<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="content"></div> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript" src="countDown.js"></script> <script> _timeCountDown.openCountDown("content",{//ID名称 startTime:'2016-07-30 10:07:55',//开始时间 endTime:'2016-07-30 10:08:00',//结束时间,产品预售时间 leftTitle:"倒计时:",//左侧名称 splitDate:false,//是否拆分数字 colonStat:false,//是否把小时分转换成: timeCallBack:"lendSellOver()" //关闭执行的回调函数 }); function lendSellOver(){ alert(11) } </script>
/** * @param startTime 开始时间 * @param endTime 结束时间 * @param timeCallBack 回调函数 * * var _TimeCountDown = new TimeCountDown("sttime1",{ startTime:'2016-07-30 10:07:55', //开始时间 endTime:'2016-07-30 10:08:00', //结束时间 timeCallBack:"timeOverfun", //回调函数 }); */ (function(window,undefined){ var timeCountDown=function(){}; timeCountDown.prototype = { openCountDown:function(container, params){ this.opt=params; this.container=container; this.nTime=this.calculateTime(); if(!params.splitDate){ this.countdown(); }else{ this.splitCountdown(); } }, countdown:function(){ var interval = 1000; //毫秒 var time; this.nTime = this.nTime - interval; var leave1 = this.nTime;//计算天数后剩余的毫秒数 var t = Math.floor(Math.floor((leave1/(3600*1000))/24)); var hleave = this.nTime%((24*3600*1000)); //把剩余毫秒数转换为小时 var h = Math.floor(hleave/(3600*1000)) < 10 ? "0"+ Math.floor(hleave/(3600*1000)) : Math.floor(hleave/(3600*1000)); var leave2 = this.nTime%(3600*1000); //计算小时数后剩余的毫秒数 //把转换小时之后,剩余毫秒数转换为分钟 var m = Math.floor(leave2/(60*1000)) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor(leave2/(60*1000)) : Math.floor(leave2/(60*1000)); //把转换分钟之后,剩余毫秒数转换为秒 var leave3 = leave2%(60*1000); //计算分钟数后剩余的毫秒数 var s = Math.round(leave3/1000) < 10 ? "0" + Math.round(leave3/1000) : Math.round(leave3/1000); if(!this.opt.colonStat){ if(t == 0){ time = this.opt.leftTitle+"<span>" + h + "</span><label>时</label><span>" + m + "</span><label>分</label><span>" + s + "</span><label>秒</label>"; }else{ time = this.opt.leftTitle+"<span>" + t + "</span><label>天</label><span>" + h + "</span><label>时</label><span>" + m + "</span><label>分</label><span>" + s + "</span><label>秒</label>"; } }else{ time = this.opt.leftTitle+"<span>" + h + "</span><label>:</label><span>" + m + "</span><label>:</label><span>" + s + "</span>"; } var callBackTime = t+h+m+s; document.querySelector("#"+this.container).innerHTML = time; if(callBackTime <= 0){ eval(this.opt.timeCallBack); return false; } var that = this; setTimeout(function(){ that.countdown(); },interval); }, splitCountdown:function(){ var interval = 1000; //毫秒 var time; this.nTime = this.nTime - interval; console.log(this.nTime); var leave1 = this.nTime;//计算天数后剩余的毫秒数 var t = Math.floor((leave1/(3600*1000))/24) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor((leave1/(3600*1000))/24) : Math.floor((leave1/(3600*1000))/24); var hleave = this.nTime%((24*3600*1000)); //把剩余毫秒数转换为小时 var h = Math.floor(hleave/(3600*1000)) < 10 ? "0"+ Math.floor(hleave/(3600*1000)) : Math.floor(hleave/(3600*1000)); var leave2 = this.nTime%(3600*1000); //计算小时数后剩余的毫秒数 //把转换小时之后,剩余毫秒数转换为分钟 var m = Math.floor(leave2/(60*1000)) < 10 ? "0" + Math.floor(leave2/(60*1000)) : Math.floor(leave2/(60*1000)); //把转换分钟之后,剩余毫秒数转换为秒 var leave3 = leave2%(60*1000); //计算分钟数后剩余的毫秒数 var s = Math.round(leave3/1000) < 10 ? "0" + Math.round(leave3/1000) : Math.round(leave3/1000); //拆分小时数 var arrT = this.subStr(t+""); //拆分小时数 var arrH = this.subStr(h+""); //拆分分钟数 var arrM = this.subStr(m+""); //拆分秒数 var arrS = this.subStr(s+""); if(t == 0){ time = this.opt.leftTitle+"<span>" + arrH[0] + "</span><span>" + arrH[1] + "</span><label>时</label><span>" + arrM[0] + "</span><span>" + arrM[1] + "</span><label>分</label><span>" + arrS[0] + "</span><span>" + arrS[1] + "</span><label>秒</label>"; }else{ time = this.opt.leftTitle+"<span>" + arrT[0] + "</span><span>" + arrT[1] + "</span><label>天</label><span>" + arrH[0] + "</span><span>" + arrH[1] + "</span><label>时</label><span>" + arrM[0] + "</span><span>" + arrM[1] + "</span><label>分</label><span>" + arrS[0] + "</span><span>" + arrS[1] + "</span><label>秒</label>"; } var callBackTime = t+h+m+s; document.querySelector("#"+this.container).innerHTML = time; if(callBackTime <= 0){ eval(this.opt.timeCallBack); return false; } var that = this; setTimeout(function(){ that.splitCountdown(); },interval); }, subStr:function(str){ var arr = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i<str.length; i++){ arr[i] = str.substring(i,i+1); } return arr; }, calculateTime :function(){ var startTime = this.vert(this.opt.startTime); var endTime = this.vert(this.opt.endTime); var time = endTime - startTime; //时间差的毫秒数 ; return time; }, vert:function(time){ if(typeof time == "undefined" || time==""){ return false; } var strtime = (time).replace(/-/g,"/"); var date1 = new Date(strtime); return parseInt(date1.getTime()); } } window.timeCountDown=timeCountDown; })(window,undefined); var _timeCountDown= new timeCountDown();