• 备忘


    If you enter an expression, the resulting value will be printed to the console. The
    result of the last expression, whether value orobject, is available in the interpreter by
    using the underscore (_).If you can’t find a calculator, then you can always turn to the
    Python interpreter instead.

    >>> 1.2 * (64 / 2.4) + 36 +2 ** 5
    >>> _
    >>> x = _
    >>> print x



    Both strand unicodestrings have a common base class: basestring. If you want
    to check if an object is a string and you don’t care which type of string, you can use
    isinstance(someObject, basestring). This isn’t important for IronPython, but can
    be useful for compatibility with CPython.


    In Boolean terms, the following objects are considered to be False:
    ■ Falseand None
    ■ 0 (integer, long, or float)
    ■ An empty string (byte-string or Unicode)
    ■ An empty list, tuple, set, or dictionary
    Everything else is considered True.

    >>> x = {}
    >>> if not x:
    ... print 'Not this one'
    Not this one
    >>> y = [1]
    >>> if y:
    ... print 'This one'
    This one


    finally, except, and the with statement
    In Python 2.4 (IronPython 1),
    you can’t have an exceptclause and a finally
    clause in the same block.
    In Python 2.5 (IronPython 2), you can have both exceptclauses and a finally
    clause in the same block. If an exception is caught by an exceptclause, the code in
    the finallyclause is still executed.
    Another common pattern used in Python 2.5, which can often replace use of finally,
    is to use the with statement. This is similar to the using statement in C#, and allows
    you to use a resource with its cleanup guaranteed even if an exception is raised.


    >>> input = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    >>> result = [value * 3 for value in input if value > 2]
    >>> result
    [9, 12, 15]

    standard library


    When you catch the exception, the instance of IOErrorraised will carry a message tell
    ing you what went wrong. You can turn the exception instance into a string by using
    the built in strfunction. The following code segment tries to save a file with a bogus
    filename—unless you have this file on drive z, that is! It catches the ensuing error and
    reports it by printing the error message:

    >>> from System.IO import StreamWriter
    >>> filename = 'z:\NonExistentFile.txt'
    >>> try:
    ... writer = StreamWriter(filename)
    ... except IOError, e:
    ... print 'Something went wrong.'
    ... print 'The error was:
    %s' % str(e)
    Something went wrong.
    The error was:
    Could not find a part of the path 'z:NonExistentFile.txt'


  • 相关阅读:
    Django 数据库查询优化
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/baiqjh/p/4274528.html
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