• 深入了解Libgdx中间Skin分类








    atlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("meijia.atlas"), Gdx.files.internal(""));
    		skin = new Skin();//Skin求是就是一个资源管理类...
    		region = skin.get("BG1", TextureRegion.class);




     public <T> T get (String name, Class<T> type) {//依据类型和名字返回对应的资源
    		if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("name cannot be null.");
    		if (type == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type cannot be null.");
    		if (type == Drawable.class) return (T)getDrawable(name);
    		if (type == TextureRegion.class) return (T)getRegion(name);
    		if (type == NinePatch.class) return (T)getPatch(name);
    		if (type == Sprite.class) return (T)getSprite(name);
    		ObjectMap<String, Object> typeResources = resources.get(type);
    		if (typeResources == null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("No " + type.getName() + " registered with name: " + name);
    		Object resource = typeResources.get(name);
    		if (resource == null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("No " + type.getName() + " registered with name: " + name);
    		return (T)resource;







    skin.add("color", Color.RED);
    		Color color = skin.getColor("color");

    对于上面的“Color color = skin.getColor("color");”也许写成Color color1 = skin.get("green", Color.class);会比較符合刚開始学习的人的心态。嗯嗯。事实上getColor(name)函数实现的时候会去调get(name,Color.class)这个函数。


    Libgdx官方wiki中所提到的“Convinience methods(便利方法)”getXXX(name)函数底层都是去调对应的get(name,XXX)函数。事实胜于雄辩,源代码面前无秘密。


    public Color getColor (String name) {
    		return get(name, Color.class);

    public BitmapFont getFont (String name) {
    		return get(name, BitmapFont.class);

    /** Returns a registered texture region. If no region is found but a texture exists with the name, a region is created from the
    	 * texture and stored in the skin. */
    	public TextureRegion getRegion (String name) {
    		TextureRegion region = optional(name, TextureRegion.class);
    		if (region != null) return region;
    		Texture texture = optional(name, Texture.class);
    		if (texture == null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("No TextureRegion or Texture registered with name: " + name);
    		region = new TextureRegion(texture);
    		add(name, region, Texture.class);
    		return region;

    /** Returns a registered tiled drawable. If no tiled drawable is found but a region exists with the name, a tiled drawable is
    	 * created from the region and stored in the skin. */
    	public TiledDrawable getTiledDrawable (String name) {
    		TiledDrawable tiled = optional(name, TiledDrawable.class);
    		if (tiled != null) return tiled;
    		Drawable drawable = optional(name, Drawable.class);
    		if (tiled != null) {
    			if (!(drawable instanceof TiledDrawable)) {
    				throw new GdxRuntimeException("Drawable found but is not a TiledDrawable: " + name + ", "
    					+ drawable.getClass().getName());
    			return tiled;
    		tiled = new TiledDrawable(getRegion(name));
    		add(name, tiled, TiledDrawable.class);
    		return tiled;

    /** Returns a registered ninepatch. If no ninepatch is found but a region exists with the name, a ninepatch is created from the
    	 * region and stored in the skin. If the region is an {@link AtlasRegion} then the {@link AtlasRegion#splits} are used,
    	 * otherwise the ninepatch will have the region as the center patch. */
    	public NinePatch getPatch (String name) {
    		NinePatch patch = optional(name, NinePatch.class);
    		if (patch != null) return patch;
    		try {
    			TextureRegion region = getRegion(name);
    			if (region instanceof AtlasRegion) {
    				int[] splits = ((AtlasRegion)region).splits;
    				if (splits != null) {
    					patch = new NinePatch(region, splits[0], splits[1], splits[2], splits[3]);
    					int[] pads = ((AtlasRegion)region).pads;
    					if (pads != null) patch.setPadding(pads[0], pads[1], pads[2], pads[3]);
    			if (patch == null) patch = new NinePatch(region);
    			add(name, patch, NinePatch.class);
    			return patch;
    		} catch (GdxRuntimeException ex) {
    			throw new GdxRuntimeException("No NinePatch, TextureRegion, or Texture registered with name: " + name);

