• 切莫忘记try catch

    interFaceMessagePost msg = (interFaceMessagePost)list[i];
                        string url =msg.UrlPost +"?"+msg.UrlParameter;

                        string _tempExpesion="";
                        Regex ticket=new Regex("tickets=(.*)");
                        bool isHaveTicket=ticket.Match(url).Success;
                            if(ticket.Match(url).Groups!=null && ticket.Match(url).Groups.Count>0)

                            Regex refundDetail=new Regex("RefundDeatils=(.*)");
                            bool isHaveRefund=refundDetail.Match(url).Success;
                                if(refundDetail.Match(url).Groups!=null && refundDetail.Match(url).Groups.Count>0)

    没有加try catch导致出错之后程序卡死

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bangejingting/p/2595289.html
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