• 服务器安装centos6.4 x86_64 与 配置XManager的XDMCP服务 与 配置Ntfs读写

    服务器是什么牌子的和配置不太清楚,反正叫做 强氧服务器,噪音很大,靠近后,嗡嗡嗡的,我头都晕了。

    安装centos6.4 x64的系统,出现了switching clocksource tsc ,必须等待9分钟才会继续启动,这个必须解决,否则以后重启下都要十几分钟,痛苦的。

     搜索下 clocksource tsc,一个链接:http://www.linuxdiyf.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=95753

    很多像我一样喜欢换OS的同学肯定对这个不陌生了,特别是amd+ati组合的人经常碰到。archlinux,ubuntu,fedora,debian等,一些版本在安装的时候就卡在这个地方不动了。有些“高手”会指导你在kernel这一行加上“acpi=off" 就可以继续了。但是,不久你会发现。自己的电脑不能像win那样关机了。硬盘不动了,可电源还在响着呢。
    呵呵,为什么呢?下边给你段E文:The tsc clock source keeps getting marked unstable and falls back to using acpi_pm on kernel This is directly linked to using cpu frequencing scaling. If I leave default governer as performace is fine, second I set to ondemand or anything the changes the current frequency the unstable msg appears.
    cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource
    我的OS就显示了几个: hpet acpi_pm jiffies tsc
    然后在grub的kernel 行指定该管理器:一般是选这个: clocksource=acpi_pm

    试了一下,没有解决问题,还是需要等待,现在yum update 更新下kernel 看看新的kernel会不会解决这个问题,照样。反正 centos 6.0 i386没这个问题(除了最新的centos,其他都找不到地方下载了。)

    换成了centos6.0 i386的dvd,开机出现Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)。。。 卡住了,只需要在kernel参数后面加上 edd=off ,按照提示去做,前面的问题都没有提示,真是太恶心了,但是我没x64的系统,我想还是安装64位的比较好。现在6.3 http://mirror.team-cymru.org/CentOS/6.3/isos/x86_64/ 还可以下载,其他的mirrors都无法下载了。。

     update:现在是,换成了centos6.3—x64 升级到6.4后继续使用6.3的内核,6.4的内核全部都是这个switching clocksource tsc 疑难杂症。

    看下面的 第一个是6.3的内核kernel-2.6.32-279,第二个是6.4的kernel 2.6.32-358.6.1 我反正是不会选择第二个的,要等十分钟才能启动开啊,服务器本来就启动比PC慢些的。

    title CentOS (2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64) noquiet
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64 ro root=UUID=23c8d059-e3e9-42f7-8b7a-80c228bd5af1 nomodeset rd_NO_LUKS  KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rd_MD_UUID=1591362b:6077e398:e8315fb6:e129cc97 crashkernel=128M LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 rd_NO_LVM rd_NO_DM rd_MD_UUID=db05fb86:a881ac62:b9755e37:e11d5c0d rhgb
        initrd /initramfs-2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64.img
    title CentOS (2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64) clocksource tsc ERROR
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64 ro root=UUID=23c8d059-e3e9-42f7-8b7a-80c228bd5af1 nomodeset rd_NO_LUKS  KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us rd_MD_UUID=1591362b:6077e398:e8315fb6:e129cc97 crashkernel=auto LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 rd_NO_LVM rd_NO_DM rd_MD_UUID=db05fb86:a881ac62:b9755e37:e11d5c0d rhgb
        initrd /initramfs-2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64.img

    centos 6.3的内核下,我查看了系统的

    cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource

    为hpet tsc acpi_pm,current_clocksource显示的是tsc。看来这台服务器就是要tsc的clocksource,我设置kernel参数 clocksource=hpet等参数都不管用。 

