• .net做UG NX二次开发(VB.net) / NX Secondry Dev. with .net using VB.net Code

    用.net语言(C#、VB等)开发UG NX二次开发,一定要弄清楚NXOpen和NXOpen.UF的区别。可以看看我以前发的帖子。




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    1. 第一个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建一个点?  
    2. Option Strict Off  
    3. Imports System  
    4. Imports NXOpen  
    5. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    6. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    7. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    8. Module CreatePoint  
    9. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    10. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    11. Sub Main()  
    12. Dim sp As New Point3d(0, 0, 0)  
    13. Dim thePoint As Point = s.Parts.Work.Points.CreatePoint(sp)  
    14. End Sub
    15. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    16.         GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    17. End Function
    18. End Module第二个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建一个条线?  
    19. Option Strict Off    
    20. Imports System  
    21. Imports NXOpen  
    22. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    23. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    24. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    25. Module template_code  
    26. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    27. Sub Main()  
    28. Dim sp As New Point3d(0, 0, 0)  
    29. Dim ep As New Point3d(10, 10, 0)  
    30. Dim theLine As Line = s.Parts.Work.Curves.CreateLine(sp, ep)  
    31. End Sub
    32. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    33.       GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    34. End Function
    35. End Module
    36. 第三个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建一个圆柱,然后更改它的颜色?  
    37. Option Strict Off    
    38. Imports System  
    39. Imports NXOpen  
    40. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    41. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    42. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    43. Module create_a_cylinder_and_set_color  
    44. Sub Main()  
    45. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    46. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    47. Dim wp As Part = s.Parts.Work()  
    48. Dim cyl_feat_tag As NXOpen.Tag  
    49. Dim orig() As Double = {1, 1, 0}  
    50. Dim dir() As Double = {1, 1, 1}  
    51.         ufs.Modl.CreateCylinder(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, Nothing, orig, "50", _  
    52. "25", dir, cyl_feat_tag)  
    53. Dim cyl_body_tag As NXOpen.Tag  
    54.         ufs.Modl.AskFeatBody(cyl_feat_tag, cyl_body_tag)  
    55. Dim cyl_body As Body = CType(NXObjectManager.Get(cyl_body_tag), Body)  
    56.         MsgBox("Color change", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Current Operation:")  
    57.         cyl_body.Color = 3  
    58.         cyl_body.RedisplayObject()  
    59.         s.Preferences.ScreenVisualization.FitPercentage = 95  
    60.         wp.Views.WorkView.Fit()  
    61.   end Sub
    62. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    63.         GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    64. End Function
    65. End Module
    66. 第四个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建注释?  
    67. Option Strict Off    
    68. Imports System  
    69. Imports NXOpen  
    70. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    71. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    72. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    73. Module create_note  
    74. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    75. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    76. Sub Main()  
    77. Dim theNote As NXOpen.Tag  
    78. Try
    79. Dim workPart As Part = s.Parts.Work  
    80. Dim workPartTag As NXOpen.Tag = workPart.Tag  
    81. Catch ex As Exception  
    82.     ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow()  
    83.     ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(ex.GetBaseException.ToString())  
    84.     ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(vbCrLf & "+++ Work Part Required" & vbCrLf)  
    85. Return
    86. End Try
    87. Dim num_lines As Integer = 2  
    88. Dim textString As String() = {"This is the first line.", _  
    89. "This is the second line."}  
    90. Dim origin_3d() As Double = {6, 6, 0}  
    91. Dim orientation As Integer = 0 ' zero is Horizontal, 1 is Vertical
    92. Try
    93.     ufs.Drf.CreateNote(num_lines, textString, origin_3d, _  
    94.                     orientation, theNote)  
    95. Catch ex As Exception  
    96.     ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow()  
    97.     ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(ex.GetBaseException.ToString())  
    98.     ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(vbCrLf & "+++ Note not created" & vbCrLf)  
    99. End Try
    100. End Sub
    101. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    102.       GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    103. End Function
    104. End Module
    105. 第五个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建两个体然后做布尔加操作?  
