现有21根火柴,两人轮流取,每人每次可取走1- 4根,不可多取,也不能不取,谁取最后一根火柴则谁输。请编写一个程序进行人机对弈,要求人先取,计算机后取;计算机一方为“常胜将军”。
(人) (机)
1 2~5
6 7~10
11 12~15
16 17~20
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int m,n=21; while(1) { printf("How many sticks do you wish to take(1~4)?"); scanf("%d",&m); n-=m; if(n==0) { printf("You have taken the last stick.\n* * * You lose!"); break; } printf(" %d stick left in the pile.\n",n); if(n>16) m=n-16; if(n>11&&n<16) m=n-11; if(n>6&&n<11) m=n-6; if(n>1&&n<6) m=n-1; printf(" computer take %d stick.\n",m); n-=m; printf(" %d stick left in the pile.\n",n); } return 0; }