• Python经纬度转UTM代码




    import numpy as np
    from math import sqrt,cos,sin,tan
    def LL2UTM(point: np.array)->(np.array):
        Convert (long,lat) to UTM coords.
            point: np.array(lon,lat)
            np.martix([UTMEasting, UTMNorthing])
        East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
        North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative.
        # Math const
        M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
        DEG_TO_RAD = (M_PI / 180.0)
        # WGS84 Parameters
        WGS84_A = 6378137.0 # major axis
        WGS84_E = 0.0818191908 # first eccentricity
        # UTM Parameters
        UTM_K0 = 0.9996 # scale factor
        UTM_E2 = (WGS84_E * WGS84_E) # e^2
        Long, Lat = point
        # Make sure the longitude is between -180.00 .. 179.9
        LongTemp = (Long + 180) - int((Long + 180) / 360) * 360 - 180
        LatRad = Lat * DEG_TO_RAD
        LongRad = LongTemp * DEG_TO_RAD
        ZoneNumber = int((LongTemp + 180) / 6) + 1
        if (Lat >= 56.0 and Lat < 64.0 and LongTemp >= 3.0 and LongTemp < 12.0):
            ZoneNumber = 32
        # Special zones for Svalbard
        if (Lat >= 72.0 and Lat < 84.0):
            if (LongTemp >= 0.0 and LongTemp < 9.0):
                ZoneNumber = 31
            elif (LongTemp >= 9.0 and LongTemp < 21.0):
                ZoneNumber = 33
            elif (LongTemp >= 21.0 and LongTemp < 33.0):
                ZoneNumber = 35
            elif (LongTemp >= 33.0 and LongTemp < 42.0):
                ZoneNumber = 37
        # +3 puts origin in middle of zone
        LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3
        LongOriginRad = LongOrigin * DEG_TO_RAD
        # compute the UTM Zone from the latitude and longitude
        #UTMZone = str(ZoneNumber) + UTMLetterDesignator(Lat)
        eccPrimeSquared = (UTM_E2) / (1 - UTM_E2)
        N = WGS84_A / sqrt(1 - UTM_E2 * sin(LatRad) * sin(LatRad))
        T = tan(LatRad) * tan(LatRad)
        C = eccPrimeSquared * cos(LatRad) * cos(LatRad)
        A = cos(LatRad) * (LongRad - LongOriginRad)
        M = WGS84_A * ((1 - UTM_E2 / 4 - 3 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 64 -
            5 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 256) *
            LatRad - (3 * UTM_E2 / 8 + 3 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 32 +
            45 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 1024) *
            sin(2 * LatRad) + (15 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 256 +
            45 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 1024) * sin(4 * LatRad) -
            (35 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 * UTM_E2 / 3072) * sin(6 * LatRad))
        UTMEasting = (UTM_K0 * N * (A + (1 - T + C) * A * A * A / 6 +
                    (5 - 18 * T + T * T + 72 * C - 58 * eccPrimeSquared) * A * A *
                    A * A * A / 120) + 500000.0)
        UTMNorthing = (UTM_K0 * (M + N * tan(LatRad) *
                    (A * A / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C * C) * A * A * A * A / 24 +
                    (61 - 58 * T + T * T + 600 * C - 330 * eccPrimeSquared) * A *
                    A * A * A * A * A / 720)))
        # 10000000 meter offset for southern hemisphere
        if (Lat < 0):
            UTMNorthing += 10000000.0
        return np.array([UTMEasting, UTMNorthing])
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/azureology/p/16702002.html
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