1. 输入git init
2. git add .
3. git commit -m "提交的信息"
4. git remote add origin https://github.com/xxxxx/xxxxx.git”
5. git push -u origin master
1.git init 初始化本地仓库
2.git remote add syz git@code.aliyun.com:syz_workman/sct-nursing-web.git 连接远程仓库
3.git pull syz sc_dev_v2.2:sc_dev_v2.2 从远程仓库拉取到本地仓库
4.git checkout sc_dev_v2.2 切换到sc_dev_v2.2分支
5.git status 查看git状态
6.git push syz sc_dev_v2.2 push到远程的sc_dev_v2.2分支上
git stash
git pull syz sc_dev_v2.2:sc_dev_v2.2
git stash pop
git add .
git commit -m "1.修改系统设置模块;预约业务;预定业务." --no-verify
git push syz sc_dev_v2.2
git stash pop错误
$ git stash pop
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.
The stash entry is kept in case you need it again.
git add src/store.js
git stash pop