• AIO系列文档(2)----TIO使用


      1. hello world例子简介


        • 服务端和客户端的消息协议比较简单,消息头为4个字节,用以表示消息体的长度,消息体为一个字符串的byte[]
        • 服务端先启动,监听6789端口
        • 客户端连接到服务端后,会主动向服务器发送一条消息
        • 服务器收到消息后会回应一条消息
        • 之后,框架层会自动从客户端发心跳到服务器,服务器也会检测心跳有没有超时
        • 框架层会在断链后自动重连(对t-io来说,只需多一行代码便拥有自动重连功能
      2. 公共模块代码



        package org.tio.examples.helloworld.common;
        import org.tio.core.intf.Packet;
         * @author tanyaowu
        public class HelloPacket extends Packet {
        	private static final long serialVersionUID = -172060606924066412L;
        	public static final int HEADER_LENGHT = 4;//消息头的长度
        	public static final String CHARSET = "utf-8";
        	private byte[] body;
        	 * @return the body
        	public byte[] getBody() {
        		return body;
        	 * @param body the body to set
        	public void setBody(byte[] body) {
        		this.body = body;


        package org.tio.examples.helloworld.common;
         * @author tanyaowu
         * 2017年3月30日 下午7:05:54
        public interface Const {
        	 * 服务器地址
        	public static final String SERVER = "";
        	 * 监听端口
        	public static final int PORT = 6789;
        	 * 心跳超时时间
        	public static final int TIMEOUT = 5000;
      3. 服务端代码


        package org.tio.examples.helloworld.server;
        import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
        import org.tio.core.Aio;
        import org.tio.core.ChannelContext;
        import org.tio.core.GroupContext;
        import org.tio.core.exception.AioDecodeException;
        import org.tio.core.intf.Packet;
        import org.tio.examples.helloworld.common.HelloPacket;
        import org.tio.server.intf.ServerAioHandler;
         * @author tanyaowu
        public class HelloServerAioHandler implements ServerAioHandler {
        	 * 解码:把接收到的ByteBuffer,解码成应用可以识别的业务消息包
        	 * 总的消息结构:消息头 + 消息体
        	 * 消息头结构:    4个字节,存储消息体的长度
        	 * 消息体结构:   对象的json串的byte[]
        	public HelloPacket decode(ByteBuffer buffer, ChannelContext channelContext) throws AioDecodeException {
        		int readableLength = buffer.limit() - buffer.position();
        		if (readableLength < HelloPacket.HEADER_LENGHT) {
        			return null;
        		int bodyLength = buffer.getInt();
        		if (bodyLength < 0) {
        			throw new AioDecodeException("bodyLength [" + bodyLength + "] is not right, remote:" + channelContext.getClientNode());
        		int neededLength = HelloPacket.HEADER_LENGHT + bodyLength;
        		int isDataEnough = readableLength - neededLength;
        		// 不够消息体长度(剩下的buffe组不了消息体)
        		if (isDataEnough < 0) {
        			return null;
        		} else //组包成功
        			HelloPacket imPacket = new HelloPacket();
        			if (bodyLength > 0) {
        				byte[] dst = new byte[bodyLength];
        			return imPacket;
        	 * 编码:把业务消息包编码为可以发送的ByteBuffer
        	 * 总的消息结构:消息头 + 消息体
        	 * 消息头结构:    4个字节,存储消息体的长度
        	 * 消息体结构:   对象的json串的byte[]
        	public ByteBuffer encode(Packet packet, GroupContext groupContext, ChannelContext channelContext) {
        		HelloPacket helloPacket = (HelloPacket) packet;
        		byte[] body = helloPacket.getBody();
        		int bodyLen = 0;
        		if (body != null) {
        			bodyLen = body.length;
        		//bytebuffer的总长度是 = 消息头的长度 + 消息体的长度
        		int allLen = HelloPacket.HEADER_LENGHT + bodyLen;
        		ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(allLen);
        		if (body != null) {
        		return buffer;
        	 * 处理消息
        	public void handler(Packet packet, ChannelContext channelContext) throws Exception {
        		HelloPacket helloPacket = (HelloPacket) packet;
        		byte[] body = helloPacket.getBody();
        		if (body != null) {
        			String str = new String(body, HelloPacket.CHARSET);
        			System.out.println("收到消息:" + str);
        			HelloPacket resppacket = new HelloPacket();
        			resppacket.setBody(("收到了你的消息,你的消息是:" + str).getBytes(HelloPacket.CHARSET));
        			Aio.send(channelContext, resppacket);
        package org.tio.examples.helloworld.server;
        import java.io.IOException;
        import org.tio.examples.helloworld.common.Const;
        import org.tio.server.AioServer;
        import org.tio.server.ServerGroupContext;
        import org.tio.server.intf.ServerAioHandler;
        import org.tio.server.intf.ServerAioListener;
         * @author tanyaowu
         * 2017年4月4日 下午12:22:58
        public class HelloServerStarter {
        	//handler, 包括编码、解码、消息处理
        	public static ServerAioHandler aioHandler = new HelloServerAioHandler();
        	public static ServerAioListener aioListener = null;
        	public static ServerGroupContext serverGroupContext = new ServerGroupContext(aioHandler, aioListener);
        	public static AioServer aioServer = new AioServer(serverGroupContext);
        	public static String serverIp = null;
        	public static int serverPort = Const.PORT;
        	 * 启动程序入口
        	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        		aioServer.start(serverIp, serverPort);
      4. 客户端代码