    106. Imports System  
    107. Imports NXOpen  
    108. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    109. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    110. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    111. Module template_code  
    112. Sub Main()  
    113. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    114. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    115. '
    116. ' ------------------------------------------------- make sure we have a part
    117. Dim this_part As NXOpen.Tag  
    118. Try
    119.   this_part = s.Parts.Work.Tag  
    120. Catch ex As Exception  
    121. If this_part = NXOpen.Tag.Null Then
    122.     MsgBox("You need an open part to run this program.", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly)  
    123. ' no part, so exit program gracefully
    124. Exit Sub
    125. End If
    126. End Try
    127. '
    128. ' ------------------------------------------------- first solid: a block
    129. Dim corner_pt(2) As Double
    130. Dim block_feat_tag As NXOpen.Tag  
    131. Dim edge_lengths(2) As String
    132. ' This is an alternate way to set the string value:
    133. '
    134. 'Dim lengths(2) As Double
    135. 'lengths(0) = 150.1234
    136. 'edge_lengths(0) = lengths(0).ToString
    137. ' but setting it this way, we get the expression to boot:
    138.   edge_lengths(0) = "xlen=150.1234"
    139.   edge_lengths(1) = "ylen=65.4321"
    140.   edge_lengths(2) = "thickness=25."
    141. Dim sign As FeatureSigns  
    142.   sign = FeatureSigns.Nullsign  
    143.   corner_pt(0) = 20  
    144.   corner_pt(1) = 30  
    145.   corner_pt(2) = -10  
    146.   ufs.Modl.CreateBlock1(sign, corner_pt, edge_lengths, block_feat_tag)  
    147. If block_feat_tag <> NXOpen.Tag.Null Then
    148.     ufs.View.FitView(NXOpen.Tag.Null, 1.0)  
    149.     MsgBox("First Solid Body tag is: " & block_feat_tag.ToString)  
    150. End If
    151. '
    152. ' ------------------------------------------------- second solid: a cylinder
    153. Dim height As String
    154. Dim diameter As String
    155. Dim direction(2) As Double
    156. Dim cyl_feat_tag As NXOpen.Tag  
    157.   height = "cyl_height=90"
    158.   diameter = "cyl_dia=40"
    159.   direction(0) = 0.707  
    160.   direction(1) = 0.707  
    161.   direction(2) = 0.707  
    162.   ufs.Modl.CreateCyl1(sign, corner_pt, height, diameter, direction, cyl_feat_tag)  
    163. If cyl_feat_tag <> NXOpen.Tag.Null Then
    164.     ufs.View.FitView(NXOpen.Tag.Null, 1.0)  
    165.     MsgBox("Second Solid Body tag is: " & cyl_feat_tag.ToString)  
    166. End If
    167. '
    168. ' ------------------------------------------------- unite the two solids
    169. Dim block_body_tag As NXOpen.Tag  
    170. Dim cyl_body_tag As NXOpen.Tag  
    171.   ufs.Modl.AskFeatBody(block_feat_tag, block_body_tag)  
    172.   ufs.Modl.AskFeatBody(cyl_feat_tag, cyl_body_tag)  
    173.   ufs.Modl.UniteBodies(block_body_tag, cyl_body_tag)  
    174. '
    175. ' ------------------------------------------------- report count of solids
    176. Dim all_bodies() As Body = s.Parts.Work.Bodies.ToArray()  
    177. Dim body_count As Integer
    178.   body_count = all_bodies.Length  
    179.   MsgBox("Count of Bodies now in Work Part: " & body_count)  
    180. End Sub
    181. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    182.       GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    183. End Function
