• windows 下的tcping 小插件

    如果把插件放在根目录 就要能过cmd切换到根目录


    c:>tcping -d -t -i 0.06 www.baidu.com



    C:Documents and Settingsck>tcping /?
    tcping.exe by Eli Fulkerson
    Please see http://www.elifulkerson.com/projects/ for updates.
    Usage: tcping [-flags] server-address [server-port]
    Usage (full): tcping [-t] [-d] [-i interval] [-n times] [-w ms] [-b n] [-r
    ] [-s] [-v] [-j] [--tee filename] [-h] [-u] [--post] [--head] [-f] server-
    s [server-port]
     -t     : ping continuously until stopped via control-c  #是让命令一直运行ping
     -n 5   : for instance, send 5 pings
     -i 5   : for instance, ping every 5 seconds
     -w 0.5 : for instance, wait 0.5 seconds for a response
     -d     : include date and time on each line #是显示时间
     -b 1   : enable beeps (1 for on-down, 2 for on-up,
                            3 for on-change, 4 for always)
     -r 5   : for instance, relookup the hostname every 5 pings
     -s     : automatically exit on a successful ping
     -v     : print version and exit
     -j [5] : include jitter.  Optional argument controls rolling average size
     --tee  : mirror output to a filename specified after '--tee'
     -4     : prefer ipv4
     -6     : prefer ipv6
    HTTP Options:
     -h     : HTTP mode (use url without http:// for server-address)
     -u     : include target URL on each line
     --post : use POST rather than GET (may avoid caching)
     --head : use HEAD rather than GET
     --proxy-server : specify a proxy server
     --proxy-port   : specify a proxy port
    Debug Options:
     -f     : force tcping to send at least one byte
            If you don't pass server-port, it defaults to 80.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bass6/p/6109892.html
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