• SharePoint 2010 Search的Performance Counters

    OSS Search Archival Plugin

    文档流过的Crawl Component Gather Application的每一个Archival Plugin的counter, 都在这个对象之中.



    Total documents


    Blocked documents


    Retried documents


    Bulk Insert Sessions


    Queues Available

    为filtering thread准备的可用的上传queue的数目.

    Queues Filtering

    正在被filter threads使用的queue的数目.

    Queues Waiting

    The number of queues waiting to flush data to the property store.

    等待将数据flush到property store的queue的数目.

    Queues Committing

    用于Commit changes和完成上传的queue的数量.

    OSS Search FAST Content Plugin



    Items Total

    The total number of documents submitted for processing.

    Items Success

    The number of documents which have been successfully indexed.

    Items Failed Individually

    The number of documents which failed prior to indexing.

    Items Open

    The number of documents that are currently being processed. (neither successful nor failed)

    Items Failed Batch

    The number of documents which failed because the batch containing them failed

    Items Ignored

    Documents that failed in an MSS component external to the content plug-in

    Items No Index

    Documents with a "noindex" flag from the crawler

    Items Warnings

    Number of FS14 document warnings received

    Items Retried

    The number of documents which have been resubmitted individually after failing as part of a batch

    Items In Robot Threads

    The number of sessions the gatherer has open via the content plug-in

    Batches Total

    The total number of batches submitted for processing.

    Batches Success

    The number of batches which have been successfully indexed.

    Batches Failed

    The number of batches which failed prior to indexing

    Batches Open

    The number of batches that are currently being processed. (neither successful nor failed)

    Batches Ready

    Number of batches that have been queued up and are not yet submitted to FS14.

    Batches Submitted

    Number of batches that have been submitted to FS14 but which have not yet completed processing.

    Avg End-To-End Time

    The average time from document initialization to completion of indexing

    Avg Init Time

    The average time from document initialization until the document has been placed into a batch for submission

    Avg Wait Time

    The average time from when a document is placed into a batch until the first attempt to submit the batch to FS14

    Avg Submit Time

    The average time from the first attempt to submit a document's batch until FS14 acknowledges the batch has successfully been received for processing

    Avg Callback Time

    The average time between acknowledgement of a batch submission and the receipt of a final success or failure callback

    Transactions Add Started

    Number of add operations initialized

    Transactions Update Started

    Number of update operations initialized

    Transactions Delete Started

    Number of delete operations initialized

    Transactions Add Completed

    Number of add operations completed

    Transactions Update Completed

    Number of update operations complete

    Transactions Delete Completed

    Number of delete operations completed

    Submitter Threads

    The number of threads that are submitting batches to FS14.

    Submitter Thread Idle Time

    Time spent in submitter threads not doing anything.

    Submitter Thread Submit Time

    Time spent registering batches with FS14.

    Submitter Thread Idle Time Base


    Submitter Thread Submit Time Base


    Feed Rate Item

    The number of documents processed per second.

    Feed Rate Data

    The document feed rate in megabytes per second

    Items Failed Timeout

    The number of items which timed out while waiting for a success or failure callback from FS14

    Items Failed Total

    The total number of items which have failed for any reason.

    Submission Timeouts

    The total number of times a batch timed out while submitting to FS14. (includes multiple retries for same batch)

    Batches Failed Timeout

    The number of batches which timed out while waiting for a success or failure callback from FS14.

    OSS Search Gatherer



    Admin Clients

    The number of currently connected administrative clients.


    The total number of heartbeats counted since startup. A heartbeat occurs once every 10 seconds while the service is running. If the service is not running there will be no heartbeat and the number of ticks will not be incremented.

    Heartbeats Rate

    Displays one heartbeat every 10 seconds.

    Filtering Threads

    The total number of filtering threads in the system. This number is calculated based on your system resources.

    Idle Threads

    The number of threads waiting for documents.

    Document Entries

    The number of document entries currently in memory. Zero means no indexing activity is going on.

