实体框架 将一组概念性架构和存储架构连同它们之间的映射一起编译为称为“客户端视图”的双向 Entity SQL 语句对。这些视图驱动运行时引擎中的查询和更新处理。可以在设计时或运行时(在对 实体数据模型 (EDM) 架构第一次执行查询时)调用生成视图的映射编译器。
实体框架 通过提供到基础数据提供程序和关系数据库的
下图演示用于访问数据的 Entity Framework 体系结构:
实体框架 工具生成从
在概念性模型中,实体通过关联来相互相关。在对象层,这些关联由基于实体引用公开相关对象集合的属性来表示。例如,在 School 模型中,Department.Course 基于 Course 和 Department 之间的关联来获取 Course 对象的实体集合。由于被引用的对象不会自动加载,因此必须对实体引用调用
Visual Basic | 复制代码 |
' Define a query that returns all Department objects and related ' Course objects, ordered by name. Dim departmentQuery As ObjectQuery(Of Department) = _ schoolContext.Department.Include("Course").OrderBy("it.Name") |
C# | 复制代码 |
// Define a query that returns all Department objects and related // Course objects, ordered by name. ObjectQuery<Department> departmentQuery = schoolContext.Department.Include("Course").OrderBy("it.Name"); |
可以定义一个 EDM,使之使用存储过程对数据源执行查询。从这些存储过程得到的结果集将映射到概念性模型中的实体。有关更多信息,请参见
Visual Basic | 复制代码 |
' Get the object for the selected department. Dim department As Department = _ CType(Me.departmentList.SelectedItem, Department) ' Bind the grid view to the collection of Course objects ' that are related to the selected Department object. courseGridView.DataSource = department.Course |
C# | 复制代码 |
// Get the object for the selected department. Department department = (Department)this.departmentList.SelectedItem; // Bind the grid view to the collection of Course objects // that are related to the selected Department object. courseGridView.DataSource = department.Course; |
Entity Framework 跟踪实体数据的更改,并使您能将更改持久保存回数据源。在下面摘自
Visual Basic | 复制代码 |
' Save object changes to the database, display a message, ' and refresh the form. numChanges = schoolContext.SaveChanges() |
C# | 复制代码 |
// Save object changes to the database, display a message, // and refresh the form. numChanges = schoolContext.SaveChanges(); |
可以定义一个 EDM,使之使用存储过程在数据源中插入、更新和删除数据。这些存储过程将映射到概念性模型中的实体。有关更多信息,请参见