    对了再说下centos系统 安装方法,一搜索很多的,因为其安装方法很久都没变化过了。

    * 光盘安装 不再说了,没难度。

    * 硬盘安装 ,需要复制 isolinux/kernel 和initrd.gz 到 你的某个分区,然后使用grub或grub4dos来引导者两个就可以了,kernel后面加上askmethod就可以了【如果gui显示不正确,加上参数xdriver=vesa nomodeset。这样就是Install system with ^basic video driver了】。 重要的是,后面会加载images/install.img文件,这个可以提取到fat32分区【centos安装程序不支持ntfs,所以不能放到ntfs分区下,真是恶心,old。】,也可以在线安装,通过另外一台电脑架设的的ftp服务器就可以了,centos安装程序后面会提示选择,选择url,输入ftp中images所在目录就可以进行下一步安装了。

    使用ftp安装 这里是很方便,但是后面还是会提示找不到软件源,只能输入 http://mirrors.163.com/centos/6/os/x86_64/ 这种地址了,这个里面的内容我看起来就是光盘的内容啊。真是郁闷,我架设的ftp怎么就不可以了呢?其实这里已经是网络安装了,只是软件源选择不同了。


    * Nfs安装,跟ftp差不多了吧,没试过nfs服务。 



     1.检查 是否安装 X Windows System,init 5 /startx 可以启动,说明没问题,还要安装 gnome desktop enviroment,或者 kde desktop 。【yum groupinstall **** 就可以批量安装了,爽快】

     2.修改 /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config,加上感叹号是注释,吧requestPort:0注释掉,至于为什么,不知道。

     ! SECURITY: do not listen for XDMCP or Chooser requests
     ! Comment out this line if you want to manage X terminals with xdm
     !DisplayManager.requestPort: 0


    *     #any host can get a login window
    * CHOOSER BROADCAST #any indirect host can get a chooser

    第二个应该是自动广播的意思,这样子,XManager不需要配置,就会自动出现你的linux的xdmcp query了。

    4.修改 gdm或者 kdm 的 xdmcp配置【关键】




    # GDM configuration storage

    我的安装好后,里面没内容,不知道为什么,我就添加了上面的三行。另外 究竟是/etc/gdm/custom.conf 还是gdm.conf我也不知道,我只是做了个链接 ln -s custom.conf gdm.conf


