• python自动化测试-D7-学习笔记之四(操作excel)


    # 例1:
    # import xlwt
    # xld = xlwt.Workbook() # 新建一个excel文件
    # sheet = xld.add_sheet('sheet1') # 添加一个sheet
    # sheet.write(0,0,'姓名')#第一行第一列
    # sheet.write(0,1,'性别')
    # sheet.write(0,2,'年龄')
    # xld.save('stu.xls')# 读的时候可以是xlsx的格式,但是写的时候不允许
    # xld.save(r'C:UsersAdministratorPicturesstu.xls') # 存指定位置

    # 例2
    # import xlwt
    # title = [ '姓名','年龄','性别','分数']
    # stus = [
    # ['mary', 20, '女', 89.9],
    # ['nacy', 20, '女', 90],
    # ['lisa', 20, '女', 99],
    # ['cindy', 20, '女', 70]
    # ]
    # book = xlwt.Workbook()
    # sheet = book.add_sheet('sheet1')
    # column = 0 #控制列
    # for t in title:
    # sheet.write(0,column,t)
    # column+=1
    # row =1 # 控制行
    # for stu in stus:
    # new_col = 0 # 控制列
    # for s in stu:# 控制写每一列的
    # sheet.write(row,new_col,s)
    # new_col+=1
    # row+=1
    # book.save('stu.xls')
    # book.save(r'C:UsersAdministratorPicturesstu.xls')

    # 例 3
    # import xlwt
    # stus = [
    # [ '姓名','年龄','性别','分数'],
    # ['mary', 20, '女', 89.9],
    # ['nacy', 20, '女', 90],
    # ['lisa', 20, '女', 99],
    # ['cindy', 20, '女', 70]
    # ]
    # book = xlwt.Workbook()
    # sheet = book.add_sheet('sheet1')
    # row = 0
    # for stu in stus:
    # col = 0 # 控制列
    # for s in stu:
    # sheet.write(row,col,s)
    # col+=1
    # row+=1
    # book.save('stu.xls')
    # book.save(r'C:UsersAdministratorPicturesstu.xls')

    # 读取excel 文件

    # import xlrd
    # book = xlrd.open_workbook('stu.xls') # 打开一个excel
    # sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)# 根据 下标 获取内容
    # # sheet = book.sheet_by_name('sheet1') # 根据 名字 获取内容
    # print(sheet.cell(0,0))# 指定行列获取 打印结果:text:'姓名'
    # print(sheet.cell(1,0)) # 指定行列获取 打印结果:text:'mary'
    # print(sheet.cell(1,0).value) # 打印结果:mary
    # print(sheet.ncols) # 获取一共多少列 打印结果:4
    # print(sheet.nrows) # 获取一共多少行 打印结果:5
    # print(sheet.get_rows())
    # for i in sheet.get_rows():
    # print(i) # 获取所有内容
    # # 打印结果是:[text:'姓名', text:'年龄', text:'性别', text:'分数']
    # # [text:'mary', number:20.0, text:'女', number:89.9]
    # # [text:'nacy', number:20.0, text:'女', number:90.0]
    # # [text:'lisa', number:20.0, text:'女', number:99.0]
    # # [text:'cindy', number:20.0, text:'女', number:70.0]
    # print(sheet.row_values(0)) # 获取第0行的数据 打印结果:['姓名', '年龄', '性别', '分数']
    # for i in range(sheet.nrows):
    # print(sheet.row_values(i)) # 取第几行的数据
    # #打印结果是:['姓名', '年龄', '性别', '分数']
    # # ['mary', 20.0, '女', 89.9]
    # # ['nacy', 20.0, '女', 90.0]
    # # ['lisa', 20.0, '女', 99.0]
    # # ['cindy', 20.0, '女', 70.0]
    # print(sheet.col_values(1)) # 获取第1列的数据 打印结果:['年龄', 20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 20.0]

    # 修改excel 内容
    from xlutils.copy import copy
    import xlrd
    # 修改stu, 把mary的分数修改为 0
    book1 = xlrd.open_workbook('stu.xls')
    book2 = copy(book1)
    sheet = book2.get_sheet(0) # 操作第几个sheet页
    sheet.write(1,3,0) # 第一行第三列修改为 0
    book2.save('stu_new.xls') #
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