表uc_diary与uc_photo是两个完全不相关的表,用union all可以将这里个表的数据关联到一起,使用时间排序,常用于新鲜事的显示,讲日志,相册,说说等动态放到一起,安装时间排序
select diary_id as id, diary_title as title, diary_text as contentandname, post_time, 'diary' as type from uc_diary where diary_state='0' AND emp_id='eedc8ae7-be7b-41d6-8887-283804d6aac9' union all select photo_id as id, (select title from uc_album where album_id=uc.album_id AND album_state='0' and emp_id='eedc8ae7-be7b-41d6-8887-283804d6aac9') as title, filename as contentandname, post_time, 'photo' as type from uc_photo uc where photo_state='0' and emp_id='eedc8ae7-be7b-41d6-8887-283804d6aac9' order by post_time desc