    vim /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc

    # KDM master configuration file
    # Definition: the greeter is the login dialog, i.e., the part of KDM
    # which the user sees.
    # You can configure every X-display individually.
    # Every display has a display name, which consists of a host name
    # (which is empty for local displays specified in {Static|Reserve}Servers),
    # a colon, and a display number. Additionally, a display belongs to a
    # display class (which can be ignored in most cases; the control center
    # does not support this feature at all).
    # Sections with display-specific settings have the formal syntax
    # "[X-" host [":" number [ "_" class ]] "-" sub-section "]"
    # You can use the "*" wildcard for host, number, and class. You may omit
    # trailing components; they are assumed to be "*" then.
    # The host part may be a domain specification like ".inf.tu-dresden.de".
    # It may also be "+", which means non-empty, i.e. remote displays only.
    # From which section a setting is actually taken is determined by these
    # rules:
    # - an exact match takes precedence over a partial match (for the host part),
    #   which in turn takes precedence over a wildcard ("+" taking precedence
    #   over "*")
    # - precedence decreases from left to right for equally exact matches
    # Example: display name "myhost:0", class "dpy".
    # [X-myhost:0_dpy] precedes
    # [X-myhost:0_*] (same as [X-myhost:0]) precedes
    # [X-myhost:*_dpy] precedes
    # [X-myhost:*_*] (same as [X-myhost]) precedes
    # [X-+:0_dpy] precedes
    # [X-*:0_dpy] precedes
    # [X-*:0_*] (same as [X-*:0]) precedes
    # [X-*:*_*] (same as [X-*])
    # These sections do NOT match this display:
    # [X-hishost], [X-myhost:0_dec], [X-*:1], [X-:*]
    # If a setting is not found in any matching section, the default is used.
    # Every comment applies to the following section or key. Note that all
    # comments will be lost if you change this file with the kcontrol frontend.
    # The defaults refer to KDM's built-in values, not anything set in this file.
    # Special characters need to be backslash-escaped (leading and trailing
    # spaces (\s), tab (\t), linefeed (\n), carriage return (\r) and the
    # backslash itself (\\)).
    # In lists, fields are separated with commas without whitespace in between.
    # Some command strings are subject to simplified sh-style word splitting:
    # single quotes (') and double quotes (") have the usual meaning; the backslash
    # quotes everything (not only special characters). Note that the backslashes
    # need to be doubled because of the two levels of quoting.
    # This option exists solely for the purpose of a clean automatic upgrade.
    # Do not even think about changing it!
    # List of permanent displays. Displays with a hostname are foreign. A display
    # class may be specified separated by an underscore.
    # Default is ":0"
    # List of on-demand displays. See StaticServers for syntax.
    # Default is ""
    # VTs to allocate to X-servers. A negative number means that the VT will be
    # used only if it is free. If all VTs in this list are used up, the next free
    # one greater than the last one in this list will be allocated.
    # Default is ""
    # TTYs (without /dev/) to monitor for activity while in console mode.
    # Default is ""
    # Where KDM should store its PID (do not store if empty).
    # Default is ""
    # Whether KDM should lock the PID file to prevent having multiple KDM
    # instances running at once. Do not change unless you are brave.
    # Default is true
    # Where to store authorization files.
    # Default is "/var/run/xauth"
    # Whether KDM should automatically re-read configuration files, if it
    # finds them having changed.
    # Default is true
    # Additional environment variables KDM should pass on to all programs it runs.
    # LD_LIBRARY_PATH and XCURSOR_THEME are good candidates;
    # otherwise, it should not be necessary very often.
    # Default is ""
    # A character device KDM should read entropy from.
    # Empty means use the system's preferred entropy device.
    # Default is ""
    # Where the command FiFos should be created; make it empty to disable
    # them.
    # Default is "/var/run/xdmctl"
    # The group to which the global command FiFo should belong;
    # can be either a name or a numerical ID.
    # Default is 0
    # The directory in which KDM should store persistent working data.
    # Default is "/var/lib/kdm"
    # The directory in which KDM should store users' .dmrc files. This is only
    # needed if the home directories are not readable before actually logging in
    # (like with AFS).
    # Default is ""
    # Whether KDM should listen to incoming XDMCP requests.  Default is true
    # The UDP port on which KDM should listen for XDMCP requests. Do not change.
    # Default is 177
    # File with the private keys of X-terminals. Required for XDM authentication.
    # Default is ""