    184. End Module第六个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中选择一个体?  
    185. Option Strict Off  
    186. Imports System  
    187. Imports NXOpen  
    188. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    189. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    190. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    191. Module select_a_body_demo  
    192. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    193. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    194. Sub Main()  
    195. Dim body As NXOpen.Tag  
    196. While select_a_body(body) = Selection.Response.Ok  
    197.         MsgBox("Body Tag:" & body.ToString())  
    198.         ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(body, 0)  
    199. End While
    200. End Sub
    201. Function select_a_body(ByRef body As NXOpen.Tag) As Selection.Response  
    202. Dim message As String
    203. Dim title As String = "Select a body"
    204. Dim scope As Integer = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY  
    205. Dim response As Integer
    206. Dim obj As NXOpen.Tag  
    207. Dim view As NXOpen.Tag  
    208. Dim cursor(2) As Double
    209. Dim ip As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf init_proc  
    210.     ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    211. Try
    212.         ufs.Ui.SelectWithSingleDialog(message, title, scope, ip, _  
    213. Nothing, response, body, cursor, view)  
    214. Finally
    215.          ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    216. End Try
    217. If response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED And _  
    218.        response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED_BY_NAME Then
    219. Return Selection.Response.Cancel  
    220. Else
    221. Return Selection.Response.Ok  
    222. End If
    223. End Function
    224. Function init_proc(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _  
    225. ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer
    226. Dim num_triples As Integer = 1  
    227. Dim mask_triples(0) As UFUi.Mask  
    228.     mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type  
    229.     mask_triples(0).object_subtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_body_subtype  
    230.     mask_triples(0).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_BODY  
    231.     ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _  
    232.                        UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _  
    233.                        num_triples, mask_triples)  
    234. Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS  
    235. End Function
    236. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    237.     GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    238. End Function
    239. End Module
    240. 第七个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中选择一个面?  
    241. Option Strict Off  
    242. Imports System  
    243. Imports NXOpen  
    244. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    245. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    246. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    247. Module select_a_face_demo  
    248. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    249. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    250. Sub Main()  
    251. Dim face As NXOpen.Tag  
    252. While select_a_face(face) = Selection.Response.Ok  
    253.         MsgBox("Face Tag:" & face.ToString())  
    254.         ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(face, 0)  
    255. End While
    256. End Sub
    257. Function select_a_face(ByRef face As NXOpen.Tag) As Selection.Response  
    258. Dim message As String
    259. Dim title As String = "Select a FACE"
    260. Dim scope As Integer = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY  
    261. Dim response As Integer
    262. Dim obj As NXOpen.Tag  
    263. Dim view As NXOpen.Tag  
    264. Dim cursor(2) As Double
    265. Dim mask_face As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf mask_for_faces  
    266.     ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    267. Try
    268.         ufs.Ui.SelectWithSingleDialog(message, title, scope, mask_face, _  
    269. Nothing, response, face, cursor, view)  
    270. Finally
    271.          ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    272. End Try
    273. If response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED And _  
    274.        response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED_BY_NAME Then
    275. Return Selection.Response.Cancel  
    276. Else
    277. Return Selection.Response.Ok  
    278. End If
    279. End Function
    280. Function mask_for_faces(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _  
    281. ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer
    282. Dim num_triples As Integer = 1  
    283. Dim mask_triples(0) As UFUi.Mask  
    284.     mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type  
    285.     mask_triples(0).object_subtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_face_subtype  
    286.     mask_triples(0).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_ANY_FACE  
    287.     ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _  