    /** Returns a registered sprite. If no sprite is found but a region exists with the name, a sprite is created from the region
    	 * and stored in the skin. If the region is an {@link AtlasRegion} then an {@link AtlasSprite} is used if the region has been
    	 * whitespace stripped or packed rotated 90 degrees. */
    	public Sprite getSprite (String name) {
    		Sprite sprite = optional(name, Sprite.class);
    		if (sprite != null) return sprite;
    		try {
    			TextureRegion textureRegion = getRegion(name);
    			if (textureRegion instanceof AtlasRegion) {
    				AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)textureRegion;
    				if (region.rotate || region.packedWidth != region.originalWidth || region.packedHeight != region.originalHeight)
    					sprite = new AtlasSprite(region);
    			if (sprite == null) sprite = new Sprite(textureRegion);
    			add(name, sprite, NinePatch.class);
    			return sprite;
    		} catch (GdxRuntimeException ex) {
    			throw new GdxRuntimeException("No NinePatch, TextureRegion, or Texture registered with name: " + name);

    /** Returns a registered drawable. If no drawable is found but a region, ninepatch, or sprite exists with the name, then the
    	 * appropriate drawable is created and stored in the skin. */
    	public Drawable getDrawable (String name) {
    		Drawable drawable = optional(name, Drawable.class);
    		if (drawable != null) return drawable;
    		drawable = optional(name, TiledDrawable.class);
    		if (drawable != null) return drawable;
    		// Use texture or texture region. If it has splits, use ninepatch. If it has rotation or whitespace stripping, use sprite.
    		try {
    			TextureRegion textureRegion = getRegion(name);
    			if (textureRegion instanceof AtlasRegion) {
    				AtlasRegion region = (AtlasRegion)textureRegion;
    				if (region.splits != null)
    					drawable = new NinePatchDrawable(getPatch(name));
    				else if (region.rotate || region.packedWidth != region.originalWidth || region.packedHeight != region.originalHeight)
    					drawable = new SpriteDrawable(getSprite(name));
    			if (drawable == null) drawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(textureRegion);
    		} catch (GdxRuntimeException ignored) {
    		// Check for explicit registration of ninepatch, sprite, or tiled drawable.
    		if (drawable == null) {
    			NinePatch patch = optional(name, NinePatch.class);
    			if (patch != null)
    				drawable = new NinePatchDrawable(patch);
    			else {
    				Sprite sprite = optional(name, Sprite.class);
    				if (sprite != null)
    					drawable = new SpriteDrawable(sprite);
    					throw new GdxRuntimeException("No Drawable, NinePatch, TextureRegion, Texture, or Sprite registered with name: "
    						+ name);
    		add(name, drawable, Drawable.class);
    		return drawable;



    TextButtonStyle buttonStyle = skin.get("bigButton", TextButtonStyle.class);
    TextButton button = new TextButton("Click me!", buttonStyle);


    TextButton button = new TextButton("Click me!", skin, "bigButton");




    Resources obtained from the skin are not new instances, the same object is returned each time. If the object is modified, the changes will be reflected throughout the application. If this is not desired, a copy of the object should be made.

    The newDrawable method copies a drawable. The new drawable's size information can be changed without affecting the original. The method can also tint a drawable.




    		Drawable pinkDrawable = skin.newDrawable("BG1",Color.PINK);
    		image = new Image(pinkDrawable);


    Overview 综述

    The Skin class stores resources for UI widgets to use. It is a convenient container for texture regions, ninepatches, fonts, colors, etc. Skin also provides convenient conversions, such as retrieving a texture region as a ninepatch, sprite, or drawable.

    Skin这个类主要是为UI 组件存储一些资源(Resource).它也提供了一些方便的转换。


    Skin files from the libgdx tests can be used as a starting point. You will need: uiskin.png, uiskin.atlas, uiskin.json, and default.fnt. This enables you to quickly get started using scene2d.ui and replace the skin assets later.

    libgdx tests这个项目中(也就是官方提供的Gdx-tests的这个样例)的skin 的相关文件来作为学习Skin这个类的起点。

    你将须要 对应的.png

    .fnt    、atlas、json文件来作为学习Skin这个类的起点。他们能帮助你非常快的学习Skin。

    Resources in a skin typically come from a texture atlas, widget styles and other objects defined using JSON, and objects added to the skin via code. Even when JSON is not used, it is still recommended to use Skin with a texture atlas and objects added via code. This is much more convenient to obtain instances of drawables and serves as a central place to obtain UI resources.




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bhlsheji/p/4835422.html
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