    # XDMCP access control file in the usual XDM-Xaccess format.
    # Default is "/usr/share/config/kdm/Xaccess"
    # Number of seconds to wait for display to respond after the user has
    # selected a host from the chooser.
    # Default is 15
    # Strip domain name from remote display names if it is equal to the local
    # domain.
    # Default is true
    # Use the numeric IP address of the incoming connection on multihomed hosts
    # instead of the host name.
    # Default is false
    # The program which is invoked to dynamically generate replies to XDMCP
    # DirectQuery or BroadcastQuery requests.
    # If empty, no program is invoked and "Willing to manage" is sent.
    # Default is ""
    # The command (subject to word splitting) to run to halt the system.
    # Default is "/sbin/halt"
    # The command (subject to word splitting) to run to reboot the system.
    # Default is "/sbin/reboot"
    # Whether it is allowed to shut down the system via the global command FiFo.
    # Default is false
    # Whether it is allowed to abort active sessions when shutting down the
    # system via the global command FiFo.
    # Default is true
    # The boot manager KDM should use for offering boot options in the
    # shutdown dialog.
    # "None" - no boot manager
    # "Grub" - Grub boot manager
    # "Lilo" - Lilo boot manager (Linux on i386 & x86-64 only)
    # Default is None
    # Rough estimations about how many seconds KDM will spend at most on
    # - opening a connection to the X-server (OpenTime) if the attempt
    #   - times out: OpenTimeout
    #   - is refused: OpenRepeat * OpenDelay
    # - starting a local X-server (ServerTime):
    #   ServerAttempts * (ServerTimeout + OpenDelay)
    # - starting a display:
    #   - local display: ServerTime + OpenTime
    #   - foreign display: StartAttempts * OpenTime
    #   - XDMCP display: OpenTime (repeated indefinitely by client)
    # Core config for all displays
    # How long to wait before retrying to connect a display.
    # Default is 15
    # How long to wait before timing out a display connection attempt.
    # Default is 120
    # How many connection attempts to make during a start attempt. Note that
    # a timeout aborts the entire start attempt.
    # Default is 5
    # Try at most that many times to start a display. If this fails, the display
    # is disabled.
    # Default is 4
    # Ping remote display every that many minutes.
    # Default is 5
    # Wait for a Pong that many minutes.
    # Default is 5
    # The name of this X-server's Xauth file.
    # If empty, a random name in the AuthDir directory will be used.
    # Default is ""
    # Specify a file with X-resources for the greeter, chooser and background.
    # The KDE frontend does not use this file, so you do not need it unless you
    # use another background generator than krootimage.
    # Default is ""
    # The xrdb program to use to read the above specified recources.
    # Subject to word splitting.
    # Default is "/usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb" or "/usr/bin/xrdb"
    # A program to run before the greeter is shown. Can be used to start an
    # xconsole or an alternative background generator. Subject to word splitting.
    # Default is ""
    # A program to run before a user session starts. Subject to word splitting.
    # Default is ""
    # A program to run after a user session exits. Subject to word splitting.
    # Default is ""
    # The program which is run as the user which logs in. It is supposed to
    # interpret the session argument (see SessionsDirs) and start an appropriate
    # session according to it. Subject to word splitting.
    # Default is "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -ls -T"
    # The program to run if Session fails.
    # Default is "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm"
    # The PATH for the Session program.
    # Default is "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games"
    # The PATH for Setup, Startup and Reset, etc.
    # Default is "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin"
    # The default system shell.
    # Default is "/bin/sh"
    # Where to put the user's X-server authorization file if ~/.Xauthority
    # cannot be created (and ForceUserAuthDir is not true)
    # Default is "/tmp"
    # Whether to automatically restart sessions after X-server crashes.
    # Note that enabling this makes circumventing screen lockers other than
    # KDE's built-in one possible! Default is false
    # Allow root logins?  Default is true
    # Allow to log in, when user has set an empty password? Default is true
    # Who is allowed to shut down the system. This applies both to the
    # greeter and to the command FiFo.
    # "None" - no "Shutdown..." menu entry is shown at all
    # "Root" - the root password must be entered to shut down
    # "All" - everybody can shut down the machine (Default)
    # Who is allowed to abort active sessions when shutting down.
    # "None" - no forced shutdown is allowed at all
    # "Root" - the root password must be entered to shut down forcibly
