• POJ 1177 Picture





    每扫描到一条线,更新线段树,之后,水平方向,ans加上 (线段树根节点长度值 - 上一次的长度 )的绝对值, 竖直方向,ans + 2 * 两条线间隔 * 线段树根节点区间段数。从右往左扫描的话同样。稍微思考一下即可知道这种方式是没问题的。

    结构上,线段树节点保存 l, r, 实际左端点, 实际右端点, 实际长度, 被线段全部覆盖数目 ,不相连段个数,左孩子是否被全覆盖,右孩子是否被全覆盖



     1 const int maxn = 1e4 + 5;
     2 struct node{
     3     int f;
     4     double rlen, rl, rr;
     5     int num;
     6     bool lcover, rcover;
     7 };
     8 node tree[maxn * 4];
     9 struct Line{
    10     double x1, x2, y;
    11     int flag;
    12     bool operator < (const Line &t) const{
    13         return y < t.y;
    14     }
    15     Line() {}
    16     Line(double a, double b, double c, int f): x1(a), x2(b), y(c), flag(f) {}
    17 };
    18 Line lines[maxn];
    19 double ys[maxn];
    20 int n;
    22 void build(int l, int r, int k){
    23     tree[k].f = 0; tree[k].rl = ys[l]; tree[k].rr = ys[r]; tree[k].rlen = 0;
    24     tree[k].num = 0; tree[k].lcover = tree[k].rcover = false;
    25     if(l + 1 == r) return;
    26     int mid = (l + r) >> 1, lc = k << 1, rc = k << 1 | 1;
    27     build(l, mid, lc);
    28     build(mid, r, rc);
    29 }
    30 void cacu(int l, int r, int k){
    31     if(tree[k].f > 0) {
    32         tree[k].rlen = tree[k].rr - tree[k].rl;
    33         tree[k].lcover = tree[k].rcover = true; tree[k].num = 1;
    34         return;
    35     }
    36     if(l + 1 == r) {
    37         tree[k].rlen = 0; tree[k].num = 0;
    38         tree[k].lcover = tree[k].rcover = false;
    39     }
    40     else {
    41         tree[k].rlen = tree[k << 1].rlen + tree[k << 1 | 1].rlen;
    42         tree[k].num = tree[k << 1].num + tree[k << 1 | 1].num;
    43         tree[k].lcover = tree[k << 1].lcover;
    44         tree[k].rcover = tree[k << 1 | 1].rcover;
    45         if(tree[k << 1 | 1].lcover && tree[k << 1].rcover) tree[k].num--;
    46     }
    47 } 
    48 void update(Line ul, int l, int r, int k){
    49     if(ul.x1 <= tree[k].rl && ul.x2 >= tree[k].rr){
    50         tree[k].f += ul.flag;
    51         cacu(l, r, k);
    52         return;
    53     }
    54     if(ul.x1 > tree[k].rr || ul.x2 < tree[k].rl) return;
    55     int mid = (l + r) >> 1, lc = k << 1, rc = k << 1 | 1;
    56     if(ul.x2 <= tree[lc].rr) update(ul, l, mid, lc);
    57     else if(ul.x1 >= tree[rc].rl) update(ul, mid, r, rc);
    58     else{
    59         update(ul, l, mid, lc);
    60         update(ul, mid, r, rc);
    61     }
    62     cacu(l, r, k);
    63 }
    65 int main(){
    66     int t = 1;
    67     while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF && n != 0){
    68         int cnt = 1;
    69         for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
    70             double x1, x2, y1, y2;
    71             scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    72             lines[cnt] = Line(x1, x2, y1, 1);
    73             ys[cnt] = x1; cnt++;
    74             lines[cnt] = Line(x1, x2, y2, -1);
    75             ys[cnt] = x2; cnt++;
    76         }
    77         sort(lines + 1, lines + cnt);
    78         sort(ys + 1, ys + cnt);
    79         int m = unique(ys + 1, ys + cnt) - (ys + 1);
    80         build(1, m, 1);
    81         update(lines[1], 1, m, 1);
    82         double ans = tree[1].rlen;
    83         double last = ans;
    84         for(int i = 2; i <= cnt; i++){
    85             ans += (lines[i].y - lines[i - 1].y) * 2 * tree[1].num;
    86             update(lines[i], 1, m, 1);
    87             ans += abs(tree[1].rlen - last);
    88             last = tree[1].rlen;
    89         }
    91         printf("%.0f
    ", ans);
    92     }
    93 }


    Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K
    Total Submissions: 12728   Accepted: 6733


    A number of rectangular posters, photographs and other pictures of the same shape are pasted on a wall. Their sides are all vertical or horizontal. Each rectangle can be partially or totally covered by the others. The length of the boundary of the union of all rectangles is called the perimeter. 

    Write a program to calculate the perimeter. An example with 7 rectangles is shown in Figure 1. 

    The corresponding boundary is the whole set of line segments drawn in Figure 2. 

    The vertices of all rectangles have integer coordinates. 


    Your program is to read from standard input. The first line contains the number of rectangles pasted on the wall. In each of the subsequent lines, one can find the integer coordinates of the lower left vertex and the upper right vertex of each rectangle. The values of those coordinates are given as ordered pairs consisting of an x-coordinate followed by a y-coordinate. 

    0 <= number of rectangles < 5000 
    All coordinates are in the range [-10000,10000] and any existing rectangle has a positive area.


    Your program is to write to standard output. The output must contain a single line with a non-negative integer which corresponds to the perimeter for the input rectangles.

    Sample Input

    -15 0 5 10
    -5 8 20 25
    15 -4 24 14
    0 -6 16 4
    2 15 10 22
    30 10 36 20
    34 0 40 16

    Sample Output



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bolderic/p/7325579.html
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