• 反向代理

    Reverse proxy server software

    • aiCache is a commercial reverse proxy and a caching reverse proxy.
    • Airlock, a Web Application Firewall developed and marketed by the Swiss company Ergon Informatik AG. It offers SSL termination, upstream authentication, blacklist and white-list filtering as well as load balancing capabilities.
    • Apache HTTP Server may be extended with mod_proxy to be used as a reverse proxy; a caching reverse proxy server may be configured using the mod_cache module in conjunction with mod_proxy.[3]
    • Apache Traffic Server, an open source, high-performance routing and caching server.
    • ApplianSys CACHEbox is a high-performance HTTP/HTTPS/FTP caching proxy appliance supporting reverse- as well as forward deployment modes.
    • Arahe SiteCelerate is a commercial high performance reverse proxy with caching and compression. It offers image and text compression.
    • Armorlogic Profense, an advanced reverse proxy (with web application firewall module) and content load balancer.
    • Blue Coat Systems ProxySG, a forward proxy that can also be used as a reverse proxy.
    • F5 Networks BIG-IP can be used as a reverse proxy with load balancing capabilities and has an optional application security module (ASM) to protect against attacks.
    • Cherokee can be used as a reverse proxy as well as a web server and load balancer.
    • HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications.
    • LBL®LoadBalancer, new generation applications high availability mission-critical, business-critical load balancer. LBL®LoadBalancer is a module of LBL®A.A.I.(Application Availability Infrastructure).
    • GoAnywhere Gateway, an enhanced reverse proxy that allows FTP, FTPS, SFTP and HTTP services without exposing sensitive files in the DMZ or opening incoming ports into the internal network.
    • Internet Information Services 7.0 with URL Rewrite v2 and Application Request Routing can act as a reverse proxy.[4]
    • Lighttpd can be used as a reverse proxy with load balancing capabilities.
    • LiteSpeed Web Server can be used as a transparent reverse proxy server running in front of any web server or application server that supports the HTTP protocol.
    • McAfee Web Gateway is a product that can act as a reverse proxy. It also provides SSL decryption, caching, anti-virusanti-spam and other threat detection features.
    • Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (Forefront TMG), formerly known as Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server), is a commercial proxy, firewall and caching solution by Microsoft.
    • Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (Forefront UAG).
    • Citrix Systems Netscaler ADC, A hardware and software solution providing advanced application and service delivery. Netscaler is a reverse-proxy with high-speed load balancing and content switching, data compression, content caching, SSL acceleration, network optimization, application visibility and application security on a single platform.Citrix Netscaler ADC
    • Nginx is a web- and reverse proxy server.
    • Novell Access Manager is a commercial security solution which includes a reverse proxy, a policy-based access manager, and SSL VPN. All components use an LDAP-like directory or federation with Liberty and others.
    • Perlbal is a Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server.
    • PortFusion is an open-source, tiny, multi-protocol, distributed reverse proxy mainly for windows, and for all types of TCP-based traffic. Developed at the University of Heidelberg for remote administration and web service routing. Its focus is on maximum throughput, small binary and source code size and easy configuration from the command line.
    • Pound is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s).
    • USP Secure Entry Server™, a Reverse Proxy developed and marketed by Switzerland's United Security Providers AG. It offers SSL termination, filtering, quality of application, integration engine as well as secure login service with a wide range of authentication protocols.
    • Squid is a proxy server that may be installed in a reverse proxy configuration.Squid is free software, released under the GNU General Public License.
    • Stunnel can be used as a local SSL reverse proxy.
    • Sun Java System Web Server includes a reverse proxy module with load-balancing capabilities.
    • Tinyproxy is a minimalistic HTTP proxy which can be configured to work as a reverse proxy.
    • Tivoli Access Manager for eBusiness, WebSEAL is one of IBM's security products with WebSEAL being the reverse proxy.
    • Varnish Cache is a performance-focused, open source reverse proxy. It has a policy configuration language to allow for extension. It features ESI, SaintMode, DNS director, built-in Load Balancing and native support for Varnish Modules written in C.
    • WinGate supports reverse-proxying with SSL, authentication, and multiple virtual hosts.
    • Zeus is a product that can function as both a forward and reverse proxy, as well as content load balancer.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/avenxia/p/2411527.html
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