    # "All" - everybody can shut down the machine forcibly
    # Default is All
    # The default choice for the shutdown condition/timing.
    # "Schedule" - shut down after all active sessions exit (possibly at once)
    # "TryNow" - shut down, if no active sessions are open; otherwise, do nothing
    # "ForceNow" - shut down unconditionally
    # Default is Schedule
    # How to offer shutdown scheduling options:
    # "Never" - not at all
    # "Optional" - as a button in the simple shutdown dialogs
    # "Always" - instead of the simple shutdown dialogs
    # Default is Never
    # The directories containing session type definitions in .desktop format.
    # Default is "/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions"
    # The file (relative to $HOME) to redirect the session output to. This is
    # a printf format string; one %d will be replaced with the display name.
    # Default is ".xsession-errors"
    # Whether KDM's built-in utmp/wtmp/lastlog registration should be used.
    # Default is true
    # Greeter config for all displays
    # Widget style of the greeter. "" means the built-in default which currently
    # is "Plastik".  Default is ""
    # Widget color scheme of the greeter. "" means the built-in default which
    # currently is yellowish grey with some light blue and yellow elements.
    # Default is ""
    # What should be shown in the greeter's logo are:
    # "None" - nothing
    # "Logo" - the image specified by LogoPixmap
    # "Clock" - a neat analog clock (Default)
    # The image to show when LogoArea=Logo.
    # Default is ""
    # The relative coordinates (X,Y in percent) of the center of the greeter.
    # Default is "50,50"
    # The screen the greeter should be displayed on in multi-headed and Xinerama
    # setups. The numbering starts with 0. For Xinerama, it corresponds to the
    # listing order in the active ServerLayout section of XF86Config; -1 means
    # to use the upper-left screen, -2 means to use the upper-right screen.
    # Default is 0
    # The headline in the greeter. The following character pairs are replaced:
    # - %d -> current display
    # - %h -> host name, possibly with domain name
    # - %n -> node name, most probably the host name without domain name
    # - %s -> the operating system
    # - %r -> the operating system's version
    # - %m -> the machine (hardware) type
    # - %% -> a single %
    # Default is "Welcome to %s at %n"
    GreetString=Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 6.0
    # The font for the greeter headline.
    # Default is "charter,24,bold"
    # The normal font used in the greeter.
    # Default is "helvetica,12"
    # The font used for the "Login Failed" message.
    # Default is "helvetica,12,bold"
    # Whether the fonts used in the greeter should be antialiased.
    # Default is false
    # What to do with the Num Lock modifier for the time the greeter is running:
    # "Off" - turn off
    # "On" - turn on
    # "Keep" - do not change the state
    # Default is Keep
    # Language and locale to use in the greeter, encoded like $LC_LANG.
    # Default is "en_US"
    # Enable autocompletion in the username line edit.
    # Default is false
    # Enable user list (names along with images) in the greeter.
    # Default is true
    # Allow users to set their own user images.
    # If UserList is enabled, this specifies where kdm gets the images from: 
    # AdminOnly (default): from <FaceDir>/$USER.face[.icon]
    # UserOnly: from the user's $HOME/.face[.icon]
    # PreferAdmin: prefer <FaceDir>, fallback on $HOME
    # PreferUser: ... and the other way round
    # User selection for UserCompletion and UserList:
    # "NotHidden" - all users except those listed in HiddenUsers
    # "Selected" - only the users listed in SelectedUsers
    # Default is NotHidden
    # For ShowUsers=Selected. @<group> means all users in that group.
    # Default is ""
    # For ShowUsers=NotHidden. @<group> means all users in that group.
    # Default is ""
    # Special case of HiddenUsers: users with a non-zero UID less than this number
    # will not be shown as well.
    # Default is 0
    # Complement to MinShowUID: users with a UID greater than this number will
    # not be shown as well. Default is 65535
    # If false, the users are listed in the order they appear in /etc/passwd.
    # If true, they are sorted alphabetically.
    # Default is true
    # Specify, where the users' pictures should be taken from.
    # "AdminOnly" - from <FaceDir>/$USER.face[.icon]
    # "PreferAdmin" - prefer <FaceDir>, fallback on $HOME
    # "PreferUser" - ... and the other way round
    # "UserOnly" - from the user's $HOME/.face[.icon]
    # Default is AdminOnly
    # The directory containing the user images if FaceSource is not UserOnly.
    # Default is "/usr/share/apps/kdm/faces"
    # Specify, if/which user should be preselected for log in.
    # "None" - do not preselect any user (Default)
    # "Previous" - the user which successfully logged in last time
