• 一些ADPlus配置文件的收集

    定断点在方法ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection 上, 一旦执行到这个方法, 就写log, 记录callstack, 并且打印寄存器的值. 定断点在地址77f5b380 上, 动作同前一个.

        Configuring ADPlus for breakpoints
       <!-- defining breakpoints -->
              <Address> ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection </Address>
              <Actions> Log;Stacks </Actions>  
              <CustomActions> r </CustomActions>  
              <Address> 77f5b380 </Address>
              <Actions> Log;Stacks </Actions>  
              <CustomActions> r </CustomActions>  

    设置条件断点, 发生异常的时候, 对esp进行计算后判断, 条件不满足时, 如何如何, 满足时抓dump.

          Configuring ADPlus to create a conditional breakpoint
          When using j we need to include the "g" command into each branch due to its special syntax
            with j everything after the two branches is ignored
          For this reason we need to use VOID in ReturnAction
          Note - when using j commands with breakpoints it may be more convenient to use gc instead of g
                 if you plan to do live debug; see documentation for gc in debugger.chm
        <!-- defining breakpoints -->
              <Address> mscorsvr!RaiseTheException </Address>
              <Type> BU </Type>
              <Actions> VOID </Actions>
             <CustomActions> j (poi(poi(poi(poi(esp+4))+8)+48) = 02000004) '.time;du poi((poi(esp+4)+10))+c;.dump /u /mfh d:\dumps\Insite.dmp;gc';'.time;du poi((poi(esp+4)+10))+c;gc'</CustomActions>
               <ReturnAction> VOID </ReturnAction>

    针对.net的某种特定类型的异常, 抓dump.

        <!-- Configuring ADPlus for custom actions on a given CLR exception -->
        <!-- First we load sos extension -->
       <!-- Next we use the !cce command to check if the exception is the one we are looking for -->
       <!-- Next we use a j command on $t1 to do what we want -->
       <!-- Replace UnhandledException_Console.MyCustomException below with the name of the exception you are looking for -->
        <!-- You need to put the GN in the two branches of the j command and use VOID in the ReturnACtion1 tag -->
            <!-- This is for the CLR exception -->
           <Code> clr </Code>
           <Actions1> Log </Actions1>
           <CustomActions1> !cce  UnhandledException_Console.MyCustomException 1; j ($t1 = 1) '.dump /ma /u c:\Dumps\MyCustom.dmp;gn' ; 'gn'  </CustomActions1>
           <ReturnAction1> VOID  </ReturnAction1>

    先创建一个exception, 利用这个exception的exception code作为标识, 抓dump.

        <!--Configuring ADPlus to monitor a custom exception -->
        <!--            Creating the exception     -->
               <Code> c000008f </Code>
               <Name> CustomExc_c000008f </Name>
        <!--            Configuring the  exception. Here we configure it to create a full dump and a log on first chance -->
           <Code> c000008f </Code>
           <Actions1> FullDump;Log </Actions1>




    <Cmd> .loadby sos mscorwks </Cmd>



    <Cmd> sxe -c "!soe  Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException 1;.if(@$t1==0) {g} .else {.dump /u /ma d:\\dumps\\dump1.dmp;g}" clr </Cmd>



    异常发生的时候, 打印异常, 和调用栈, 然后继续.



    <Cmd> .loadby sos mscorwks </Cmd>



    <Cmd> .logopen d:\dumps\debug.log;sxe -c "!pe;!clrstack;g" clr </Cmd>



    非crash, 进程正常退出的时候抓取dump.




              <Address> Kernel32!TerminateProcess;Kernel32!ExitProcess</Address>

              <Type> BP </Type>

              <Actions> FullDump;Stacks;Log  </Actions>

              <ReturnAction> G </ReturnAction>




    抓First Chance的Access Violation的dump.




                <!-- Break on CLR exception type -->

                <Code> AV </Code>

                <Actions1> Log;Stack;FullDump </Actions1>

                <Actions2> Log;Stack;FullDump </Actions2>

                <ReturnAction1> gn </ReturnAction1>




    拿到System.Web.RequestTimeoutManager.CancelTimedOutRequests方法的执行地址, 断点之, 断点入则抓dump. 这里值得注意的是使用.foreach命令跳过一些字符串拿到执行地址的技巧.

    <ADPlus Version='2'>

    <!-- Configuring ADPlus to log all first chance exceptions -->

    <!-- Will still create full dump for any type of second chance exceptions -->


    <keyword Name="loadbysos"> .loadby sos mscorwks </keyword>

    <keyword Name="GetJIT"> !name2ee System.web.dll System.Web.RequestTimeoutManager.CancelTimedOutRequests </keyword>

    <keyword Name="JITAddress"> .foreach /pS 0n12 ( record {!name2ee System.web.dll System.Web.RequestTimeoutManager.CancelTimedOutRequests}) { r $t1= ${record}; bp $t1+0x172 ".dump /ma /u ${AdpDumpDirEsc}\\Full Request timed out ${AdpProcName}_.dmp;g"; .printf"*breakpoint list*\n"; bl} </keyword>



    <Option> NoDumpOnFirst </Option>

    <RunMode> CRASH </RunMode>



    <DebugActions> loadbysos; GetJIT; JITAddress </DebugActions>



    参照上面的例子, 我自己写了一个. 在System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor 的众多版本中, 选出一个自己想要的, 断之, 抓dump. 注意这里的/ps 100, 用于跳过找到目标地址后面的输出, 100就是个较大的数, 只要大过name2ee命令输出的字符串数就可以了.

    <ADPlus Version='2'>
    <!-- Configuring ADPlus to log all first chance exceptions -->
    <!-- Will still create full dump for any type of second chance exceptions -->


    <keyword Name="loadbysos"> .loadby sos mscorwks </keyword>
    <keyword Name="GetJIT"> !name2ee System.Xml.dll System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor </keyword>
    <keyword Name="JITAddress"> .foreach /pS 0n51 /ps 0n100 (record {!name2ee System.Xml.dll System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor}) {r $t1= ${record}; bp $t1 ".dump /ma /u ${AdpDumpDirEsc}\\Full Request timed out ${AdpProcName}_.dmp;g"; .printf"*breakpoint list*\n"; bl} </keyword>

    <Option> NoDumpOnFirst </Option>
    <RunMode> CRASH </RunMode>

    <DebugActions> loadbysos; GetJIT; JITAddress </DebugActions>




    ADPlus Configuration File Samples


    ADPlus Configuration File to the rescue


    Ok, now how do I capture my dump?


    如何解决请求超时的HttpException异常 (ASP.NET 2.0 32-bit)


  • 相关阅读:
    Vs code背景图
    Js 运行机制和Event Loop
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/awpatp/p/2665578.html
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