• DemoHelper,针对电脑演示的小工具

    Basic Operation

    The DemoHelper runs in the system tray, where you can activate and configure it with a simple right-click:
    DemoHelper Context Menu
    In the options dialog, you can configure the hotkeys for the two main modes of operation: zooming and drawing.
    DemoHelper Options
    To start the drawing mode, either press the hotkey you configured for it, or doubleclick on the icon in the system tray.
    Once in drawing mode, you can draw on the screen: DemoHelper Example
    As shown in the screenshot above, it's possible to draw arrows and lines in different colors. Also a special 'Marker' is available to highlight areas on the screen, as done above with the 'file2.*' filenames.
    The colors are merged together with the screen by default. But it's possible to draw with solid colors if needed.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    Zooming Mode

    zooms in
    zooms out
    enter or left mouseclick
    activates drawing of the zoomed area
    cancels zooming mode

    Zooming is also possible using the mouse wheel.

    Drawing Mode

    up/down or Ctrl-Mousewheel
    increases/decreases the size of the drawing brush
    right or Mousewheel
    cycles through the available brush colors
    select the brush colors
    Shift while drawing
    forces horizontal/vertical drawing
    Control while drawing
    drawing straight lines
    right mouse-drag
    draws arrow lines
    right mouse-drag with control key pressed
    draws straight lines
    quits drawing mode
    removes the last line drawn
    removes the first line drawn
    removes all drawn lines
    toggles the marker on/off
    toggles between solid and merged drawing
    select a rectangle to zoom in
    clears the screen with the background color
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/begtostudy/p/1798697.html
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