function OnAfterSceneLoaded(self) -- 建立单一关键行为和触摸输入 Input:SetKeyAsSingleHit(Vision.KEY_SPACE) Input:SetKeyAsSingleHit(Vision.KEY_O) = Input:CreateMap("TouchInput") local width, height = Screen:GetViewportSize() local hGrid = height * .15"Paint", {0,0, width, height}, "CT_TOUCH_DOUBLE_TAP", { once = true })"CurX", "MOUSE", "CT_MOUSE_ABS_DELTA_X", { sensitivity = 1.0f / Screen:GetDeviceDpi() } )"CurY", "MOUSE", "CT_MOUSE_ABS_DELTA_Y", { sensitivity = 1.0f / Screen:GetDeviceDpi() } ) if (Application:GetPlatformName() == "ANDROID") or (Application:GetPlatformName() == "IOS") or (Application:GetPlatformName() == "TIZEN") then self.icons = Game:CreateScreenMask(64, 64, "Samples\Textures\icons\debug.tga") self.icons:SetBlending(Vision.BLEND_ALPHA) self.icons:SetTargetSize(hGrid, hGrid) self.icons:SetPos(width - hGrid, 0)"CurX", {0,0, width, height}, "CT_TOUCH_ABS_DELTA_X", { sensitivity = 3.0f / Screen:GetDeviceDpi() } )"CurY", {0,0, width, height}, "CT_TOUCH_ABS_DELTA_Y", { sensitivity = 3.0f / Screen:GetDeviceDpi() } )"Toggle_Debug", { width - hGrid, 0, width, hGrid }, "CT_TOUCH_ANY", {once = true}) end -- 启用调试输出 -- 任何画或输出调用“调试”将被无效时禁用 Debug:Enable(true) Debug:SetupLines(10,10) -- 记住其他实体 -- (代替你可以附上一个Lua脚本这个实体了) self.path = Game:GetPath("DemoPath") Vision.Assert(self.path~=nil) self.character = Game:GetEntity("DemoEntity") Vision.Assert(self.character~=nil) if Application:IsInEditor() and Application:GetEditorMode()~=Vision.EDITOR_PLAY then Debug:PrintLine("Please use 'Play the Game' mode!") self:SetThinkFunctionStatus(false) elseif (Application:GetPlatformName() == "ANDROID") or (Application:GetPlatformName() == "IOS") or (Application:GetPlatformName() == "TIZEN") then Debug:PrintLine("Use touch to move drop point, then double tap to place icon. Tap Debug Icon to Enable/Disable Debugging") else Debug:PrintLine("Use your mouse and press 'SPACE' or 'O'") if not Application:IsInEditor() then --固定摄像头的光标,否则现场观众将创建自己的鼠标相机 local cam = Game:GetCamera() cam:SetPosition(0,-3750,2800) cam:AttachToEntity(self, cam:GetPosition()) cam:LookAt(self:GetPosition()) end end end function OnThink(self) local pos = self:GetPosition() -- 切换调试和渲染 if Input:IsKeyPressed(Vision.KEY_O) or"Toggle_Debug")>0 then local status = not Debug:IsEnabled() Debug:Enable(status) end -- 在地板上盖章 (direction 0,0,-1) if Input:IsKeyPressed(Vision.KEY_SPACE) or"Paint")>0 then local dir = Vision.hkvVec3(0,0,-1) -- 你也可以使用blend_opaque,blend_additive或blend_multiply为混合模式 Debug.Draw:Wallmark(pos,dir, "Samples/Textures/havok_vision.tga", Vision.BLEND_ALPHA, 180, 90) -- 注:已创建的wallmarks将保持即使调试禁用 end -- 根据鼠标的位置改变光标对象的位置 local deltaX ="CurX") local deltaY ="CurY") self:IncPosition(deltaX*200, -deltaY*200, 0) -- 做一些额外的调试输出 Debug:PrintAt(pos, "Cursor X: ".. pos.x .." Y: ".. pos.y) -- 一些样品绘制接口: local color = Vision.V_RGBA_GREEN Debug.Draw:Line( Vision.hkvVec3(-1000,1000,0), Vision.hkvVec3(1000,-1000,0), color) Debug.Draw:Line( Vision.hkvVec3(-1000,-1000,0), Vision.hkvVec3(1000,1000,0), color) color = Vision.V_RGBA_RED Debug.Draw:Box( Vision.hkvVec3(-1000,1000,0), 50, color) Debug.Draw:Box( Vision.hkvVec3(1000,-1000,0), 50, color) --画线 color = Vision.V_RGBA_BLUE Debug.Draw:Path(self.path, color) -- 画骨和OBB包围盒 color = Vision.V_RGBA_YELLOW Debug.Draw:BoneBoundingBox(self.character, "skeleton1:Head", color) Debug.Draw:OrientedBoundingBox(self.character, color) -- 在一个特定的位置输出文本 if self.character ~= nil then local warriorPos = self.character:GetPosition() Debug:PrintAt(warriorPos, "I'm floating at " .. tostring(warriorPos)) end --draw aabbox Debug.Draw:BoundingBox(self) -- 或者你也可以操纵包围盒在画: --[[ local box = self:GetBoundingBox() box.m_vMin = box.m_vMin * 3 box.m_vMax = box.m_vMax * 3 Debug.Draw:BoundingBox(box) ]]-- -- 或得到的角落 --[[ local corners = self:GetBoundingBox():GetCorners() for i=1,#corners do Debug.Draw:Box(corners[i], 30, Vision.V_RGBA_PURPLE) end ]]-- end function OnBeforeSceneUnloaded(self) Input:DestroyMap( = nil Game:DeleteAllUnrefScreenMasks() end