    Performance Level

    Indicates the level of the amount of system resources that the Gatherer service is allowed to use.

    Active Queue Length

    The number of documents waiting for robot threads. If this number is not 0, all threads should be filtering.

    Filter Processes Active

    The number of filtering processes in the system.

    Filter Processes Terminated 01

    The total number of times a filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it exceeded the memory quota.

    Filter Processes Created

    The total number of times a filter process was created or restarted. Having too many filter processes created indicates that filtering is having trouble with the data in the documents.

    Delayed Documents

    The number of documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules.

    Server Objects

    The number of servers recently accessed by the system.

    Server Objects Created

    The number of times a new server object had to be created.

    Filter Objects

    The number of filter objects in the system. Each filter object corresponds to a URL currently being filtered.

    Documents Filtered

    The number of times a filter object was created. This corresponds to the total number of documents filtered in the system since startup.

    Documents Filtered Rate

    The number of documents filtered per second.

    Accessing Robots.Txt File

    The number of current requests for robots.txt. Robots.txt is requested by the system implicitly, for every host, through HTTP.

    Robots.Txt Requests

    The total number of requests for robots.txt.

    Time Outs

    The total number of timeouts detected by the system since startup.

    Servers Currently Unavailable

    A server becomes unavailable when a number of requests to that server time out.

    Servers Unavailable

    A server becomes unavailable when a number of requests to that server time out.

    Threads Accessing Network

    The number of threads waiting for a response from the filter process. If no activity is going on and this number is equal to number of filtering threads, it may indicate a network problem or unavailability of the server it is crawling.

    Threads In Plug-ins

    The number of threads waiting for plug-ins to complete an operation.

    Documents Successfully Filtered

    The number of documents successfully filtered.

    Documents Successfully Filtered Rate

    The number of successfully filtered documents per second.

    Word Breakers Cached

    Number of available cached word breakers instances

    Stemmers Cached

    Number of available cached stemmer instances. Too many may indicate a resource usage problem.

    System IO traffic rate

    System IO (disk) traffic rate in KB/s detected by back off logic

    Threads Committing Transactions

    The number of threads committing transactions.

    Threads Processing Links

    The number of threads processing links.

    Threads Loading Transactions

    The number of threads loading transactions from the persisted crawl queue.

    ThreadTime 01 NotActive

    Percentage of time threads real or potential up to the max count of thread objects spent being inactive.

    ThreadTime 02 FilterDriverInit

    Percentage of time spent initializing filtering

    ThreadTime 03 Connect

    Percentage of time spent binding to a filter session

    ThreadTime 04 GetStandardProperties

    Percentage of time spent getting the standard set of properties for a document

    ThreadTime 05 PHData

    Percentage of time spent getting procotol handler data from the filter daemon

    ThreadTime 06 IFilterData

    Percentage of time spent getting IFilter data from the filter daemon

    ThreadTime 07 WordBreaking

    Percentage of time spent tokenizing strings

    ThreadTime 08 IndexerPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the PluginsIndexer

    ThreadTime 09 ArchivalPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the ArchivalPlugin

    ThreadTime 10 FeatureExtractionPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the FeatureExtractionPlugin

    ThreadTime 11 MatrixPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the MatrixPlugin

    ThreadTime 12 ScopesPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the ScopesPlugin

    ThreadTime 13 RankingPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the RankingPlugin

