• .net文件上传的方法

    前台js代码 导入jQuery上传插件Uploadify 3.2

     1 $("#photofile").uploadify({//上传电子相片
     2             swf: '/Theme/NewBlueVacation/images/uploadify.swf',
     3             uploader: '/ExtendClass/UploadFiles.ashx',   //后台处理文件的路径
     4              85,
     5             height: 21,
     6             buttonText: '    ',//上传按钮文字
     7             fileSizeLimit: '20KB',
     8             multi: false,
     9             buttonImage: "/Theme/NewBlueVacation/images/ManualRecharge_tubiao06.png",//上传按钮路径
    10             fileTypeExts: '*.jpg',//;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp;*.doc;*.docx
    11             fileTypeDesc: '图片文件',
    12             onSelectError: function (file, errorCode, errorMsg) {
    13                 switch (errorCode) {
    14                     case -100:
    15                         layer.alert("上传的文件数量已经超出系统限制的" + $('#photofile').uploadify('settings', 'queueSizeLimit') + "个文件!");
    16                         break;
    17                     case -110:
    18                         layer.alert("文件 [" + file.name + "] 大小超出系统限制的" + $('#photofile').uploadify('settings', 'fileSizeLimit') + "大小!");
    19                         break;
    20                     case -120:
    21                         layer.alert("文件 [" + file.name + "] 大小异常!");
    22                         break;
    23                     case -130:
    24                         layer.alert("文件 [" + file.name + "] 类型不正确!");
    25                         break;
    26                 }
    27             },
    28             onUploadSuccess: function (file, data, response) {
    29                 if (data == "0") {
    30                     $.messager.alert("提示", "上传失败!", 'error');
    31                 }
    32                 else {
    33                     $("<img/>").attr("src", data).load(function () {
    34                         /*
    35                           如果要获取图片的真实的宽度和高度有三点必须注意
    36                           1、需要创建一个image对象:如这里的$("<img/>")
    37                           2、指定图片的src路径
    38                           3、一定要在图片加载完成后执行如.load()函数里执行
    39                         */
    40                         realWidth = this.width;
    41                         realHeight = this.height;
    42                         //如果真实的宽度大于浏览器的宽度就按照100%显示
    43                         if (realWidth != 358) {
    44                             this.width = 358;
    45                         }
    46                         else {//如果小于浏览器的宽度按照原尺寸显示
    47                             //$(img).css("width", realWidth + 'px').css("height", realHeight + 'px');
    48                         }
    49                         if (realHeight != 441)
    50                         {
    51                             this.height=441;
    52                         }
    53                     });
    54                     //$('#photopic').attr('src', data);
    55                     $('#photofilename').val(data);
    56                     $('#phototext').val(file.name);
    57                 }
    58             }
    59         });


     1  public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
     2         {
     3             context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
     4             HttpPostedFile file = context.Request.Files["Filedata"];
     5             string Dir = "Upload";
     6             string uploadPath = "\" + Dir + "\TravelProduct\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "\";
     7             string returnPath = uploadPath.Replace("\", "/");
     8             uploadPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(uploadPath);
     9             if (file != null)
    10             {
    11                 if (!Directory.Exists(uploadPath))
    12                 {
    13                     Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadPath);
    14                 }
    15                 string fileType = Tool.MakeRandomNumber(8, 1) + Tool.GetPicType(file.FileName);
    16                 file.SaveAs(uploadPath + fileType);
    17                 //下面这句代码缺少的话,上传成功后上传队列的显示不会自动消失
    18                 context.Response.Write(returnPath + fileType);
    19             }
    20             else
    21             {
    22                 context.Response.Write("0");
    23             }
    24         }
    25 #region 取指定文件的后缀名
    26         /// <summary>
    27         /// 取指定文件的后缀名
    28         /// </summary>
    29         /// <param name="PicName">文件名或文件路径</param>
    30         /// <returns></returns>
    31         public static string GetPicType(string PicName)
    32         {
    33             return Path.GetExtension(PicName);
    34         }
    35         #endregion
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bolanbujing/p/4289852.html
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