根据主机名获取主机群组名称 #各表查询 select hostid from hosts where name = 'HZSCP25'; select groupid from hosts_groups where hostid = '24997'; select name from hstgrp where groupid = '351'; #子查询 select name from hstgrp where groupid = (select groupid from hosts_groups where hostid = (select hostid from hosts where name = 'HZSCP25')); #where select c.name from hosts as a,hosts_groups as b,hstgrp as c where c.groupid = b.groupid and a.hostid = b.hostid and a.name = 'HZSCP25'; #inner jion select c.name from (hstgrp as c inner jion hosts_groups as b ON c.groupid = b.groupid) inner jion hosts as a ON a.hostid = b.hostid and a.name = 'HZSCP25';