    288.                        UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _  
    289.                        num_triples, mask_triples)  
    290. Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS  
    291. End Function
    292. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    293.     GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    294. End Function
    295. End Module
    296. Option Strict Off    
    297. Imports System  
    298. Imports NXOpen  
    299. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    300. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    301. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    302. Module select_curves_or_edges  
    303. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    304. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    305. Sub Main()  
    306. Dim curves() As NXOpen.Tag  
    307. Dim num_curves As Integer
    308. Dim n As String = vbCrLf  
    309.     num_curves = select_curves_or_edges("Select Curves or Edges:", curves)  
    310. If (num_curves) > 0 Then
    311.         ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow()  
    312.         ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow("Selected count: " & num_curves.ToString & n)  
    313. End If
    314. End Sub
    315. Function select_curves_or_edges(ByVal prompt As String, _  
    316. ByRef curves() As NXOpen.Tag) As Integer
    317. Dim cnt As Integer = 0  
    318. Dim response As Integer
    319. Dim inx As Integer = 0  
    320. Dim mask_crvs As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf mask_for_curves  
    321.     ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    322. Try
    323.         ufs.Ui.SelectWithClassDialog(prompt, "Curves:", _  
    324.             UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY, _  
    325.             mask_crvs, Nothing, response, cnt, curves)  
    326. Finally
    327.         ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    328. End Try
    329. For inx = 0 To curves.Length - 1  
    330.         ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(curves(inx), 0)  
    331. Next
    332. Return cnt  
    333. End Function
    334. Function mask_for_curves(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _  
    335. ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer
    336. Dim num_triples As Integer = 6  
    337. Dim mask_triples(5) As UFUi.Mask  
    338.     mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_line_type  
    339.     mask_triples(0).object_subtype = 0  
    340.     mask_triples(0).solid_type = 0  
    341.     mask_triples(1).object_type = UFConstants.UF_circle_type  
    342.     mask_triples(1).object_subtype = 0  
    343.     mask_triples(1).solid_type = 0  
    344.     mask_triples(2).object_type = UFConstants.UF_conic_type  
    345.     mask_triples(2).object_subtype = 0  
    346.     mask_triples(2).solid_type = 0  
    347.     mask_triples(3).object_type = UFConstants.UF_spline_type  
    348.     mask_triples(3).object_subtype = 0  
    349.     mask_triples(3).solid_type = 0  
    350.     mask_triples(4).object_type = UFConstants.UF_point_type  
    351.     mask_triples(4).object_subtype = 0  
    352.     mask_triples(4).solid_type = 0  
    353.     mask_triples(5).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type  
    354.     mask_triples(5).object_subtype = 0  
    355.     mask_triples(5).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_ANY_EDGE  
    356.     ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _  
    357.                        UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _  
    358.                        num_triples, mask_triples)  
    359. Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS  
    360. End Function
    361. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    362.       GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    363. End Function
    364. End Module

    第一个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建一个点? Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UF Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Module CreatePoint Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() Sub Main() Dim sp As New Point3d(0, 0, 0) Dim thePoint As Point = s.Parts.Work.Points.CreatePoint(sp) End Sub Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module第二个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建一个条线? Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UF Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Module template_code Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Sub Main() Dim sp As New Point3d(0, 0, 0) Dim ep As New Point3d(10, 10, 0) Dim theLine As Line = s.Parts.Work.Curves.CreateLine(sp, ep) End Sub Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module 第三个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建一个圆柱,然后更改它的颜色? Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UF Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Module create_a_cylinder_and_set_color Sub Main() Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() Dim wp As Part = s.Parts.Work() Dim cyl_feat_tag As NXOpen.Tag Dim orig() As Double = {1, 1, 0} Dim dir() As Double = {1, 1, 1} ufs.Modl.CreateCylinder(FeatureSigns.Nullsign, Nothing, orig, "50", _ "25", dir, cyl_feat_tag) Dim cyl_body_tag As NXOpen.Tag ufs.Modl.AskFeatBody(cyl_feat_tag, cyl_body_tag) Dim cyl_body As Body = CType(NXObjectManager.Get(cyl_body_tag), Body) MsgBox("Color change", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Current Operation:") cyl_body.Color = 3 cyl_body.RedisplayObject() s.Preferences.ScreenVisualization.FitPercentage = 95 wp.Views.WorkView.Fit() end Sub Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module 第四个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建注释? Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UF Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Module create_note Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() Sub Main() Dim theNote As NXOpen.Tag Try Dim workPart As Part = s.Parts.Work Dim workPartTag As NXOpen.Tag = workPart.Tag Catch ex As Exception ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow() ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(ex.GetBaseException.ToString()) ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(vbCrLf & "+++ Work Part Required" & vbCrLf) Return End Try Dim num_lines As Integer = 2 Dim textString As String() = {"This is the first line.", _ "This is the second line."} Dim origin_3d() As Double = {6, 6, 0} Dim orientation As Integer = 0 ' zero is Horizontal, 1 is Vertical Try ufs.Drf.CreateNote(num_lines, textString, origin_3d, _ orientation, theNote) Catch ex As Exception ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow() ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(ex.GetBaseException.ToString()) ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow(vbCrLf & "+++ Note not created" & vbCrLf) End Try End Sub Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module 第五个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中创建两个体然后做布尔加操作? Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UF Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Module template_code Sub Main() Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() ' ' ------------------------------------------------- make sure we have a part Dim this_part As NXOpen.Tag Try this_part = s.Parts.Work.Tag Catch ex As Exception If this_part = NXOpen.Tag.Null Then MsgBox("You need an open part to run this program.", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly) ' no part, so exit program gracefully Exit Sub End If End Try ' ' ------------------------------------------------- first solid: a block Dim corner_pt(2) As Double Dim block_feat_tag As NXOpen.Tag Dim edge_lengths(2) As String ' This is an alternate way to set the string value: ' 'Dim lengths(2) As Double 'lengths(0) = 150.1234 'edge_lengths(0) = lengths(0).ToString ' ' but setting it this way, we get the expression to boot: edge_lengths(0) = "xlen=150.1234" edge_lengths(1) = "ylen=65.4321" edge_lengths(2) = "thickness=25." Dim sign As FeatureSigns sign = FeatureSigns.Nullsign corner_pt(0) = 20 corner_pt(1) = 30 corner_pt(2) = -10 ufs.Modl.CreateBlock1(sign, corner_pt, edge_lengths, block_feat_tag) If block_feat_tag <> NXOpen.Tag.Null Then ufs.View.FitView(NXOpen.Tag.Null, 1.0) MsgBox("First Solid Body tag is: " & block_feat_tag.ToString) End If ' ' ------------------------------------------------- second solid: a cylinder Dim height As String Dim diameter As String Dim direction(2) As Double Dim cyl_feat_tag As NXOpen.Tag height = "cyl_height=90" diameter = "cyl_dia=40" direction(0) = 0.707 direction(1) = 0.707 direction(2) = 0.707 ufs.Modl.CreateCyl1(sign, corner_pt, height, diameter, direction, cyl_feat_tag) If cyl_feat_tag <> NXOpen.Tag.Null Then ufs.View.FitView(NXOpen.Tag.Null, 1.0) MsgBox("Second Solid Body tag is: " & cyl_feat_tag.ToString) End If ' ' ------------------------------------------------- unite the two solids Dim block_body_tag As NXOpen.Tag Dim cyl_body_tag As NXOpen.Tag ufs.Modl.AskFeatBody(block_feat_tag, block_body_tag) ufs.Modl.AskFeatBody(cyl_feat_tag, cyl_body_tag) ufs.Modl.UniteBodies(block_body_tag, cyl_body_tag) ' ' ------------------------------------------------- report count of solids Dim all_bodies() As Body = s.Parts.Work.Bodies.ToArray() Dim body_count As Integer body_count = all_bodies.Length MsgBox("Count of Bodies now in Work Part: " & body_count) End Sub Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module第六个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中选择一个体? Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Imports NXOpen.UF Module select_a_body_demo Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() Sub Main() Dim body As NXOpen.Tag While select_a_body(body) = Selection.Response.Ok MsgBox("Body Tag:" & body.ToString()) ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(body, 0) End While End Sub Function select_a_body(ByRef body As NXOpen.Tag) As Selection.Response Dim message As String Dim title As String = "Select a body" Dim scope As Integer = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY Dim response As Integer Dim obj As NXOpen.Tag Dim view As NXOpen.Tag Dim cursor(2) As Double Dim ip As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf init_proc ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM) Try ufs.Ui.SelectWithSingleDialog(message, title, scope, ip, _ Nothing, response, body, cursor, view) Finally ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM) End Try If response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED And _ response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED_BY_NAME Then Return Selection.Response.Cancel Else Return Selection.Response.Ok End If End Function Function init_proc(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _ ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer Dim num_triples As Integer = 1 Dim mask_triples(0) As UFUi.Mask mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type mask_triples(0).object_subtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_body_subtype mask_triples(0).