    # "Default" - the user specified in the DefaultUser option
    # If this is true, the password input line is focused automatically if
    # a user is preselected.
    # Default is false
    # Echo password (as bullets)
    # If true, krootimage will be automatically started by KDM; otherwise, the
    # Setup script should be used to setup the background. Default is true
    # The configuration file to be used by krootimage.
    # Default is "/usr/share/config/kdm/backgroundrc"
    # Hold the X-server grabbed the whole time the greeter is visible. This
    # may be more secure, but it will disable any background and other
    # X-clients started from the Setup script.
    # Default is false
    # How many seconds to wait for grab to succeed.
    # Default is 3
    # Warn, if display has no X-authorization (local auth cannot be created,
    # XDMCP display wants no auth, or display is foreign from StaticServers).
    # Default is true
    # Random seed for forging saved session types, etc. of unknown users.
    # This value should be random but constant across the login domain.
    # Default is 0
    # Specify conversation plugins for the login dialog. Each plugin can be
    # specified as a base name (which expands to $kde_modulesdir/kgreet_$base)
    # or as a full pathname.
    # Default is "classic"
    # Same as PluginsLogin, but for the shutdown dialog.
    # Default is "classic"
    # A list of options of the form Key=Value. The conversation plugins can query
    # these settings; it is up to them what possible keys are.
    # Default is ""
    # Show the "Console Login" action in the greeter (if ServerTTY/ConsoleTTYs
    # is configured).
    # Default is true
    # A program to run while the greeter is visible. It is supposed to preload
    # as much as possible of the session that is going to be started (most
    # probably).
    # Default is ""
    # Whether the greeter should be themed. Default is false
    # The theme to use for the greeter. Can point to either a directory or an XML
    # file. Default is "/usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes/circles"
    # Set the widget color scheme 
    # Core config for local displays
    # How often to try to run the X-server. Running includes executing it and
    # waiting for it to come up. Default is 1
    # How long to wait for a local X-server to come up. Default is 15
    # The command line to start the X-server, without display number and VT spec.
    # This string is subject to word splitting. Default is "/usr/X11R6/bin/X"
    # Additional arguments for the X-servers for local sessions.
    # This string is subject to word splitting. Default is ""
    ServerArgsLocal=-nr -nolisten tcp
    # Additional arguments for the X-servers for remote sessions.
    # This string is subject to word splitting. Default is ""
    # Restart instead of resetting the local X-server after session exit.
    # Use it if the server leaks memory etc. Default is false
    # The signal needed to reset the local X-server.
    # Default is 1 (SIGHUP)
    # The signal needed to terminate the local X-server.
    # Default is 15 (SIGTERM)
    # Create X-authorizations for local displays.
    # Default is true
    # Which X-authorization mechanisms should be used.
    # Default is "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1"
    # Need to reset the X-server to make it read initial Xauth file.
    # Default is false
    # See above
    # See above
    # Enable password-less logins on this display. USE WITH EXTREME CARE!
    # Default is false
    # The users that do not need to provide a password to log in. NEVER list root!
    # "*" means all non-root users. @<group> means all users in that group.
    # Default is ""
    # See above
    # Greeter config for local displays
    # See above
    # See above
    # Specify whether the greeter of local displays should start up in host chooser
    # (remote) or login (local) mode and whether it is allowed to switch to the
    # other mode.
    # "LocalOnly" - only local login possible
    # "DefaultLocal" - start up in local mode, but allow switching to remote mode
    # "DefaultRemote" - ... and the other way round
    # "RemoteOnly" - only choice of remote host possible
    # Default is LocalOnly
    # A list of hosts to be automatically added to the remote login menu. The
    # special name "*" means broadcast.
    # Default is "*"
    # Show the "Restart X Server"/"Close Connection" action in the greeter.
    # Default is true
    # Core config for 1st local display
    # Enable automatic login. USE WITH EXTREME CARE! Default is false
    # The user to log in automatically. NEVER specify root! Default is ""
    # The password for the user to log in automatically. This is NOT required
    # unless the user is logged into a NIS or Kerberos domain. If you use this
    # option, you should "chmod 600 kdmrc" for obvious reasons.
    # Default is ""
    # Greeter config for 1st local display
    # See above
    # The user to preselect if PreselectUser=Default.
    # Default is ""
    View Code


