• Domino 连接SQL Access DB2(Lcconnection)

    Update Method for LCConnection
    This method updates selected records in the connection metadata.

    Defined In



    count = lcConnection.Update(srcFieldlist, recordIndex, recordCount)

    Parameters Parameter Description
    srcFieldlist LCFieldlist. The fieldlist that contains the fields to be changed.
    recordIndex Long, >= 1. Optional. The starting record in the fieldlist from which to read data. The default is 1.
    recordCount Long, >= 1. Optional. The number of records in the fieldlist to use to perform the update. The default is 1.

    Return Value Value Description
    count Long. Number of records successfully updated. This may be LCCOUNT_UNKNOWN.

    Usage Notes

    You can achieve optimal performance by using the same fieldlist across consecutive updates to the same target.

    The property Writeback indicates whether to perform a writeback or keyed update:
    Writeback update: If the Writeback property is set True, this method updates fields in the most recently fetched record from the writeback result set (the result set produced by LCConnection.Execute, LCConnection.Select or LCConnection.Call with the Writeback property set). Fields that have the NO_UPDATE field flag set are not updated.
    Keyed update: Updates all records in the supplied metadata with field values matching all fields in the fieldlist that have the LCFIELDF_KEY field flag set. Fields with the NO_UPDATE field flags set are not affected. If a value is specified for the property Condition, this will be included in the key search criteria. This value must be in a syntax valid for the relevant connector. See the documentation for the connector for information about its supported syntax.

    When using inequality key flags GT, LT, and NE, it is important to remember that the default of no flags is equal. The following combinations are valid for inequality flags:
    equal to LCFIELDF_KEY
    greater than or equal to LCFIELDF_KEY + LCFIELDF_KEY_GT
    less than or equal to LCFIELDF_KEY + LCFIELDF_KEY_LT
    string pattern matching LCFIELDF_KEY + LCFIELDF_KEY_LIKE

    If you supply more than one key field comparison in your keyFieldList, effectively you are "and"ing the tests -- LCConnect will update records that meet all the tests. Likewise if you supply one or more key tests and an additional test in the Condition property.

    LCConnect does not directly support logical "or" operations of multiple conditions. You can, however, execute any query using LCConnection.Execute, or construct an "or" type query in the Condition field, using the query language supported by the connector.

    The rules for pattern matching in a "like" comparison vary depending on the connector. Consult your database documentation for details.

    Example 1

    Option Public

    Option Explicit

    Uselsx "*lsxlc"

    Sub Initialize

      Dim src As New LCConnection ("db2")  

      Dim fldList As New LCFieldList

      Dim fld As LCField

      ' set the appropriate properties to connect to the data source

      src.Database = "Gold"

      src.Userid = "JDoe"

      src.Password = "xyzzy"

      src.Metadata = "customer"


      ' use a key to find certain records to update

      Set fld =  fldList.Append ("ACCOUNTMANAGER", LCTYPE_INT)

      fld.Flags =  LCFIELDF_KEY

      fld.value = 200

      ' set the field which will be changed, and set the new value

      Set fld =  fldList.Append ("CONTACTNAME", LCTYPE_TEXT)

      fld.text = "Me"

      src.MapbyName = True

      ' The fieldlist contains ACCOUNTMANAGER=200 as a key field, and

      ' CONTACTNAME="Me", which is not a key field. Calling Update now

      ' will find all records where ACCOUNTMANAGER=200 and change their

      ' CONTACTNAME to "Me".

     Print "The update affected " & Cstr (src.Update (fldList)) & " records"

    End Sub

    Example 1 Output
    The update affected 2 records.

    Example 2

      ' This example shows how to use the Writeback property

      '   to update records from the result set.

    Option Public

    Option Explicit

    Uselsx "*lsxlc"

    Sub Initialize

      On Error Goto trap

      Dim ses As New Lcsession

         ' In an LEI Scripted Agent, use the following syntax instead:

         ' Dim session As New LCSession ("mySession")

      Dim con As New Lcconnection("oledb")

      con.provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" ' use Access 2000 database

      con.server = "C:\AccessData\DogData.mdb"

      con.metadata = "DogDob" ' Contains dog's name and date of birth.


      Dim confldlst As New Lcfieldlist, count As Long

      Dim nameFld As LCField, dateOfBirth As LCField


      con.writeback = True

      count = con.Select(Nothing, 1, confldlst)

      ' Get a "handle" to each of the fields in the list returned by Selection.