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_BODY ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _ UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _ num_triples, mask_triples) Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS End Function Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module 第七个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中选择一个面? Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Imports NXOpen.UF Module select_a_face_demo Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() Sub Main() Dim face As NXOpen.Tag While select_a_face(face) = Selection.Response.Ok MsgBox("Face Tag:" & face.ToString()) ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(face, 0) End While End Sub Function select_a_face(ByRef face As NXOpen.Tag) As Selection.Response Dim message As String Dim title As String = "Select a FACE" Dim scope As Integer = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY Dim response As Integer Dim obj As NXOpen.Tag Dim view As NXOpen.Tag Dim cursor(2) As Double Dim mask_face As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf mask_for_faces ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM) Try ufs.Ui.SelectWithSingleDialog(message, title, scope, mask_face, _ Nothing, response, face, cursor, view) Finally ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM) End Try If response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED And _ response <> UFConstants.UF_UI_OBJECT_SELECTED_BY_NAME Then Return Selection.Response.Cancel Else Return Selection.Response.Ok End If End Function Function mask_for_faces(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _ ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer Dim num_triples As Integer = 1 Dim mask_triples(0) As UFUi.Mask mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type mask_triples(0).object_subtype = UFConstants.UF_solid_face_subtype mask_triples(0).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_ANY_FACE ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _ UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _ num_triples, mask_triples) Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS End Function Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module Option Strict Off Imports System Imports NXOpen Imports NXOpen.UF Imports NXOpen.UI Imports NXOpen.Utilities Module select_curves_or_edges Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession() Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession() Sub Main() Dim curves() As NXOpen.Tag Dim num_curves As Integer Dim n As String = vbCrLf num_curves = select_curves_or_edges("Select Curves or Edges:", curves) If (num_curves) > 0 Then ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow() ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow("Selected count: " & num_curves.ToString & n) End If End Sub Function select_curves_or_edges(ByVal prompt As String, _ ByRef curves() As NXOpen.Tag) As Integer Dim cnt As Integer = 0 Dim response As Integer Dim inx As Integer = 0 Dim mask_crvs As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf mask_for_curves ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM) Try ufs.Ui.SelectWithClassDialog(prompt, "Curves:", _ UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY, _ mask_crvs, Nothing, response, cnt, curves) Finally ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM) End Try For inx = 0 To curves.Length - 1 ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(curves(inx), 0) Next Return cnt End Function Function mask_for_curves(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _ ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer Dim num_triples As Integer = 6 Dim mask_triples(5) As UFUi.Mask mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_line_type mask_triples(0).object_subtype = 0 mask_triples(0).solid_type = 0 mask_triples(1).object_type = UFConstants.UF_circle_type mask_triples(1).object_subtype = 0 mask_triples(1).solid_type = 0 mask_triples(2).object_type = UFConstants.UF_conic_type mask_triples(2).object_subtype = 0 mask_triples(2).solid_type = 0 mask_triples(3).object_type = UFConstants.UF_spline_type mask_triples(3).object_subtype = 0 mask_triples(3).solid_type = 0 mask_triples(4).object_type = UFConstants.UF_point_type mask_triples(4).object_subtype = 0 mask_triples(4).solid_type = 0 mask_triples(5).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type mask_triples(5).object_subtype = 0 mask_triples(5).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_ANY_EDGE ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _ UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _ num_triples, mask_triples) Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS End Function Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY End Function End Module

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    1. 第八个例子:怎样用VB.NET在UG中选择曲线和边?  