    ThreadTime 14 GathererPlugin

    Percentage of time spent by the GathererPlugin

    ThreadTime 15 OtherPlugins

    Percentage of time spent by OtherPlugins

    ThreadTime 16 CatchAllProcessing

    Percentage of time spent as a catch all inbetween other totals

    DocProcessTime 01 Loading

    Percentage of time spent loading the gatherer transaction

    DocProcessTime 02 Delayed

    Percentage of time spent throttled in the delay state

    DocProcessTime 03 Connect

    Percentage of time spent connecting, binding to the filter

    DocProcessTime 04 StandardProperties

    Percentage of time spent getting standard properties

    DocProcessTime 05 Filtering

    Percentage of time spent getting filtered data, tokeninzing and processing it

    DocProcessTime 06 SyncCompletion

    Percentage of time spent in synchronous completion

    DocProcessTime 07 PropertyStore

    Percentage of extra time spent by asyncrhonous update of the property store

    DocProcessTime 08 Merge

    Percentage of extra time spent by asynchronous merging in the indexer

    DocProcessTime 09 Propagation

    Percentage of extra time spent by propagating data

    DocProcessTime 10 FinalCommit

    Percentage of time spent in final commit

    Changes Processed

    Number of changes retrived from a repository that supports change log crawl

    Filter Processes Active Primary

    The number of primary filtering processes in the system.

    Filter Processes Active Secondary

    The number of secondary filtering processes in the system.

    Filter Processes Active Dedicated

    The number of dedicated filtering processes in the system.

    Filter Processes Active Dedicated Secondary

    The number of dedicated secondary filtering processes in the system.

    Filter Processes Created Primary

    The total number of times a primary filter process was created or restarted.

    Filter Processes Created Secondary

    The total number of times a secondary filter process was created or restarted.

    Filter Processes Created Dedicated

    The total number of times a dedicated filter process was created or restarted.

    Filter Processes Created Dedicated Secondary

    The total number of times a dedicated secondary filter process was created or restarted.

    Filter Processes Terminated Primary 01

    The total number of times a primary filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it exceeded the memory quota.

    Filter Processes Terminated Secondary 01

    The total number of times a secondary filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it exceeded the memory quota.

    Filter Processes Terminated Dedicated 01

    The total number of times a dedicated filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it exceeded the memory quota.

    Filter Processes Terminated Dedicated Secondary 01

    The total number of times a dedicated secondary filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it exceeded the memory quota.

    Filter Processes Terminated Primary 02

    The total number of times a primary filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it timed out.

    Filter Processes Terminated Secondary 02

    The total number of times a secondary filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it timed out.

    Filter Processes Terminated Dedicated 02

    The total number of times a dedicated filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it timed out.

    Filter Processes Terminated Dedicated Secondary 02

    The total number of times a dedicated secondary filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it timed out.

    Filter Processes Terminated 02

    The total number of times a filter process was terminated by the gatherer because it timed out.

    OSS Search Gatherer Databases



    Links processed

    The number of links processed.

    Links Waiting to be processed

    The number of links waiting to be processed.

    Documents in the crawl queue

    The number of documents waiting in the crawl queue.

    Documents in the crawl history

    The number of documents in the crawl history.

    OSS Search Gatherer Projects



    Documents Success

    The number of successfully filtered documents.

    Documents Success Rate

    The number of successfully filtered documents per second.

    Documents Error

    The number of filtered documents which returned an error.

    Documents Error Rate

    The number of filtered documents which returned an error per second.

    Documents Processed

    The number of documents processed since the history has been reset.

    Documents Processed Rate

    The number of documents processed per second.

    Documents Deleted

    The number of delete notifications.

    Documents Not Modified

    The number of documents which were not filtered because no modification was detected since the last crawl.

    Documents Security Only

    The number of documents in the security only crawl

    Transactions In Progress

    The number of documents in progress.

    Transactions On Hold

    The number of documents on hold because a document with the same URL is currently in process.

    Transactions Delayed

    The number of documents delayed due to site hit frequency rules.

    Transactions Waiting

    The number of documents waiting to be processed. When this number goes to zero the catalog is idle. This number indicates the total queue size of unprocessed documents in the gatherer.

    Transactions Completed

    The number of elemented in the complete transactions queue

    Transactions Started

    The number of documents initiated into the Gatherer service. This includes the number of documents on hold, in the active queue, and currently filtered. When this number goes to zero during a crawl, it means the crawl will be done soon.

    Transactions in filters

    The number of documents currently being filtered.

    HTTP Errors

    The number of HTTP errors received.

    HTTP Errors Rate

    The number of HTTP errors received per second

    File Errors

    The number of file protocol errors received while getting documents.