    xdm/下还有许多文件,Xservers的内容其实只有一行,不需要修改 :0 local /usr/bin/X :0 。

    其他 的我全部是默认,无修改的。

    5.修改防火墙 iptables设置,或者关闭iptables

    在gnome下 /usr/bin/system-config-firewall 防火墙配置,其实是一个python脚本,你可以自己打开学习下。

    这里面,顺便还可以配置下其他的ftp www等服务的端口开放。


    [root@centossrv ~]# iptables-save
    # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.7 on Wed May 15 13:22:56 2013
    :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
    :OUTPUT ACCEPT [7821:5002212]
    -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i eth+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i ippp+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i isdn+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i tun+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -i wlan+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -d -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 16509 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 16514 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 177 -j ACCEPT 
    -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited 
    -A FORWARD -p icmp -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i lo -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i eth+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i ippp+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i isdn+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i ppp+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i tun+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -i wlan+ -j ACCEPT 
    -A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited 
    # Completed on Wed May 15 13:22:56 2013
    [root@centossrv ~]# iptables-save

    可以输入 iptables 加上上面的某一行,来让它生效

     iptables这里是一个服务,可以查看它的状态,开启,关闭,保存iptables【在vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config 是iptables的默认配置,包括是否重启保存iptables,关闭自动保存iptables,默认是不保存的,也就是,你重启机器,以前的iptables手动设置的命令失效。】

    [root@centossrv ~]# service iptables
    用法:iptables {start|stop|restart|condrestart|status|panic|save}
    [root@centossrv ~]# service iptables save
    iptables:将防火墙规则保存到 /etc/sysconfig/iptables:     [确定]
    [root@centossrv ~]# service iptables status
    Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    num  target     prot opt source               destination         
    1    ACCEPT     all  --             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED 
    2    ACCEPT     icmp --             
    3    ACCEPT     all  --             
    4    ACCEPT     all  --             
    5    ACCEPT     all  --             
    6    ACCEPT     all  --             
    7    ACCEPT     all  --             
    8    ACCEPT     all  --             
    9    ACCEPT     all  --             
    10   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:53 
    11   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:53 
    12   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:21 
    13   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:1194 
    14   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:137 
    15   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:138 
    16   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:139 
    17   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:445 
    18   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:137 
    19   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:138 
    20   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:22 
    21   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:69 
    22   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:80 
    23   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:443 
    24   ACCEPT     udp  --           state NEW udp dpt:5353 
    25   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:16509 
    26   ACCEPT     tcp  --             state NEW tcp dpt:16514 
    27   ACCEPT     udp  --             state NEW udp dpt:177 
    28   REJECT     all  --             reject-with icmp-host-prohibited 
    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
    num  target     prot opt source               destination         
    1    ACCEPT     all  --             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED 
    2    ACCEPT     icmp --             
    3    ACCEPT     all  --             
    4    ACCEPT     all  --             
    5    ACCEPT     all  --             
    6    ACCEPT     all  --             
    7    ACCEPT     all  --             
    8    ACCEPT     all  --             
    9    ACCEPT     all  --             
    10   REJECT     all  --             reject-with icmp-host-prohibited 
    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    num  target     prot opt source               destination         
    [root@centossrv ~]# 

    redhat centos有chkconfig来配置 服务的,上面services应该不会保存,只是临时的,或者 可以放入/etc/rc.local 一些命令来自动关闭一些服务也可以。

    [root@centossrv ~]# rpm -q chkconfig
    [root@centossrv ~]# chkconfig
    NetworkManager     0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    abrt-ccpp          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:关闭    5:启用    6:关闭
    abrt-oops          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:关闭    5:启用    6:关闭
    abrtd              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:关闭    5:启用    6:关闭
    acpid              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    atd                0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    auditd             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    autofs             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    blk-availability    0:关闭    1:启用    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    bluetooth          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    cgconfig           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    cgred              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    cpuspeed           0:关闭    1:启用    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    crond              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    cups               0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    dnsmasq            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    ebtables           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    fcoe               0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    firstboot          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    haldaemon          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    htcacheclean       0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    httpd              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    hypervkvpd         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    ip6tables          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    ipsec              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    iptables           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    irqbalance         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    iscsi              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    iscsid             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    kdump              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    ksm                0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    ksmtuned           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    libvirt-guests     0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    libvirtd           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    lldpad             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    lvm2-monitor       0:关闭    1:启用    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    mdmonitor          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    messagebus         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    multipathd         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    mysqld             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    netconsole         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    netfs              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    network            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    nfs                0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    nfslock            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    ntpd               0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    ntpdate            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    numad              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    openct             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    pcscd              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    portreserve        0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    psacct             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    qemu-ga            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    quota_nld          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    radvd              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    rdisc              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    restorecond        0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    rngd               0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    rpcbind            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    rpcgssd            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    rpcidmapd          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    rpcsvcgssd         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    rsyslog            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    saslauthd          0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    sblim-sfcb         0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    sendmail           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    smartd             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    spice-vdagentd     0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:启用    6:关闭
    squid              0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    sshd               0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    svnserve           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    sysstat            0:关闭    1:启用    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    tomcat6            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    udev-post          0:关闭    1:启用    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    virt-who           0:关闭    1:关闭    2:启用    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    wdaemon            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    winbind            0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    wpa_supplicant     0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:关闭    4:关闭    5:关闭    6:关闭
    xinetd             0:关闭    1:关闭    2:关闭    3:启用    4:启用    5:启用    6:关闭
    基于 xinetd 的服务:
        chargen-dgram:     关闭
        chargen-stream:    关闭
        daytime-dgram:     关闭
        daytime-stream:    关闭
        discard-dgram:     关闭
        discard-stream:    关闭
        echo-dgram:        关闭
        echo-stream:       关闭
        rsync:             关闭
        tcpmux-server:     关闭
        telnet:            关闭
        tftp:              关闭
        time-dgram:        关闭
        time-stream:       关闭
    [root@centossrv ~]# chkconfig