    2. Option Strict Off    
    3. Imports System  
    4. Imports NXOpen  
    5. Imports NXOpen.UF  
    6. Imports NXOpen.UI  
    7. Imports NXOpen.Utilities  
    8. Module select_curves_or_edges  
    9. Dim s As Session = Session.GetSession()  
    10. Dim ufs As UFSession = UFSession.GetUFSession()  
    11. Sub Main()  
    12. Dim curves() As NXOpen.Tag  
    13. Dim num_curves As Integer
    14. Dim n As String = vbCrLf  
    15.     num_curves = select_curves_or_edges("Select Curves or Edges:", curves)  
    16. If (num_curves) > 0 Then
    17.         ufs.Ui.OpenListingWindow()  
    18.         ufs.Ui.WriteListingWindow("Selected count: " & num_curves.ToString & n)  
    19. End If
    20. End Sub
    21. Function select_curves_or_edges(ByVal prompt As String, _  
    22. ByRef curves() As NXOpen.Tag) As Integer
    23. Dim cnt As Integer = 0  
    24. Dim response As Integer
    25. Dim inx As Integer = 0  
    26. Dim mask_crvs As UFUi.SelInitFnT = AddressOf mask_for_curves  
    27.     ufs.Ui.LockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    28. Try
    29.         ufs.Ui.SelectWithClassDialog(prompt, "Curves:", _  
    30.             UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SCOPE_ANY_IN_ASSEMBLY, _  
    31.             mask_crvs, Nothing, response, cnt, curves)  
    32. Finally
    33.         ufs.Ui.UnlockUgAccess(UFConstants.UF_UI_FROM_CUSTOM)  
    34. End Try
    35. For inx = 0 To curves.Length - 1  
    36.         ufs.Disp.SetHighlight(curves(inx), 0)  
    37. Next
    38. Return cnt  
    39. End Function
    40. Function mask_for_curves(ByVal select_ As IntPtr, _  
    41. ByVal userdata As IntPtr) As Integer
    42. Dim num_triples As Integer = 6  
    43. Dim mask_triples(5) As UFUi.Mask  
    44.     mask_triples(0).object_type = UFConstants.UF_line_type  
    45.     mask_triples(0).object_subtype = 0  
    46.     mask_triples(0).solid_type = 0  
    47.     mask_triples(1).object_type = UFConstants.UF_circle_type  
    48.     mask_triples(1).object_subtype = 0  
    49.     mask_triples(1).solid_type = 0  
    50.     mask_triples(2).object_type = UFConstants.UF_conic_type  
    51.     mask_triples(2).object_subtype = 0  
    52.     mask_triples(2).solid_type = 0  
    53.     mask_triples(3).object_type = UFConstants.UF_spline_type  
    54.     mask_triples(3).object_subtype = 0  
    55.     mask_triples(3).solid_type = 0  
    56.     mask_triples(4).object_type = UFConstants.UF_point_type  
    57.     mask_triples(4).object_subtype = 0  
    58.     mask_triples(4).solid_type = 0  
    59.     mask_triples(5).object_type = UFConstants.UF_solid_type  
    60.     mask_triples(5).object_subtype = 0  
    61.     mask_triples(5).solid_type = UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_FEATURE_ANY_EDGE  
    62.     ufs.Ui.SetSelMask(select_, _  
    63.                        UFUi.SelMaskAction.SelMaskClearAndEnableSpecific, _  
    64.                        num_triples, mask_triples)  
    65. Return UFConstants.UF_UI_SEL_SUCCESS  
    66. End Function
    67. Public Function GetUnloadOption(ByVal dummy As String) As Integer
    68.       GetUnloadOption = UFConstants.UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY  
    69. End Function
    70. End Module



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