      Set nameFld = confldlst.GetField(1)   ' locate field by position

      Set dateOfBirth = confldlst.Lookup("DateOfBirth") ' locate field by name.

                                                         ' Either works.

      While (con.Fetch (conFldLst) > 0)

        Print "Name=" & nameFld.Text(0) & ", " _

        "DateOfBirth=" & dateOfBirth.Text(0)

        ' If this dog's name is Tracy, change it to Tyler.

        If nameFld.text(0) = "Tracy" Then

          nameFld.text = "Tyler"

          ' Now write the change back to the database.

          Call con.Update(confldlst)

          Print "Changed name to Tyler."

        End If



      Exit Sub


      Dim stat$, errcode As Long, msg$

      If ses.Status <> LCSUCCESS Then

        ses.Getstatus stat, errcode, msg

        If (ses.Status = LCFAIL_EXTERNAL)Then

          Messagebox "ODBC message: " & msg & "  code #" & Cstr(errcode), 0, _

          "error number " & Err & " line " & Erl


          Messagebox "Connector message: " & text, 0, "error number " & _
    Err & " line " & Erl

        End If


        Messagebox Error, 0, "error number " & Err & " line " & Erl

      End If

      Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Example 2 Output
    Name=Margot, DateOfBirth=12/02/1995

    Name=Rex, DateOfBirth=06/12/2008

    Name=Tracy, DateOfBirth=09/19/2001

    Changed name to Tyler.

    Name=Yaller, DateOfBirth=03/30/1987

    Update Method for LCConnection for DB2 Connector

    This method updates records in a writeback result set or a keyed search in the defined METADATA object in DB2.

    The LCXUpdate method operates in one of two modes, depending if the WRITEBACK property is set and there is a current result set that supports writeback.

    Non-writeback Updates
    One or more keyed updates are performed against the metadata indicated by the METADATA property. For each record used as key values, a keyed update constructed from those key values should be performed. Any value for the CONDITION property should be included in the search criteria. Only fields with the flag LCFIELDF_KEY should be used as key values. The property MAP_NAME indicates whether to map fields in KeyFieldlist and the target metadata by name or position.

    Writeback Updates
    There must be a current result set which supports writeback operations and a previous Fetch from that result set. The last document fetched by the most recent Fetch call is updated.

    Only fields without the flag LCFIELDF_NO_UPDATE should be updated. The current fieldlist value for each field to update should replace any value for the field in the target metadata.

    Handling of both mapping and field flags is implicitly done by calling LCFieldlistMerge with the target metadata field names as NameFieldlist, SrcFieldlist as DataFieldlist, and MergeFlags LCMERGEF_NAME_LOSS, LCMERGEF_UPDATE, (for keyed updates only) LCMERGEF_KEY, and optionally (depending on the MAP_NAME property) LCMERGEF_MAP_NAME.

    连接SQL, DOmino web service使用ODBC会出错所以使用Lcconnection:

    Function LEISqlTest() As String
     On Error Goto trap
     Dim rtnString As String
     Dim ses As New Lcsession
         ' In an LEI Scripted Agent, use the following syntax instead:
         ' Dim session As New LCSession ("mySession")
     Dim con As New Lcconnection("oledb")
     con.provider = "SQLOLEDB" ' use Access 2000 database
     con.server = ""
     ''con.metadata = "oneTT" ' Contains dog's name and date of birth.
     con.database = "STM"
     Dim sql As String
     Dim lcwarehouse As New LCFieldList
     Dim field As LCField
     sql = "SELECT AA,BB,CC FROM oneTT"
     If (con.Execute(sql,lcwarehouse) = 0) Then
      Msgbox "Table not found"
     End If
     Set field = lcwarehouse.GetField(1)
     While con.Fetch(lcwarehouse)>0
      ''Set paradoc=db.CreateDocument
      ''Call paradoc.Save(True,False)
      rtnString = rtnString + "---" + field.Text(0)
      Print field.Text(0)
     LEISqlTest = rtnString
     Exit Function
     Dim stat$, errcode As Long, msg$
     If ses.Status <> LCSUCCESS Then
      ses.Getstatus stat, errcode, msg
      If (ses.Status = LCFAIL_EXTERNAL)Then
       Messagebox "ODBC message: " & msg & "  code #" & Cstr(errcode), 0, "error number " & Err & " line " & Erl
       Messagebox "Connector message: " & text, 0, "error number " & _
       Err & " line " & Erl
      End If
      Messagebox Error, 0, "error number " & Err & " line " & Erl
     End If
     Exit Function
    End Function

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