    File Errors Rate

    The number of file protocol errors received per second.

    Accessed HTTP

    The number of documents accessed via HTTP.

    Accessed HTTP Rate

    The number of documents accessed via HTTP per second.

    Accessed Files

    The number of documents accessed via file system.

    Accessed File Rate

    The number of documents accessed via file system per second.

    Filtered HTML

    The number of HTML documents filtered.

    Filtered HTML Rate

    The number of HTML documents filtered per second.

    Filtered Office

    The number of office documents filtered.

    Filtered Office Rate

    The number of office documents filtered per second.

    Filtered Text

    The number of text documents filtered.

    Filtered Text Rate

    The number of text documents filtered per second.

    Crawls in progress

    Number of crawls in progress.

    Gatherer Paused Flag

    The Gatherer paused flag indicates if the Gatherer has been paused.

    Gatherer Recovery In Progress Flag

    The recovery in progress flag indicates if recovery is currently in progress. Indexing will not be resumed until this flag is off.

    Gatherer Locked Flag

    The Gatherer locked flag indicates if the Gatherer has been locked.

    Incremental Crawls

    Number of incremental crawls in progress.


    The total number of times a document access has been retried. Having this number high may indicate a problem with accessing the data.

    Retries Rate

    The number of retries per second.

    Links discovered

    The number of links discovered by the gatherer

    Links discovered and not crawled

    The number of links discovered and recorded by the gatherer, but not crawled

    Documents NoIndex

    Number of documents processed by the gatherer but not available in search results

    Documents Security Only Error

    The number of errors in the security only crawl

    Transactions in the locked queue

    The number of documents waiting in the gatherer locked queue

    Gatherer Master Flag

    The Gatherer master flag indicates if the Gatherer is controlling the crawls. There is only one master Gatherer per Search Application.

    OSS Search Indexer Plugin



    Master Index Level

    The level of the master index

    Master Merges to Date

    Number of master merges to date

    Master Merge Progress

    Master merge progress

    Shadow Merge Levels

    Shadow merge levels

    Shadow Merge Levels Threshold

    Shadow merge levels threshold

    Persistent Indexes

    Number of persistent indexes

    Index Size

    Size of index

    Unique Keys

    Number of unique keys

    Documents Filtered

    Number of documents filtered

    Work Items Created

    Number of work items created for updating indexes

    Work Items Deleted

    Number of work items completed for updating indexes

    Up-To-Date Document ID Files

    Number of document ID files with no outstanding work items

    Out-Of-Date Document ID Files

    Number of document ID files with outstanding work items

    Master Merges Now

    Indicates whether a master merge in progress

    Active Connections

    Active connections


    Number of queries

    Queries Failed

    Number of queries failed

    Queries Succeeded

    Number of queries succeeded

    L0 Indexes - Wordlists

    The number of L0 Indexes (Wordlists)

    L0 Merges - flushes Now

    The number of L0 merges - flushes currently in progress

    L0 Merge- Flush Speed - Average

    The average spped (documents/hour) of L0 merges - flushes since the catalog was loaded

    L0 Merge - Flush - Count

    The number of L0 merges - flushes since the catalog was loaded

    L0 Merge - Flush Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L0 merge (flush).

    Persistent Indexes L1

    The number of L1 indexes

    L1 Merges Now

    The number of L1 merges currently in progress

    L1 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L1 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L1 Merge - Count

    The number of L1 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L1 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L1 merge

    Persistent Indexes L2

    The number of L2 indexes

    L2 Merges Now

    The number of L2 merges currently in progress

    L2 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L2 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L2 Merge - Count

    The number of L2 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L2 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L2 merge

    Persistent Indexes L3

    The number of L3 indexes

    L3 Merges Now

    The number of L3 merges currently in progress

    L3 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L3 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L3 Merge - Count

    The number of L3 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L3 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L3 merge

    Persistent Indexes L4

    The number of L4 indexes

    L4 Merges Now

    The number of L4 merges currently in progress

    L4 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L4 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L4 Merge - Count

