProperty(float64(val.Int()), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
            dm.processProperty(float64(val.Uint()), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
            dm.processProperty(float64(val.Float()), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Bool:
            dm.processProperty(val.Bool(), path, indexes, context)
    func (dm *DocumentMapping) processProperty(property interface{}, path []string, indexes []uint64, context *walkContext) {
        pathString := encodePath(path)
        // look to see if there is a mapping for this field
        subDocMapping := dm.documentMappingForPath(pathString)
        closestDocMapping := dm.closestDocMapping(pathString)
        // check to see if we even need to do further processing
        if subDocMapping != nil && !subDocMapping.Enabled {
        propertyValue := reflect.ValueOf(property)
        if !propertyValue.IsValid() {
            // cannot do anything with the zero value
        propertyType := propertyValue.Type()
        switch propertyType.Kind() {
        case reflect.String:
            propertyValueString := propertyValue.String()
            if subDocMapping != nil {
                // index by explicit mapping
                for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
                    fieldMapping.processString(propertyValueString, pathString, path, indexes, context)
            } else if closestDocMapping.Dynamic {
                // automatic indexing behavior
                // first see if it can be parsed by the default date parser
                dateTimeParser := context.im.DateTimeParserNamed(context.im.DefaultDateTimeParser)
                if dateTimeParser != nil {
                    parsedDateTime, err := dateTimeParser.ParseDateTime(propertyValueString)
                    if err != nil {
                        // index as text
                        fieldMapping := newTextFieldMappingDynamic(context.im)
                        fieldMapping.processString(propertyValueString, pathString, path, indexes, context)
                    } else {
                        // index as datetime
                        fieldMapping := newDateTimeFieldMappingDynamic(context.im)
                        fieldMapping.processTime(parsedDateTime, pathString, path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
            dm.processProperty(float64(propertyValue.Int()), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
            dm.processProperty(float64(propertyValue.Uint()), path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Float64, reflect.Float32:
            propertyValFloat := propertyValue.Float()
            if subDocMapping != nil {
                // index by explicit mapping
                for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
                    fieldMapping.processFloat64(propertyValFloat, pathString, path, indexes, context)
            } else if closestDocMapping.Dynamic {
                // automatic indexing behavior
                fieldMapping := newNumericFieldMappingDynamic(context.im)
                fieldMapping.processFloat64(propertyValFloat, pathString, path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Bool:
            propertyValBool := propertyValue.Bool()
            if subDocMapping != nil {
                // index by explicit mapping
                for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
                    fieldMapping.processBoolean(propertyValBool, pathString, path, indexes, context)
            } else if closestDocMapping.Dynamic {
                // automatic indexing behavior
                fieldMapping := newBooleanFieldMappingDynamic(context.im)
                fieldMapping.processBoolean(propertyValBool, pathString, path, indexes, context)
        case reflect.Struct:
            switch property := property.(type) {
            case time.Time:
                // don't descend into the time struct
                if subDocMapping != nil {
                    // index by explicit mapping
                    for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
                        fieldMapping.processTime(property, pathString, path, indexes, context)
                } else if closestDocMapping.Dynamic {
                    fieldMapping := newDateTimeFieldMappingDynamic(context.im)
                    fieldMapping.processTime(property, pathString, path, indexes, context)
                dm.walkDocument(property, path, indexes, context)
            dm.walkDocument(property, path, indexes, context)


    func (fm *FieldMapping) processString(propertyValueString string, pathString string, path []string, indexes []uint64, context *walkContext) {
        fieldName := getFieldName(pathString, path, fm)
        options := fm.Options()
        if fm.Type == "text" {     
            analyzer := fm.analyzerForField(path, context)
            field := document.NewTextFieldCustom(fieldName, indexes, []byte(propertyValueString), options, analyzer)
            if !fm.IncludeInAll {  
                context.excludedFromAll = append(context.excludedFromAll, fieldName)
        } else if fm.Type == "datetime" { 
            dateTimeFormat := context.im.DefaultDateTimeParser
            if fm.DateFormat != "" {        
                dateTimeFormat = fm.DateFormat  
            dateTimeParser := context.im.DateTimeParserNamed(dateTimeFormat)
            if dateTimeParser != nil {      
                parsedDateTime, err := dateTimeParser.ParseDateTime(propertyValueString)
                if err == nil {
                    fm.processTime(parsedDateTime, pathString, path, indexes, context)
    func (fm *FieldMapping) processFloat64(propertyValFloat float64, pathString string, path []string, indexes []uint64, context *walkContext) {
        fieldName := getFieldName(pathString, path, fm)
        if fm.Type == "number" {
            options := fm.Options()
            field := document.NewNumericFieldWithIndexingOptions(fieldName, indexes, propertyValFloat, options)
            if !fm.IncludeInAll {
                context.excludedFromAll = append(context.excludedFromAll, fieldName)
  • 相关阅读:
    adb.exe 已停止工作的解决办法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bonelee/p/6675628.html
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