• SharePoint Web service and template

    SharePoint Web service对应的映射列表 

    WSS Web   Services Web Reference
    Administration   Service http://<server-url:port-number>/_vti_adm/admin.asmx
    Alerts   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/alerts.asmx
    Document Workspace Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/dws.asmx
    Forms   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/forms.asmx
    Imaging   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/imaging.asmx
    List   Data Retrieval Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/dspsts.asmx
    Lists   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/lists.asmx
    Meetings   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/meetings.asmx
    Permissions   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/permissions.asmx
    Site   Data Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/sitedata.asmx
    Site   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/sites.asmx
    Users   and Groups Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/usergroup.asmx
    Versions   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/versions.asmx
    Views   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/views.asmx
    Web   Part Pages Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/webpartpages.asmx
    Webs   Service http://<server-url>/_vti_bin/webs.asmx

    SharePoint 2013 

    网站模板(Site Template  代码(Code 
    Team   Site  STS#0 
    Blog  BLOG#0 
    Developer   Site DEV#0
    Project   Site PROJECTSITE#0
    Community   Site COMMUNITY#0
    Document Center  BDR#0 
    eDiscovery   Center EDISC#0
    Records   Center  OFFILE#1 
    Business   Intelligence Center BICenterSite#0
    Enterprise   Search Center SRCHCEN#0
    My Site   Host  SPSMSITEHOST#0 
    Community   Portal COMMUNITYPORTAL#0
    Basic   Search Center SRCHCENTERLITE#0
    Visio   Process Repository visprus#0
    Publishing   Portal  BLANKINTERNETCONTAINER#0
    Enterprise   Wiki ENTERWIKI#0
    Product   Catalog PRODUCTCATALOG#0


    SharePoint 2010 

    网站模板(Site   Template  代码(Code 
    Team   Site  STS#0 
    Blank   Site  STS#1 
    Document   Workspace  STS#2 
    Blog  BLOG#0 
    Group   Work Site SGS#0
    Visio   Process Repository visprus#0
    Basic   Meeting Workspace  MPS#0 
    Blank   Meeting Workspace  MPS#1 
    Decision   Meeting Workspace  MPS#2 
    Social   Meeting Workspace  MPS#3 
    Multipage Meeting Workspace  MPS#4 
    Document   Center  BDR#0 
    Records   Center  OFFILE#1 
    Business Intelligence Center BICenterSite#0
    Enterprise   Search Center SRCHCEN#0
    My Site   Host  SPSMSITEHOST#0 
    Basic   Search Center  SRCHCENTERLITE#0 
    Publishing   Portal  BLANKINTERNETCONTAINER#0
    Enterprise   Wiki ENTERWIKI#0


    A 32-bit integer that specifies the list template to use. The following table shows possible values for the ID. 

    List   Display Name Type
    Document   Library 101
    Form   Library 115
    Wiki   Page Library 119
    Picture   Library 109
    Links 103
    Announcements 104
    Contacts 105
    Calendar 106
    Discussion   Board 108
    Promoted   Links 170
    Tasks 171
    Issue   Tracking 1100
    Custom   List 100
    Custom   List in Datasheet View 120
    External   List 600
    Survey 102
    Asset   Library 851
    Data   Connection Library 130
    Report   Library 433
  • 相关阅读:
    登录失败。该登录名来自不受信任的域,不能与 Windows 身份验证一起使用。
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/baby0814/p/4383719.html
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