    The number of L4 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L4 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L4 merge

    Persistent Indexes L5

    The number of L5 indexes

    L5 Merges Now

    The number of L5 merges currently in progress

    L5 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L5 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L5 Merge - Count

    The number of L5 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L5 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L5 merge

    Persistent Indexes L6

    The number of L6 indexes

    L6 Merges Now

    The number of L6 merges currently in progress

    L6 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L6 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L6 Merge - Count

    The number of L6 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L6 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L6 merge

    Persistent Indexes L7

    The number of L7 indexes

    L7 Merges Now

    The number of L7 merges currently in progress

    L7 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L7 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L7 Merge - Count

    The number of L7 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L7 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L7 merge

    Persistent Indexes L8

    The number of L8 indexes

    L8 Merges Now

    The number of L8 merges currently in progress

    L8 Merge Speed - Average

    The average speed (documents/hour) of L8 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L8 Merge - Count

    The number of L8 merges since the catalog was loaded

    L8 Merge Speed - Last

    The speed (documents/hour) of the most recent L8 merge

    Average Query Latency

    Average latency of queries over the last minute

    Tasks - Index Propagator

    The number of tasks in queue of index propagator

    Indexes - Propagated Successfully

    The number of indexes propagated successfully

    Indexes - Errors In Propagation

    The number of errors in propagation

    Tasks - Index Receiver

    The number of tasks in queue of index receiver

    Indexes - Received Successfully

    The number of indexes received successfully

    Indexes - Errors In Reception

    The number of errors in reception

    Tasks - Propogation Task Sender

    The number of tasks in the queue of propogation task sender

    Scope Compilations - Propogation Task Sender

    The number of scope compilations occured in propogation task sender

    Scope Compilations - Propogation Task Receiver

    The number of scope compilations occured in propogation task receiver

    Propagation Rate

    Propagation rate in bytes/millisecond

    Documents in Propagation

    The number of documents that are in indexes that are being propagated to query components

    Average Exec Time Create

    The average execution time to create a query restriction

    Average Exec Time Resolve

    The average execution time to resolve a query

    Average Exec Time GetRows

    The average execution time to get row results for a query

    Average Exec Time Other

    The average execution time spent in other parts of a query, apart from Create, Resolve and GetRows

    Average CPU Time Create

    The average CPU time to create a query restriction

    Average CPU Time Resolve

    The average CPU time to resolve a query

    Average CPU Time GetRows

    The average CPU time to get row results for a query

    Average CPU Time Other

    The average CPU time spent in other parts of a query, apart from Create, Resolve and GetRows

    Average Exec Time Create Unsorted Cursor

    Average execution time to create initial unsorted cursor

    Average CPU Time Create Unsorted Cursor

    Average CPU time to create initial unsorted cursor

    Average Exec Time Rank Stage 1 With Precalc

    Average execution time for first stage of ranking with precalculation

    Average CPU Time Rank Stage 1 With Precalc

    Average CPU time for first stage of ranking with precalc

    Average Exec Time Rank Stage 1 Without Precalc

    Average execution time for first stage of ranking without precalculation

    Average CPU Time Rank Stage 1 Without Precalc

    Average CPU time for first stage of ranking without precalc

    Average Exec Time Rank Stage 2

    Average execution time for second stage of ranking

    Average CPU Time Rank Stage 2

    Average CPU time for second stage of ranking

    Persistent Indexes Propagated

    Number of persistent propagated indexes that are not yet available for queries

    OSS Search Query Processor



    Security Descriptor Cache Misses

    The number of security descriptors that were required during a query but were not cached and were retrieved from the database.

    OSS Search Schema Plugin



    Total documents

    The number of documents processed.

    Aliases Mapped

    The total number of aliases which have been mapped.

    Aliases loaded

    The total number of aliases currently loaded.

    Duplicate aliases

    The number of aliases ignored since they are duplicates.

    Total properties processed

    The number of properties processed by the plugin.

    Refresh count

    The number of aliases refreshes done from the database.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/awpatp/p/2063328.html
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