import java.lang.annotation.*; /** * 类功能描述:列属性 * * @author WangXueXing create at 18-10-29 下午4:40 * @version 1.0.0 */ @Target(ElementType.FIELD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Inherited public @interface ColumnProperty { /** * 列序号 * @return */ int index(); /** * 列表头名 * @return */ String name(); }
本注解定义目的是使用在JavaBean的每个字段映射到Excel中的列序号及列表头名。这样对于开发者,我只需要定义好报表展示的列及相对位置,并组装JavaBean list.直观,不需要关心转换过程。
import com.today.service.financereport.util.ColumnProperty import scala.annotation.meta.field import scala.beans.BeanProperty /** * 类功能描述:营收明细 * * @author WangXueXing create at 18-10-23 下午7:52 * @version 1.0.0 */ case class IncomeDetail(/** 店号 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 0, name = "店号") @BeanProperty storeId: String, /** 店名 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 1, name = "店名") @BeanProperty storeName: String, /** 门店类型 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 2, name = "门店类型") @BeanProperty storeType: String, /** 营业日期 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 3, name = "营业日期") @BeanProperty businessDate: String, /** 交易时间 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 4, name = "交易时间") @BeanProperty payTime: String, /** 订单号 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 5, name = "订单号") @BeanProperty orderNo: String, /** 交易流水号 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 6, name = "交易流水号") @BeanProperty tradeNo: String, /** 金额 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 7, name = "金额") @BeanProperty tradeAmount: BigDecimal, /** 抹零金额 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 8, name = "抹零金额") @BeanProperty spotAmount: BigDecimal, /** 支付方式 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 9, name = "支付方式") @BeanProperty tradeType: String, /** POS机 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 10, name = "POS机") @BeanProperty posId: String, /** 收银员 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 11, name = "收银员") @BeanProperty cashierName: String, /** 订单类型 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 12, name = "订单类型") @BeanProperty payType: String, /** 第三方商户订单号 */ @(ColumnProperty@field)(index = 13, name = "第三方商户订单号") @BeanProperty thirdPartyPaymentNo: String )
def getReportData: List[IncomeDetail] = { return jdbc.getIncomeDetailList() }
val incomeDetailList = getReportData() val file = File.createTempFile( "营收明细报表_" + MathUtils.getRandom(4), ".csv") ScalaFunction.tryWithResources(new PrintWriter(file, "GBK")) { out => val dataObj =incomeDetailList.isInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef@unchecked]] match { case true => incomeDetailList.asInstanceOf[List[AnyRef@unchecked]] case _ => List.empty } //根据注解顺序生成CSV数据列表 AnnotationUtil.getValueWithHead(dataObj).foreach(out.println(_)) }
其中ScalaFunction.tryWithResources()仿照Java try with resources本人定义了一个Scala函数来处理流关闭,详情请参考我以前的博客:Scala实现Try with resources自动关闭IO
/** * 类功能描述:Scala高级函数 * * @author WangXueXing create at 18-11-22 下午5:29 * @version 1.0.0 */ object ScalaFunction { /** * Scala实现Java7 try-with-resources * @see https://www.cnblogs.com/barrywxx/p/10002422.html */ def tryWithResources[A <: {def close(): Unit }, B](a: A)(f: A => B): B = { try { f(a) } finally { if(a != null){ a.close() } } } }
我们重点关注下AnnotationUtil.getValueWithHead(), 这个方法定义了通过注解将数据填入Excel或CSV报表的过程:
import java.lang.reflect.Field import com.today.service.financereport.dto.IncomeDetail /** * 类功能描述:Scala注解工具类 * * @author WangXueXing create at 18-10-30 下午3:35 * @version 1.0.0 */ object AnnotationUtil { /** * 根据注解获取值列表 */ def getValueWithHead(valList: List[_]): List[String] ={ var fields: Array[Field] = Array.empty val dataList: List[String] = valList.zipWithIndex.map{ x=> if(x._2 == 0){ fields = x._1.getClass.getDeclaredFields.sortBy(_.getAnnotations.apply(0).asInstanceOf[ColumnProperty].index()) } fields.map{f=> f.setAccessible(true) val value = f.get(x._1) if(value == null){ "" } else { value.toString } }.mkString(",") } fields.map(_.getAnnotation(classOf[ColumnProperty]).name()).mkString(",")+:dataList } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val list = List(IncomeDetail("wew1","eerr1","wrw1",null,"1","1","1",BigDecimal(12.1),BigDecimal(12.1),"1","1","1"), IncomeDetail("rer2","wrwrw2","wrw2","2","2","2","2",BigDecimal(12.1),BigDecimal(12.1),"2","2","2")) val objList = getValueWithHead(list) objList.foreach(println(_)) } }