        package org.tio.examples.helloworld.client;
        import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
        import org.tio.client.intf.ClientAioHandler;
        import org.tio.core.ChannelContext;
        import org.tio.core.GroupContext;
        import org.tio.core.exception.AioDecodeException;
        import org.tio.core.intf.Packet;
        import org.tio.examples.helloworld.common.HelloPacket;
         * @author tanyaowu
        public class HelloClientAioHandler implements ClientAioHandler {
        	private static HelloPacket heartbeatPacket = new HelloPacket();
        	 * 解码:把接收到的ByteBuffer,解码成应用可以识别的业务消息包
        	 * 总的消息结构:消息头 + 消息体
        	 * 消息头结构:    4个字节,存储消息体的长度
        	 * 消息体结构:   对象的json串的byte[]
        	public HelloPacket decode(ByteBuffer buffer, ChannelContext channelContext) throws AioDecodeException {
        		int readableLength = buffer.limit() - buffer.position();
        		if (readableLength < HelloPacket.HEADER_LENGHT) {
        			return null;
        		int bodyLength = buffer.getInt();
        		if (bodyLength < 0) {
        			throw new AioDecodeException("bodyLength [" + bodyLength + "] is not right, remote:" + channelContext.getClientNode());
        		int neededLength = HelloPacket.HEADER_LENGHT + bodyLength;
        		int isDataEnough = readableLength - neededLength;
        		// 不够消息体长度(剩下的buffe组不了消息体)
        		if (isDataEnough < 0) {
        			return null;
        		} else //组包成功
        			HelloPacket imPacket = new HelloPacket();
        			if (bodyLength > 0) {
        				byte[] dst = new byte[bodyLength];
        			return imPacket;
        	 * 编码:把业务消息包编码为可以发送的ByteBuffer
        	 * 总的消息结构:消息头 + 消息体
        	 * 消息头结构:    4个字节,存储消息体的长度
        	 * 消息体结构:   对象的json串的byte[]
        	public ByteBuffer encode(Packet packet, GroupContext groupContext, ChannelContext channelContext) {
        		HelloPacket helloPacket = (HelloPacket) packet;
        		byte[] body = helloPacket.getBody();
        		int bodyLen = 0;
        		if (body != null) {
        			bodyLen = body.length;
        		//bytebuffer的总长度是 = 消息头的长度 + 消息体的长度
        		int allLen = HelloPacket.HEADER_LENGHT + bodyLen;
        		ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(allLen);
        		if (body != null) {
        		return buffer;
        	 * 处理消息
        	public void handler(Packet packet, ChannelContext channelContext) throws Exception {
        		HelloPacket helloPacket = (HelloPacket) packet;
        		byte[] body = helloPacket.getBody();
        		if (body != null) {
        			String str = new String(body, HelloPacket.CHARSET);
        			System.out.println("收到消息:" + str);
        	 * 此方法如果返回null,框架层面则不会发心跳;如果返回非null,框架层面会定时发本方法返回的消息包
        	public HelloPacket heartbeatPacket() {
        		return heartbeatPacket;
        package org.tio.examples.helloworld.client;
        import org.tio.client.AioClient;
        import org.tio.client.ClientChannelContext;
        import org.tio.client.ClientGroupContext;
        import org.tio.client.ReconnConf;
        import org.tio.client.intf.ClientAioHandler;
        import org.tio.client.intf.ClientAioListener;
        import org.tio.core.Aio;
        import org.tio.core.Node;
        import org.tio.examples.helloworld.common.Const;
        import org.tio.examples.helloworld.common.HelloPacket;
         * @author tanyaowu
        public class HelloClientStarter {
        	public static Node serverNode = new Node(Const.SERVER, Const.PORT);
        	//handler, 包括编码、解码、消息处理
        	public static ClientAioHandler aioClientHandler = new HelloClientAioHandler();
        	public static ClientAioListener aioListener = null;
        	private static ReconnConf reconnConf = new ReconnConf(5000L);
        	public static ClientGroupContext clientGroupContext = new ClientGroupContext(aioClientHandler, aioListener, reconnConf);
        	public static AioClient aioClient = null;
        	public static ClientChannelContext clientChannelContext = null;
        	 * 启动程序入口
        	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        		aioClient = new AioClient(clientGroupContext);
        		clientChannelContext = aioClient.connect(serverNode);
        	private static void send() throws Exception {
        		HelloPacket packet = new HelloPacket();
        		packet.setBody("hello world".getBytes(HelloPacket.CHARSET));
        		Aio.send(clientChannelContext, packet);
      5. 运行程序

      6. 下一步


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/barrywxx/p/8546713.html
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