• oracle 行转列,动态年份,月份列。已解决!

    procedure GetComparativeAnalysisTB(p_StartTime varchar2, ----开始时间 p_EndTime varchar2, ----结束时间 p_type varchar2, ----1:按全市2:按行业3、按企业 p_id varchar2, ----1全部 、区县编码或企业名称 p_id1 varchar2, ----按企业查询p_id为区县p_id1为企业编码 c_Select in out REF_WFData) is cursor cursor_1 IS ---获取 时间段年份 SELECT (to_number(to_char(TO_DATE(p_StartTime, 'yyyy-MM'), 'YYYY')) + ROWNUM-1) AS Yearlist FROM DUAL CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (to_char(to_date(p_EndTime, 'yyyy-MM'),'yyyy')-to_char(to_date(p_StartTime, 'yyyy-MM'),'yyyy'))+1 order by Yearlist desc; V_SQL VARCHAR2(32767); /* aYear varchar2(200);---获取年*/ bMonth varchar2(200);---获取月 v_StartTime varchar2(200); ---- 开始时间 v_EndTime varchar2(200); ----结束时间 begin v_StartTime:=p_StartTime||'-01'; v_EndTime:=p_EndTime||'-01'; if p_type=1 then ---统计类别---- 按全市 V_SQL := 'select t1.ps_code,t1.ps_name'; FOR V_XCLCK IN cursor_1 LOOP SELECT to_char(substr(p_StartTime,6,instr(p_StartTime,'-')-3)) into bMonth FROM DUAL ;--获取月 V_SQL := V_SQL ||','|| 'min(case when to_char(t1.ps_month,''yyyy-mm'')=''' || V_XCLCK.Yearlist||'-'|| bMonth||''' then t1.pfl end) as ' || 'pfl'||V_XCLCK.Yearlist||bMonth||',' || 'min(case when to_char(t1.ps_month,''yyyy-mm'')=''' || V_XCLCK.Yearlist||'-'|| bMonth||''' then t1.fqpfl end) as ' || 'fqpfl'||V_XCLCK.Yearlist||bMonth; END LOOP; V_SQL := V_SQL || ' from ( select a.ps_month, a.c0008_pid ps_code, a.c0008_item_desc ps_name, b.ps_pfl fqpfl, sum(nvl(a.ps_pfl,0)) pfl from PSINFO_OUTPUTSUBPFYZ_SB a,PSINFO_OUTPUTSUB_SB b where a.c0003_stcode=b.c0003_stcode and a.c0070_enterprise_code=b.c0070_enterprise_code and a.c0007_pcode=b.c0007_pcode and a.ps_month=b.ps_month and a.ps_month>=to_date('''||v_StartTime||''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and a.ps_month<=to_date('''||v_EndTime||''',''yyyy-mm-dd'') and a.c0008_pid in (201,203,207) and a.ps_state=1 group by a.c0008_pid,a.c0008_item_desc,a.ps_month,b.ps_pfl ) t1 group by ps_code,ps_name order by ps_code'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(V_SQL); open c_Select for V_SQL; end if; end GetComparativeAnalysisTB;



    cursor cursor_1 IS 
       ---获取 时间段月份
        SELECT TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE(p_StartTime, 'yyyy-MM'), ROWNUM - 1),  'yyyy-MM') as monthlist  
        FROM DUAL  
        CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= months_between(to_date(p_EndTime, 'yyyy-MM'),to_date(p_StartTime, 'yyyy-MM')) + 1 ; 
     V_SQL VARCHAR2(32767);
     aYear varchar2(200);---获取年
     bMonth varchar2(200);---获取月
     v_StartTime varchar2(200); ---- 开始时间
     v_EndTime varchar2(200);   ----结束时间     
           if  p_type=1 then    ---统计类别----  按全市
                if p_id='0' then
                   V_SQL := 'select t1.ps_code,t1.ps_name';
            FOR V_XCLCK IN cursor_1
            SELECT to_char(substr(V_XCLCK.monthlist,1,instr(V_XCLCK.monthlist,'-')-1)),to_char(substr(V_XCLCK.monthlist,6,instr(V_XCLCK.monthlist,'-')-3)) into aYear,bMonth FROM DUAL ;
            V_SQL := V_SQL ||','|| 'nvl(min(case when to_char(t1.ps_month,''yyyy-mm'')=''' || V_XCLCK.monthlist||''' then t1.pfl end),0) as ' || 'pfl'||aYear||bMonth||','
                                || 'nvl(min(case when to_char(t1.ps_month,''yyyy-mm'')=''' || V_XCLCK.monthlist||''' then t1.fqpfl end),0) as ' || 'fqpfl'||aYear||bMonth;
          END LOOP;
           V_SQL := V_SQL || '  from ( 
                                      a.c0008_pid ps_code,
                                      a.c0008_item_desc ps_name,
                                      b.ps_pfl fqpfl,
                                      sum(nvl(a.ps_pfl,0)) pfl
                                      from PSINFO_OUTPUTSUBPFYZ_SB a,PSINFO_OUTPUTSUB_SB b
                                      where a.c0003_stcode=b.c0003_stcode
                                      and a.c0070_enterprise_code=b.c0070_enterprise_code
                                      and a.c0007_pcode=b.c0007_pcode 
                                      and a.ps_month=b.ps_month
                                      and a.ps_month>=to_date('''||v_StartTime||''',''yyyy-mm-dd'')
                                      and a.ps_month<=to_date('''||v_EndTime||''',''yyyy-mm-dd'')
                                      and a.c0008_pid in (201,203,207)
                                      and a.ps_state=1 
                                      group by a.c0008_pid,a.c0008_item_desc,a.ps_month,b.ps_pfl
                                      ) t1 
                                      group by ps_code,ps_name
                                      order by ps_code';
           open c_Select for V_SQL;
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