    netstat -an|grep 177   

    [root@centossrv ~]# netstat -an |grep --color=auto -i 177
    udp        0      0       *         

    出现 udp的177服务,那么177 服务算是开启了。也可以使用telnet IP 177 来检测177端口是否正常运行【错了telnet貌似只能检测 tcp的,对于udp的应该没反应,而且linux下telnet客户端要单独安装的。】

    其他linux下, X -query ip:177 应该也可以查看这个ip下的177 xdmcp是否可链接,当然xmanager可以连接就直接没问题了。




    如何挂载一个 NTFS 文件系统http://wiki.centos.org/zh/TipsAndTricks/NTFS 

    CentOS 6.2 挂载 NTFS格式的硬盘  http://ohyeahbbs.blog.51cto.com/1775490/865107

    (总结)CentOS Linux利用ntfs-3g挂载读写Windows的ntfs分区


    如何在gnome上使用ntfs-3g 挂载ntfs分区啊。。。gnome的挂载是什么原理?hal hald到底怎么使用??






    不知道 继续研究吧。。。。linux 驱动 文件系统 驱动。

    gnome点击可以自动挂载ntfs分区,只需要centos安装epel 的repo,然后安装 ntfs-3g 和 ntfsprogs 就行了。gnome为何可以自动挂载ntfs分区,是调用什么命令?还是不得而知,需要琢磨琢磨 研究研究。

    epel:wget http://mirrors.yun-idc.com/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

    centos 5.x的需要下载 5的 rpm,其实就是repo和key了

    ntfs-3g 和ntfsprogs的文件列表,自己编译ntfs的话,最好按照下面的文件列表来重命名 才可以支持 自动挂载ntfs分区。好像关键就是 mount.ntfs 文件

    #yum install ntfsprogs ntfs-3g
    #rpm -ql ntfs-3g

    #rpm -ql ntfsprogs
    /bin/ntfscat /bin/ntfsck /bin/ntfscluster /bin/ntfscmp /bin/ntfsdecrypt /bin/ntfsdump_logfile /bin/ntfsfix /bin/ntfsinfo /bin/ntfsls /bin/ntfsmftalloc /bin/ntfsmove /bin/ntfstruncate /bin/ntfswipe /sbin/fsck.ntfs /sbin/mkfs.ntfs /sbin/mkntfs /sbin/ntfsclone /sbin/ntfscp /sbin/ntfslabel /sbin/ntfsresize /sbin/ntfsundelete /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12 /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12/AUTHORS /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12/COPYING /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12/CREDITS /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12/ChangeLog /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12/NEWS /usr/share/doc/ntfsprogs-2011.4.12/README /usr/share/man/man8/mkfs.ntfs.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/mkntfs.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfs-3g.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfs-3g.probe.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfs-3g.secaudit.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfs-3g.usermap.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscat.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsclone.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscluster.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscmp.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscp.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsfix.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsinfo.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfslabel.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsls.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsprogs.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsresize.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsundelete.8.gz

    顺便提一下 epel安装 gparted 也很方便虽然是0.6版本的,最新gparted是0.12了吧。有了epel 方便了我们许多。

    (原创)RHEL/CentOS 5.x使用第三方软件库(EPEL与RPMForge、RPMFusion软件库)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ayanmw/p/3077327.html
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